A few fugitives... And a very, very long way to freedom.
言葉を話せなかった少年が、再び言葉を話せるようになるまでの1日。少年の父である主人公アレクサンデルは生命の樹を植える誕生日に、核戦争勃発の声をテレビで聞く。アレクサンデルは自らの狂気を賭け、信じていなかった神と対決し、愛する人々を救うために自らを犠牲に捧げるサクリファイス を実行する……。
Karrer plods his way through life in quiet desperation. His environment is drab and rainy and muddy. Eaten up with solitude, his hopelessness would be incurable but for the existence of the Titanik Bar and its beautiful, haunting singer. But the lady is married and Karrer is determined to keep her husband away...
Comedy juggernaut Dave Chappelle's fourth Netflix Special, taped on November 20th, 2017 at Los Angeles' Comedy Store.
A retired professor of American origin lives a solitary life in a luxurious palazzo in Rome. He is confronted by a vulgar Italian marchesa and her lover, her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend, and forced to rent to them an apartment on the upper floor of his palazzo. From this point on his quiet routine is turned into chaos by his tenants' machinations, and everybody's life takes an unexpected but inevitable turn.
ボタン会社の経理課課長として、優しい妻やちょっぴり生意気だが可愛い一人娘にも恵まれ、念願だった一軒家も手に入れて、仕事や家庭に何の不満もない杉山正平。しかし、彼には満ち足りない何かがあった。正平は、ある日の会社の帰り、電車の中から見えるダンス教室の窓に、物憂げに佇むひとりの女性岸川舞を見つける。その美しさに目を奪われた彼は、数日後、そのダンス教室を訪れ社交ダンスを習い始めることに。 ほんの「スケベ心」から、家族にも会社にも内緒でダンスを習い始めた正平であったが、社交ダンスの魅力と会社の同僚青木富夫やプライドの高い高橋豊子、有閑マダム然としたたまこ先生といった個性的な仲間との交流を通じて純粋にダンスにのめり込んでいく。また、ある事件から最初は正平に心を閉ざしていた舞であったが、正平のダンスへのひたむきな姿を見るうちに、だんだんと心を開いてゆき、自らの心の傷も癒えることを覚える。一方、正平の妻は急に帰宅が遅くなったことに、浮気しているのではと心配し探偵を雇い正平の身辺調査を始める。 舞らの後押しで正平は豊子とペアを組んで東関東アマチュアスポーツダンス大会に出場することとなり、観衆の前で猛特訓の成果を披露することとなるのだが…。
A switchman at a seaside railway witnesses a murder but does not report it after he finds a suitcase full of money at the scene of the crime.
結婚後14年が過ぎ、夫婦関係が破綻しかけたリチャード とマリアは、ある日決定的な諍いを起こし、互いに別々の夜を過ごす。リチャードは美しい高級娼婦ジェニー と、マリアは友人たちと行ったディスコで出会った青年、チェット と。翌朝マリアは衝動的に自殺を図り、チェットに救われるが、夫が帰宅し、チェットは逃げ出した。家には2人だけが残され、深い沈黙が夫婦を包みこんでいくのだった。
The story of Alex, who, with the help of his charismatic grandfather, embarks on a journey in search of his real self.
In this dense setting, the inhabitants of a large, claustrophobic apartment reveal their darkest secrets, fears, obsessions and hostilities.
A family slowly disintegrates under various pressures in late 1970s communist Hungary.
A man falls in love with a girl who has short-term memory loss.
An unflinching, fragmentary look at a handful of self-destructive, marginalized people, but taking as main focus the heroin-addicted Vanda Duarte.
A black man plays Uncle Tom in order to gain access to CIA training, then uses that knowledge to plot a new American Revolution.
After a bank robbery, runaway Scottish outlaw Arch Deans and his young half-breed Kiowa partner Billy Two Hats develop a father-son relationship, but Sheriff Henry Gifford is determined to capture or kill them.
Elvira is travelling through the French countryside with her friend Genevieve, searching for the lost tomb of a medieval murderess and possible vampire, Countess Wandessa. They find a likely site in the castle of Waldemar Daninsky, who invites the women to stay as long as they like. As Waldemar shows Elvira the tomb that supposedly houses the countess, she accidentally causes the vampire to come back to life, hungrier than ever. Daninsky has a hidden secret of his own, but will it be enough to save the two girls from becoming Wandessa's next victims?