Zohre's shoes are gone; her older brother Ali lost them. They are poor, there are no shoes for Zohre until they come up with an idea: they will share one pair of shoes. School awaits.

A documentary focused on plastic pollution in the world's oceans.

17-year-old Cyril is funny, smart and an all-round good guy. Just his somewhat overlarge nose spoils the picture. On a school trip to Berlin with Roxy, a stunning new classmate, Cyril is not the only one taken with her. Benno, the class Casanova has his eye on the girl too and makes a nasty wager. Roxy is more interested in the introverted Rick, who is not only shy but also slow. Cyril hastens with his spoken word skills to Rick's aid, and falls head over heels in love with Roxy himself. So whose brave heart will win the fair lady?

Berlín, febrer de 1943. El règim nacional socialista declara la capital del Reich lliure de jueus. Dels 7.000 jueus que aconseguiren passar a la clandestinitat, prop de 1.700 van sobreviure als horrors de la guerra a Berlín.

A woman walks into a New York gallery with a cache of unknown masterworks. Thus begins a story of art world greed, willfulness and a high-stakes con.

1947, L'Índia. Louis Mountbatten assumeix el lloc d'últim virrei sota el domini britànic, per tornar la sobirania al poble, posar punt i final a l'Imperi Britànic i donar pas al naixement de dues noves nacions: la República de l'Índia i el Pakistan.

The father of a family of North African immigrants living on a Paris housing estate finds it hard to impose his will on his two teenage daughters. Lya, 17, and Chirine, 18, respond to their father’s bouts of violence by rebelling in the same way as most French adolescents. When Chirine is offered work as a model, she jumps at the chance, but soon realizes she may be about to fall into the prostitution racket...

A mother takes her two sons on an unusual road trip from New York to Pittsburgh, St. Louis and eventually Hollywood in her quest to find a man to take care of them all.

Una jove està decidida a complir el somni de la seva mare difunta d'obrir una pastisseria al barri de Notting Hill, a Londres. Per fer-ho demana ajuda a la seva excèntrica àvia i a la millor amiga de la seva mare.

Harvey Shine és un músic de Nova York que treballa en el món de la publicitat. Harvey passa per un mal moment tant a la seva vida professional com personal, però durant un viatge a Londres coneix Kate, una dona soltera de mitjana edat amb una vida molt grisa. Malgrat això, Harvey s'hi sent atret, i entre ells s'establirà una relació que canviarà per sempre les seves vides.

Les Charlots, a French rock group, continue their adventures, in the manner of the Beatles in Hard Day's Night. This is their second adventure. The foursome are on holiday, camping outside a village. The Olympic flame is going to pass through the village. A grocer, charged to prepare a celebration, calls upon the four to help. One of the four falls for the grocer's daughter. However, she runs away after the sportsman carrying the flame. The foursome set of to find her and win her back.

Januari 1963. Ondanks het barre weer besluit het bestuur van het Friese Elfstedencomité, onder druk van de media, met de kleinst mogelijke meerderheid van stemmen, dat de Elfstedentocht doorgaat. Tussen de duizenden die een startbewijs veroveren bevinden zich soldaat Henk Buma (Cas Janssen), boerenzoon Sjoerd Lelkama (Lourens van den Akker), arbeider Kees Ferwerda (Chris Zegers) en verpleegkundige Annemiek (Chava voor in 't Holt). Alle vier hebben zo hun reden om deze tocht der tochten te rijden. Door de dramatische en heroïsche gebeurtenissen zal deze Elfstedentocht, ook voor Henk, Sjoerd, Kees en Annemiek, als een van de meest legendarische de geschiedenis ingaan.

A prince from Europe meets a charming waitress when he travels to America during the Christmas holiday to escape an arranged marriage.

France, a factory worker, lives with her three daughters in Dunkirk. The factory where she worked has been closed, leaving France and all of her workmates without a job. She decides to go to Paris to look for work. There she finds a cleaning job at the home of a rich man, Steve, whose world is radically different from her own. As their paths keep crossing, she discovers that her employer played a part in closing the factory in Dunkirk...

True love is not about perfection, it is hidden in flaws. The movie 'Mutluluk Zamani' (Time of Happiness) tells the story of Mert (Baris Arduc) who creates his 'perfect' life without facing his past and Ada (Elcin Sangu) who builds her own way of life based on all of her past experiences.

A desperate couple uses a doctor's controversial method to revive their comatose daughter.

Intertwined stories of 50somethings that won't give up on their glory days

La Wren, una directora d'una organització d'ajuda humanitària, coneix el Miguel, un metge apassionat que dedica la seva vida a treballar als països més perillosos de l'Àfrica. La Wren i el Miguel s'enamoren i intenten mantenir viva la flama del seu amor envoltats per la violència i la incertesa del món on viuen. Però la passió que comparteixen per salvar vides és tan intensa com diferents són els seus punts de vista a l'hora d'enfrontar-se als conflictes en què es veuen imme

Un llibre d'autoajuda, escrit per un home solitari, influencia i fa confluir la vida de diferents persones.

Four separate stories deal with stereotypical ideas about Jews: their alleged influence on politics, the stereotype of Jewish business-mindedness, the Mossad, the Jewish world conspiracy and the memory of the Holocaust.