When indie comic character Pepe the Frog becomes an unwitting icon of hate, his creator, artist Matt Furie, fights to bring Pepe back from the darkness and navigate America's cultural divide.

The story of three men with a shared dream: James Bond franchise producers Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, and Bond creator and author Ian Fleming. It’s the thrilling and inspiring narrative behind the longest running film franchise in cinema history, which began in 1962.

The curtain is raised into the seldom seen world that surrounds the wine we drink. How many people understand how wine is produced? How it is grown? What goes on in the cellar? From those questions to how many hands touch a bottle, to why wine costs what it costs, to how certain wines end up on a wine list, this is a never before seen look into the world of wine.

Iconic songstress Barbra Streisand culminates her 13-city tour in Miami with dazzling ballads, Broadway standards and stories from behind the scenes.

After a terrible air disaster, survivor Max Klein emerges a changed person. Unable to connect to his former life or to wife Laura, he feels godlike and invulnerable. When psychologist Bill Perlman is unable to help Max, he has Max meet another survivor, Carla Rodrigo, who is wracked with grief and guilt since her baby died in the crash which she and Max survived.

In this documentary, filmmaker Nick Broomfield follows the saga of Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who has been accused of committing a brutal series of murders. Broomfield conducts interviews with Wuornos herself, and his crew films her trial as well as her interactions with religious fanatic Arlene Pralle, who gives Wuornos dubious advice and legally adopts her. The cameras also roll as the accused's attorney ignores the case at hand to negotiate a deal to sell his client's story.

Millie Cantwell és una jove que, de cop i volta i per sorpresa de la seva parella i dels companys de feina, renuncia a una carrera professional brillant com a gestora de fons d'inversió per intentar fer realitat un somni que ha tingut tota la vida: ser cantant d'òpera. La Millie està disposada a abandonar la seva còmoda vida a Londres per anar-se'n a un petit poble perdut dels Highlands, a Escòcia, per fer classes de cant amb una vella diva retirada que té molt mal caràcter i que la farà patir de valent. Però la Millie està decidida a demostrar a tothom que no ha fet aquest pas per capritx i que sent una vocació autèntica.

Als anys 20, l'escriptora nord-americana Lillian Hellman coneix Julia, la filla d'una acabalada família escocesa. Entre elles sorgeix una profunda amistat, però es veuen obligades a separar-se en plena adolescència. Mentre que Julia s'estudiarà a Oxford i Viena, on és deixeble de Freud, Lily es converteix en una famosa escriptora, però enyora l'amistat de Julia, per la qual cosa decideix anar-la a veure a Viena. Però corren mals temps per a Europa, ja que el nazisme està en ple apogeu.

What if you could answer any question and eliminate all doubts before making the most important decision of your life? What if, by some sort of magic, you could live your life pursuing your wildest and deepest desires? That’s what’s about to happen to Andrea, a thirty-year-old man on the eve of his wedding with Laura, the girl he met in college and with whom he built a life together. Andrea starts waking up everyday in a different life and a different self, in realities where he and Laura never got together in the first place. Exploring the many paths his life could have lead him on to, from unapologetic womanizer to acclaimed musician, Andrea will have to face the void Laura’s absence left in his many different “iterations”. Will he try to break the spell?

Liz, just returned home after a mental breakdown, has to welcome a relative stranger into her home when Caitlin, a young, vivacious woman, claims to be her husband's daughter.

Giulia’s is a poised world, made of rigour and sacred texts, which fiercely excludes those who do not belong to it. Libero's world is the world of all the others, of those who make mistakes, who fend for themselves looking for another chance and who love unconditionally. When Giulia meets Libero, she realizes she can have another destiny, one she will have to choose and build.

Paul is agonising over his interpretation of 'Uncle Vanya' and, paralysed by anxiety, stumbles upon a solution via a New Yorker article about a high-tech company promising to alleviate suffering by extracting souls. He enlists their services—only to discover that his soul is the shape and size of a chickpea.

Artie is pure bred trailer trash. He has zero ambition, is everyone's favorite punching back at school and bears the burden of his virginity in silence. And then April moves out of the state. She's his best friend and support since kindergarten and the love of his life. Three years later Artie finally has the courage to take to the road and go see April to tell her how he feels about her. One car-crash later Artie wakes up in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But this time he's not going to hide. Artie's love for April doesn't give him wings, but does give him the courage to hack, slash, punch and kick himself a part towards the girl he loves. Time is of the essence, because that bite on his hand will make the difference between a French kiss and a bite out of April's brains.

When an up-and-coming stylist is found stabbed to death in his home, a young detective is given 20 days to solve the case. Inspired by true events.

Pippa Lee (Robin Wright Penn) és una dona a la plenitud de la vida. Casada amb Herb Lee (Alan Arkin), un editor d'èxit 30 anys més gran que ella, mare de dos fills ja crescuts, és una generosa amfitriona i una excel·lent cuinera, a més d'una gran amiga i confident de tots els que entren a la seva vida. Els seus problemes comencen quan segueix lleialment el seu marit per començar una nova vida a una comunitat de jubilats. Aleshores l'idíl·lic món i la personalitat de Pippa entraran en crisi; perquè, per dins, Pippa està molt lluny de ser plenament feliç...

Jack is a children's author turned crime novelist whose detailed research into the lives of Victorian serial killers has turned him into a paranoid wreck, persecuted by the irrational fear of being murdered. When Jack is thrown a life-line by his long-suffering agent and a mysterious Hollywood executive takes a sudden and inexplicable interest in his script, what should be his big break rapidly turns into his big breakdown, as Jack is forced to confront his worst demons; among them his love life, his laundry and the origin of all fear.

Hopeless romantic Stensland thinks he's found true love with an older woman, Morgan, only to learn that she's married and that their fling is merely an instrument of revenge against her neglectful husband, Grady. Initially out for blood, Grady finds himself strangely sympathetic to Stensland's plight and decides to get revenge on his wife instead.

A mysterious criminal rolls into a small town planning to knock off the local bank, assuming it will go off without a hitch. But when he encounters a retired poetry professor, his plans take an unlikely turn. With no place to stay, the professor generously welcomes him into his home. As the two men talk, a bond forms between these two polar opposites, and surprising moments of humor and compassion emerge. As they begin to understand each other more, they each examine the choices they've made in their lives, secretly longing to live the type of lifestyle the other man has lived, based on the desire to escape their own.

With his gangster boss on trial for murder, a mob thug known as "the Teacher" tells Annie Laird she must talk her fellow jurors into a not-guilty verdict, implying that he'll kill her son Oliver if she fails. She manages to do this, but, when it becomes clear that the mobsters might want to silence her for good, she sends Oliver abroad and tries to gather evidence of the plot against her, setting up a final showdown.

Set in a war-torn land where tribal factions live in fear of annihilation, the film tells the story of a deadly warrior leading a destructive war campaign. When he is betrayed by his own and left for dead, he is healed by a mysterious princess and taken in by a hidden tribe that believes he was chosen to wage a final battle.