The 1975 film by Georgi Daneliya "Afonya" was an unexpected commercial hit in USSR. The main character "Afonya" Borshev is a plumber, who spends his life partying with "buddies", many of whom he doesn't even remember after nights of heavy drinking. His wife leaves him, his boss places him on probation, his whole life is falling apart, but he doesn't realize it. Afonya met Katya at a dance club, yet didn't pay her much attention. But she is the one, who can save him... In this movie Daneliya achieves a perfect balance of satire and drama. Quotes from the movie gained a cult status in USSR.

Hirayama is content with his life as a toilet cleaner in Tokyo. Outside of his structured routine, he cherishes music on cassette tapes, books, and taking photos of trees. Through unexpected encounters, he reflects on finding beauty in the world.

Da verden faldt, bliver unge Furiosa revet fra Mange mødres Grønne Sted og falder i hænderne på en stor Biker Horde ledet af Warlord Dementus. Da de fejer gennem ødemarken, støder de på citadellet, præsideret af The Immortan Joe. Mens de to tyranner kæmper for dominans, må Furiosa overleve mange prøvelser, da hun sammensætter midlerne til at finde vej hjem.

When one of her students is suspected of theft, teacher Carla Nowak decides to get to the bottom of the matter. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.

Den udstationerede militærmand Markus må tage hjem til sin teenagedatter Mathilde, da hans kone dør i en tragisk togulykke. Det ligner en tilfældighed, indtil matematiknørden Otto dukker op med sine to excentriske kollegaer Lennart og Emmenthaler. Otto var selv passager på det forulykkede tog og er overbevist om, nogen må stå bag. Som indicierne hober sig op, står det klart for Markus, at det måske var et nøje orkestreret attentat, som hans kone tilfældigt blev offer for.

3:10 To Yuma , der er en af de bedste, af de klassiske westerns fra 1950'erne, har Glenn Ford i hovedrollen, som den lovløse Ben Wade, og Felicia Farr som barpigen, der forelsker sig i ham. Efter et røveri og drab bliver Wade og hans bande fanget. Wades mænd flygter fra fængslet, og nu venter de på en chance til at redde ham. Autoriteterne har mistanke om, at et flugtforsøg er under opsejling, så de prøver at finde en vagt, der kan føre Wade med toget til Yuma, hvor han skal for retten. Marshallen udlover en dusør, og Dan Evans (Van Heflin), en fattig gårdejer, der er blevet hårdt ramt af tørken, påtager sig opgaven. Hans kone bønfalder ham om at redde sit liv ved at lade Wade gå, men for Evans er det et spørgsmål om både principper og penge. Han henter Wade og påbegynder den farefulde tur til stationen.

Small town in Italy, end of the 19th century. Luciano, a drunk, doesn't fit in the town. Rebelion against authority and a forbidden love makes him to commit a crime accidentally. To pay for his crime, he is forced into exile on the most remote island in the world, Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego. The hunt for the shipwreck treasure hidden on the island becomes his opportunity for redemption.

Den rodløse immigrant får et overraskende besøg af hans kusine fra Budapest, og, sammen med hans ven Eddie, ender de på en lang køretur gennem Amerika.

An independent woman can't choose between the two men she loves.

Shoyo Hinata joins Karasuno High's volleyball club to be like his idol, a former Karasuno player known as the 'Little Giant'. But Hinata soon learns that he must team up with his middle school nemesis, Tobio Kageyama. Their clashing styles form a surprising weapon, but can their newfound teamwork defeat their rival Nekoma High in the highly anticipated 'Dumpster Battle', the long awaited ultimate showdown between two opposing underdog teams?

En tidligere marinesoldat trodser korruptionen i en lille by, hvor det lokale politi uretmæssigt beslaglægger den pose kontanter, han skal bruge til sin fætters kaution.

Vanskabte land udspiller sig i slutningen af det 19. århundrede, da en ung dansk præst Lucas bliver udsendt til en fjerntliggende del af Island for at bygge en kirke og fotografere den del af befolkningen, som han møder på sin vej. Men jo dybere han rejser ind i det ubarmhjertige og golde islandske landskab, ledsaget af sin guide, jo mere mister han fornemmelsen af sin egen virkelighed, sin mission og sin pligtopfyldende moral. Da han når frem til den lille bebyggelse, hvor der skaffes plads til ham hos den danske købmand og hans to døtre, sættes hans tro og ærbarhed på en alvorlig prøve.

Jules er en drag-kunstner i London, der trækker sig ind i sig selv og mister sin karriere efter et forfærdeligt angreb. Måneder senere genkender han en af ​​sine overfaldsmænd i en homo-sauna og indser hurtigt, at han har den perfekte mulighed for at få hævn.

A man takes his wife and their teenage children on a road trip down memory lane while facing divorce.

Ben and Laura are a passionate but volatile couple who embark on a round-the-world sailing adventure to give their relationship a new start. During their trip, they decide to explore a vast deserted island which they discover off the coast of Chile. Caught in a violent storm, they shelter in an abandoned whaling station for the night but wake up the next morning to find their boat has disappeared. Stranded in a hostile environment with no means of communication, dwindling supplies and winter approaching they must work together in a life and death battle for survival, that will challenge their feelings and change their relationship forever.

Tomas and Martin are a gay couple living in Paris whose marriage is thrown into crisis when Tomas impulsively begins a passionate affair with young schoolteacher Agathe. But when Martin begins an affair of his own, Tomas must confront life decisions he may be unprepared—or unwilling—to deal with.

Fanny and Jean have everything of an ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer.

Ten minutes a day can change the course of your day. Ten minutes doing something completely new can change the course of a life. This is what Bianca will discover in the midst of an existential crisis. New meetings, the discovery of special bonds and listening to those who have always loved us. Sometimes it doesn't take much to start over and this film teaches us this, through a warm and passionate story of rebirth.

Oprørerne ruster sig til kamp mod moderverdenens hensynsløse kræfter, mens ubrydelige bånd knyttes, helte opstår og legender skabes.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.