Daniel Sloss discusses a variety of topics, from his love of children, to being a man, in this tastefully dark comedy special.

Take the Ball, Pass the Ball is the definitive story of the greatest football team ever assembled. For four explosive years, Pep Guardiola's Barça produced the greatest football in history, seducing fans around the world. In this exclusive, first-hand account of events between 2008 and 2012, the players themselves reveal the tension of the bitter Guardiola-Mourinho rivalry, the emotion of Abidal's fight back from cancer to lift the European Cup and how Messi, the best footballer the world's ever seen, was almost rejected by Barça as a 13-year-old.

In his first special in seven years, Ricky Gervais slings his trademark snark at celebrity, mortality and a society that takes everything personally.

A former Los Angeles drug dealer moves far away to Texas, making a new life for himself as a married architect in the suburbs. His old crime partner unexpectedly shows up with heroin and gangster business, attracting a slew of violent unsavory characters.

Jack and Martin are gunmen who work for two rival kingpins. Jack and Martin have been fighting on their bosses behalf for close to a year. When a truce is made both Jack and Martin are cut loose. The two men then decide to join forces and take on the gangsters who used them.

L'explosió d'una caravana al mig del camp uneix les vides de tres dones: la Gina, que manté una apassionada relació amb un home mexicà; la Sylvia, que té pensaments suïcides, i la Mariana, que se sent deixada de banda per la seva mare.

Gillian Holroyd (Kim Novak), membre d'una saga de bruixots, entre els quals hi ha la seva tia Queenie (Elsa Lanchester) i el seu germà Nicky (Jack Lemmon), s'enamora bojament d'un famós editor, Sheperd Henderson (James Stewart), que està a punt de contraure matrimoni. La jove bruixa no dubta a utilitzar un dels seus conjurs per aconseguir que Sheperd deixi la seva promesa i es rendeixi als seus encants. Tot surt segons el previst però, poc després, Gillian confessa la veritat sobre els seus poders a Shepherd que, indignat, demana ajuda a l'extravagant senyora De Pass perquè trenqui l'encanteri. Tia Queenie pren cartes a l'assumpte i intenta utilitzar la màgia més poderosa per reunir la parella: l'amor.

In 1970s England, three blue-collar friends spend their days joking, drinking, fighting and chasing girls. Freddie wants to leave their working-class world but cool, charismatic Bruce and lovable loser Snork are happy with life the way it is. When Freddie gets a new job as a door-to-door salesman and bumps into his old school sweetheart Julie, the gang are forced to make choices that will change their lives for ever.

A mother takes her two sons on an unusual road trip from New York to Pittsburgh, St. Louis and eventually Hollywood in her quest to find a man to take care of them all.

Els apatxes han accedit, molt a desgrat seu, a viure confinats en una reserva. Però no tots ells són capaços d'adaptar-se a la seva nova forma de vida com a cultivadors de blat de moro; un en particular, Gerónimo, rebutja les condicions de rendició imposades pel Govern dels Estats Units. Un dia, fart de promeses incomplertes, amb el suport de trenta guerrers més, prepara un atac contra els blancs.

The spectacular rise and scandalous fall of hot-yoga evangelist Bikram Choudhury is chronicled through archival footage and extensive insider interviews.

Quan en Bill rep la tràgica notícia de la mort d'en Brady, el seu germà bessó, abandona el seu lloc com a professor de filosofia clàssica a la universitat de Brown i torna a Little Dixie, un petit poble de la zona rural d'Oklahoma on es va criar. Però en arribar descobreix que en realitat el seu germà no ha mort i, ràpidament, s'adona que es tracta un pla per fer-lo tornar i demanar-li la seva ajuda. Malgrat no estar molt convençut, Bill decideix finalment ajudar al seu germà i participar en el seu absurd pla, accedint a fer-se passar per en Brady i visitar a la seva mare, la Daisy.

In a remote part of the countryside, a bungled kidnapping turns into a living nightmare for four central characters when they cross paths with a psychopathic farmer and all hell breaks loose.

The gruesome death of a prostitute brings suspicion on one of her clients, James Wayland, a brilliant, self-destructive and epileptic heir to a textile fortune. So detectives Braxton and Kennesaw take Wayland in for questioning, thinking they can break the man. But despite his troubles, Wayland is a master of manipulation, and during the interrogation, he begins to turn the tables on the investigators, forcing them to reveal their own sinister sides.

A 14-year-old orphan named Krabat flees the horrors of the 30 Years War by becoming an apprentice to an ominous master of a mysterious mill. Krabat is not only taught the craft of milling, but is also instructed in the sinister world of the darker arts. When the life of his friend and protector is threatened, Krabat must struggle to free himself from an evil sorcerer's control in a gripping fight for freedom, friendship and love.

L.A. screenwriter David Sumner relocates with his wife, Amy, to her hometown in the deep South. There, while tensions build between them, a brewing conflict with locals becomes a threat to them both.

Amelia Earhart va ser una llegendària aviadora nord-americana que va desaparèixer el 1937 mentre sobrevolava l'Oceà Pacífic quan intentava fer la volta al món. El gran amor de Amèlia va ser el pare de l'escriptor Gore Vidal (McGregor).

Què fa que una dona caiga rendida davant de l'home equivocat? Una mirada a la ciència de les entropessades romàntiques.

Nearly a decade after a faulty product landed him in prison, an arrogant inventor is determined to restore his reputation and rebuild his fortune. But first, he has to convince his estranged daughter that he's worthy of a second chance.

The story of Aleksandra and Cyrille, a prominent, trendy, and very well-off Parisian couple, whose life is not quite the same after seven-year-old Alekseï from Russia suddenly pops up in their 100% cashmere, childless home. Aleksandra soon realises that this little boy they have adopted is not quite what she had been hoping for...