James Stewart har hovedrollen og spiller sammen med Farley Granger og John Dall i denne stærktladede gyser, der er inspireret af virkelighedens Leopold-Loeb mordsag. Granger og Dall giver fængslende skildringer af to venner, der kvæler en klassekammerat ud fra en intellektuel hypotese - og derefter holder en fest for offerets familie og venner med liget proppet ned i en kuffert, som de bruger som anretterbord. Da morderne begynder at tale om muligheden for at udføre det "perfekte mord", bliver deres tidligere lærer (Stewart) mere og mere mistænksom. Før natten er omme, vil professoren opdage, hvor brutalt hans studerende har omdannet hans akademiske teorier til skrækindjagende realitet i denne film, hvor Hitchock har begivet sig ind i det makabre på en højst fascinerende måde.

Intertwined stories from the gladiator/athletes participating to the Calcio Storico Fiorentino yearly championship.

The Gestapo forces con man Victorio Bardone to impersonate a dead partisan general in order to extract information from his fellow inmates.

Has Matthew been wasting his life? He’s 29 years old with 4 memberships at adult video stores, 55 tapes of compiled porn, and absolutely nothing to show for it: no girlfriend, no ambition, only a big stack of porn. Run Run It's Him is the true to life story of what happens when man stays too long in his apartment having sex with himself. It is also a funny, honest and optimistic look at the way porn affects people’s lives in the 21st century.

Tells about Adin with his father and mother who are waiting for the announcement for Adin to go to the next level of education. Although enthusiastic, the worries of Mr and Mrs were mixed with the prayers and hopes that were held for Adin in the future.

Pretty Joy and her friend come to Moscow to shoot a commercial. A taxi driver, who recruits girls for an underground organization run by a distant descendant of Rasputin, suggests they visit the Rasputin Museum. During the tour, the girls are hypnotized by the evil character, who hypnotizes his victims before using their charms to seduce the rich tourists.

Dokumentarfilm om de 400 likvideringer, som modstandsbevægelsen foretog i Danmark under besættelsen. En række af de folk, der deltog i likvideringerne, fortæller efter langvarig tavshed og for første gang på film om deres oplevelser og konsekvenserne heraf. Det var ikke gratis. Efter krigen blev likvideringerne mørklagt. Det var en bevidst politik, og også dette var medvirkende til, at drabene har trukket blodige spor gennem mange menneskers liv. Filmen, der baserer sig på Peter Øvig Knudsens bog "Efter Drabet", består af interviews, dokumentaroptagelser og rekonstruktioner af begivenheder.

The Return is a 2016 documentary directed by Emmy Award winning director Erich Joiner chronicling Ford GT's return to 24 Hours of Le Mans after their 1966 1-2-3 victory.

A man with a grudge against the late Little Joe seeks revenge on the Cartwrights and attempts to take over the Ponderosa.

The powerful evil wizard Tarabas gets knowledge about a prophecy that a king's child will defeat him. So he sends out his army of dead soldiers to kidnap all royal children. When the soldiers attack Fantaghiro's castle to steal the babies of her sisters, the battle seems to be lost until she discovers the secret to defeat the solders but by doing that she loses Romualdo. Now Fantaghiro must find the evil wizard Tarabas and convince him to break the spell and bring back Romualdo.

Et billede af det danske folks liv i tiden fra slutningen af 1820'erne til indførelsen af den frie forfatning i 1849. En opdigtet person, Rasmus Nielsen, drager landet rundt, først som vandrelærer, senere i andre bestillinger, og gennem hans oplevelser føres vi ind i forskellige befolkningsgruppers kår. Den centrale figur i skildringen af de historiske personer er politikeren Orla Lehmann.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

An excellent comprehensive look at all the music that came out of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati "Rock Legends" "James Brown" "King Records" "Pure Prairie League" "Lemon Pipers" "Syd Nathan" WEBN "Bootsy Collins" "Lonnie Mack" "The Who concert 1979" "Rick Derringer"

The setting is Carpathia. The year is 1851. When Elvira gets kicked out of an Inn for a slight monetary discrepancy, she is rescued by a local who takes her to stay at the castle in the hills high above the village. The fact that she happens to resemble the count's former "missing" wife opens a can of worms or two.