C.R. MacNamara is a managing director for Coca Cola in West Berlin during the Cold War, just before the Wall is put up. When Scarlett, the rebellious daughter of his boss, comes to West Berlin, MacNamara has to look after her, but this turns out to be a difficult task when she reveals to be married to a communist.

School for fairies Alfea celebrates the inauguration of the new school year when the party is interrupted by Icy, Darcy and Stormy, the perfidious Trix. The Winx without Bloom, are forced to remedy the confusion created by the witches who, having ruined the party, steal a powerful and mysterious object. Meanwhile, Bloom is on Domino, which is experiencing the best moments of his new life as a princess. He finally found his parents and Sky asks her to marry him. But not all gold that glitters, the three Witches are Ancestors in fact come back to haunt Stella, Aisha, Tecna, Musa, Flora and Bloom. Moreover, Erendor, Sky's father, forbids his son to marry the princess of Domino. A dark secret lies in the realm of Eraklyon and now that Sky, the legitimate ruler of the kingdom, as known.

Kathiresan aka Kaththi, a criminal, escapes from the Kolkata prison and comes to Chennai, where he comes across his doppelganger Jeevanandham, fighting for his life after being shot at by unknown men. Kathir decides to pass off as Jeeva and make away with a lump sum amount but once he realizes who Jeeva really is, Kathir turns a crusader.

Fresh off the heels of appearing in movies like Superhero Movie and The 40 Year-Old Virgin, fast-talking comedian Kevin Hart stars in his second live stand-up performance in Cleveland, Ohio, where he makes fun of everything and everybody - especially himself.

I made this film especially for you. I needed to check in with you. I needed to tell you how I feel.

Sebastian has one ambition in life: to do nothing. His horizon is his couch. His life he does not want to live but contemplate. But today, if you do nothing - You are nothing. So driven by his two roommates, that chain internships and odd jobs, decided to Anna and not quite decided Bruno, Sebastien will have to - A little.

Romanticized adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 classic. Count Dracula is a subject of fatal attraction to more than one English maiden lady, as he seeks an immortal bride.

Yann Madec, long-time best mate of Frank Drevil, the star skipper of Global System Insurance, sees his dream come true when he replaces the injured Frank at the last minute for the start of the Vendée Globe. Nine days into the race and leading, Yann is forced to stop in Cape Verde to repair his broken center-board. Back in the race, Yann discovers a stowaway on board, a Senegalese teenager named Moussa. Faced with the risk of disqualification because of Moussa’s presence, Yann hesitates… Their encounter leads to the most unforgettable round-the-world race ever.

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.

An all-female rock group finds fame, love, and drama when they move to LA in order to claim the lead singer’s inheritance.

Willys bedste ven Jesse arbejder nu sammen med sin læremester Randolph, og deres job går ud på at opspore hvaler i de mest afsidesliggende dele af det nordlige Stillehav. Der bliver Jesse genforenet med sin majestætiske makker på 3 tons og får en ny ven i den 10-årige Max, som deler Jesses store interesse for hvaler. Men Max' far, som er fisker, gemmer på en mystisk hemmelighed, der kan true Willy og hele hans familie. For at bringe dem i sikkerhed må Jesse og Max iværksætte en spændende redningsaktion, hvor venskab, mod og kærlighed er afgørende, hvis den skal lykkes.

Crescent Bay er måske ikke det bedste sted at tilbringe sit otium. Engang var det et idyllisk og fredsommeligt område bestående af ældreboliger, hvor samfundets pensionister kunne tilbringe de sidste gyldne år, men på det seneste er beboerne i Crescent Bay blevet udsat for mystiske og dødelige overfald. Da den bitre og blinde krigsveteran Ambrose McKinley (Nick Damici) flytter ind, bliver de andre beboere chokerede over hans menneskefjendske adfærd og sure opstød, men da de voldsomme angreb viser sig at være forårsaget af noget langt mere gruopvækkende end den bjørn, som politiet mener står bag, er Ambroses attitude præcis, hvad der er brug for. For ingen, eller noget, skal true en højtdekoreret krigsveteran – heller ikke selvom han er blind…

A young terrorist kills and injures patrons of a Norfolk amusement park by placing homemade explosives on the track of one of its roller coasters. After staging a similar incident in Pittsburgh, he sends a tape to a meeting of major amusement park executives in Chicago, demanding $1 million to make him stop.

The Babe fortæller 'Babe' Ruths kronologiske historie lige fra hans hårde opvækst på et børnehjem i Baltimore over hans meteoragtige karriere til baseballsuperstjerne, og indtil han trak sig tilbage. Hans utrolige liv og karriere omfattede syv mesterskaber i American League, fire verdensmesterskaber, to stormfulde ægteskaber og en livsstil, der indbragte ham en række udelukkelser fra banen.

Marco encounters his ex-girlfriend Consueloand starts seeing her without telling that he has just married. Antonio is an MP and during his European trip he has a love affair with elegant Olga who has a big secret to hide. Recently-jilted Fabio is mistaken for psychiatrist by a beautiful girl Valentina with whom he falls in love. A divorce lawyer Sandra is romantically attracted to her client's husband Massimo.

Politichefen Lassard beslutter at optrappe kampen mod kriminaliteten ved at oplære de lokale vagtværnsgrupper til at være Borgere På Patrulje… og gæt lige, hvem der skal være instruktører. De samme aspiranter, som troede, at det F de fik i karakterbogen stod for "Fantastisk". Da den rivaliserende vicekommissær Harris ser de uniformerede fjolser i spidsen for at bring Politiskolen i miskredit. Men vore uheldige helte klarer skærene – på deres egne klodsede måde – ved ar stige til vejrs i dobbeltdækkorfly og balloner, da det for alvor går løs. Velkommen om bord!

Den amerikanske astronaut kaptajn Lee Miller er ene mand ombord på den international rumstation. Det gælder om at holde hovedet koldt og ikke lade ensomheden stige en til hovedet, men naturligvis går noget galt. Under en rutine udveksling af data begynder forbindelsen til kontrolrummet at bryde op og Miller får at vide, at han bare skal vente tålmodigt på at forbindelsen bliver reetableret. Men ventetiden trækker ud og der kommer ikke en lyd fra Jorden.

Faced with the insistence of his brother Joseph, whom he has not seen for 25 years, Paolo resolves to give up his calm and harmonious life in Canada, to return to Marseilles at the bedside of his rugged father. He left, therefore, with his son under his arm, determined not to linger in that city which he had fled years before, after a tragedy. He does not imagine that the affection of his newfound family, his love affair with a young woman and the joyful and simple solidarity of the Marseillais will reconcile him with this city he would never have wanted to leave...Marseillle.

Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...

Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...