Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in "one week". A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new 'arrangement' of its parts.
Un crític teatral que acaba de casar-se decideix visitar les seves ancianes tietes abans de marxar de lluna de mel. Durant la visita descobrireu que les encantadores velletes tenen una manera molt peculiar de practicar la caritat.
Viktor Navorski és un immigrant balcànic que, en esclatar la guerra al seu país i quedar anul·lat el passaport, es troba involuntàriament exiliat en un aeroport dels Estats Units.
Jerry Travers, un astre de la comèdia musical americana, arriba a Londres i s'instal·la a l'habitació del productor de la seva obra, Horace Hardwick. L'atzar us fa conèixer la bella model Dale Tremont, que s'allotja a l'habitació de baix. Ella el pren, erròniament, per Hardwick i, en assabentar-se que està casat (en realitat, i encara que no ho sap, amb una amiga seva, Madge), el rebutja i viatja amb el seu cap, el modista Alberto Beddini, a Venècia, on , per despit, es casarà amb ell.
Utamaro, a great artist, lives to create portraits of beautiful women, and the brothels of Tokyo provide his models. A world of passion swirls around him, as the women in his life vie for lovers. And, occasionally, his art gets him into trouble.
In occupied Berlin, a US Army Captain is torn between an ex-Nazi cafe singer and the US Congresswoman investigating her.
In New York City, David Stillwell struggles to recover his memory before the people who are trying to kill him succeed. Who is he, who are they, and why is he surrounded by murder?
The advertising director of Pacific Pharmaceuticals, frustrated with the low ratings of their sponsored TV program, seeks a more sensationalist approach. He orders his staff to Faro Island to capture King Kong for exploitation. As Godzilla re-emerges, a media frenzy generates with Pacific looking to capitalize off of the ultimate battle.
Mankind attains longevity through gene manipulation, but finds itself on the road to extinction when the species loses the ability to reproduce. Their clones who rebelled 1,600 years ago are now known as Marigans and rule the bottomless underworld. Some of them seem to have become fertile and the government takes this as a ray of hope and decides to send civilians in to carry out an ecological study. Selected for the mission, Parton sets off on an adventure through a subterranean labyrinth crawling with monsters in order to secure humanity’s future.
Edna marries Texan Sam Gladney, operator of a wheat mill. They have a son, who is killed when very young. Edna discovers by chance how the law treats children who are without parents and decides to do something about it. She opens a home for foundlings and orphans and begins to place children in good homes, despite the opposition of "conservative" citizens, who would condemn illegitimate children for being born out of wedlock. Eventually Edna leads a fight in the Texas legislature to remove the stigma of illegitimacy from birth records in that state, while continuing to be an advocate for homeless children.
Frank Drebin is persuaded out of retirement to go undercover in a state prison. There he has to find out what top terrorist, Rocco, has planned for when he escapes. Adding to his problems, Frank's wife, Jane, is desperate for a baby.
While a group of young actors rehearse a new musical about a mass murderer, a notorious psychopath escapes from a nearby insane asylum.
An Italian socialite on the run signs on as housekeeper for a widower with three children.
A troubled young man is drawn to a mythical place called Midian where a variety of friendly monsters are hiding from humanity. Meanwhile, a sadistic serial killer is looking for a patsy.
Descoberts els seus negocis bruts, Henry Scarlett es veu obligat a abandonar Marsella i fugir a Anglaterra. La seva filla, Sylvia, l'acompanya disfressada d'home i sota el nom fals de Silvestre Scarlett. Al vaixell en què viatgen, Henry coneix un tipus dubtós, Jimmy Monkley, a qui confessa imprudentment que porta una certa quantitat de diners amagat. A la duana, Jimmy el delata, una hàbil tàctica perquè no s'hi fixin, que també practica el contraban. Més tard, en un compartiment del tren, tots tres coincideixen de nou, es reconcilien i decideixen associar-se per guanyar diners fàcils a Londres amb estafes i estafes.
Una família americana s'instal·la en una mansió sense saber que allà, uns anys abans, va tenir lloc una tragèdia sagnant. Tot i això, aviat detecten la presència d'uns éssers malèfics. Horroritzats i impotents davant d'aquesta situació, acaben buscant l'ajuda d'un exorcista peculiar.
Frances, la dona del magnat financer Paul Andros, es dirigeix a l'aeroport per començar les vacances a Jamaica. Paul té fama de convertir en diners tot allò que toca, però no ha sabut guanyar-se l'amor de la seva dona. La boira cada cop es fa més intensa a l'aeroport i els passatgers han d'esperar a la sala...
Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash, is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for the time she was killed.
Julian Kay (Richard Gere) és un noi de 30 anys atractiu, culte i intel·ligent de Los Angeles que utilitza els seus encants per viure de la prostitució. El seu mànager és Anne, que s'encarrega de buscar dones riques que paguin bé els seus serveis. Una dels seus clients és Michelle (Lauren Hutton), la bella dona d'un conegut polític. En un dels seus treballs, Julian accepta ficar-se al llit amb la dona d'un ric home de negocis a petició d'aquest. Però un parell de dies més tard llegeix a la premsa que la dona ha aparegut assassinada.
Chris is not getting along with boyfriend Sandor and has an affair with parole officer Dennis. Dennis invites the couple to dinner with his ex-girlfriend Jan. At a picnic on the beach, Jan meets lifeguard Phil, who later sleeps with Chris and moves in with the other five. Phil brings in a person, lawyer Elaine. The "group marriage" of the six of them attracts media attention, which brings trouble and prejudice.