Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.

Amb deu anys, la Nora emigra amb la família de Corea del Sud al Canadà i deixa enrere en Hae Sung: un amic molt íntim. Anys més tard, tots dos es retrobaran online i decidiran passar una setmana junts. Una experiència que els enfrontarà amb l’amor, el destí i les grans decisions de la vida.

After it's discovered that a teacher at South Park Elementary has an OnlyFans page, Randy is compelled to take a closer look at the seedy underbelly of the world of online influencers.

Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the countryside to visit her aunt at their ancestral house. She invites her six friends, Prof, Melody, Mac, Fantasy, Kung Fu, and Sweet, to join her. The girls soon discover that there is more to the old house than meets the eye.

Giulietta, que dubta de la fidelitat i de l'amor del seu marit, acudeix a reunions espiritistes buscant un consell, una veritat, un senyal que el faci veure que el seu marit encara sent afecte per ella i que el pot recuperar. Per casualitat, coneix Susy, perniciosa dona que només viu per a l'amor i que està a punt de trasbalsar amb les il·lusions de Giulietta.

An emotional journey of a prison warden, driven by a personal vendetta while keeping up to a promise made years ago, recruits inmates to commit outrageous crimes that shed light on corruption and injustice, in an attempt to get even with his past, and that leads him to an unexpected reunion.

Història d'amor passional, en què dos ex-amants es troben al cap d'uns anys. El seu amor revifa, però està abocat a un destí tràgic.

Takumi i la seva filla, Hana, viuen en un poble pròxim a Tòquio. La seva vida es veurà profundament afectada quan descobreixen que prop de la seva casa es construirà un glamurós càmping perquè els habitants de la ciutat facin escapades còmodes a la naturalesa.

The Elric brothers meet their toughest opponent yet — a lone serial killer with a large scar on his forehead.

Mason Petit (John Cena) és un soldat retirat de les forces especials que, després d'anys de pau, tranquil·litat i monotonia, decideix abandonar el seu avorrit retir en els suburbis per a tornar al treball i protegir la periodista (Alison Brie) mentre entrevista a un cruel dictador (Juan Pablo Raba). A la meitat de l'entrevista, esclatarà un cop militar que farà perillar les seves vides i els portarà a amagar-se en la selva on hauran d'emprar-se a fons per a sobreviure.

Burglary. Drugs. Assault. Rape. The students at Brandel High are more than new Principal Rick Latimer bargained for. Gangs fight to control the school using knives - even guns - when they have to. When Latimer and the head of security try to clean up the school and stop the narcotics trade, they run up against a teenage mafia. A violent confrontation on the campus leads to a deadly showdown with the drug dealer's gang, and one last chance for Latimer to save his career... and his life.

Upon settling in the countryside village of La Escapa, Nat accepts a disturbing sexual proposal by neighbour Andreas, paving the way for a self-consuming passion.

Bruce Cogburn, autor controversial i solitari, surt del seu amagatall en rebre nombroses cartes d'un fanàtic obsessiu. Només es tracta del començament d'una espiral de perill i misteri.

The Boyle family moves into a gothic style house by a cemetery, unaware of its bloody path and guts-spraying future.

During a bitter 1964 Massachusetts winter, young secretary Eileen becomes enchanted by Rebecca Saint John, the glamorous new counselor at the prison where she works. Their budding friendship takes a twisted turn when Rebecca reveals a dark secret — throwing Eileen onto a sinister path.

Judith leads a double life between Switzerland and France. On the one hand Abdel, with whom she is raising a little girl, on the other Melvil with whom she has two older boys. Little by little, this fragile balance, made up of lies, secrets and back and forth, cracks dangerously. Trapped, Judith chooses to head forward, at the risk of losing everything.

Documentary about High Noon featuring Fred Zinnemann and Stanley Kramer.

Angela Baker escapes from a mental hospital and surfaces at a summer camp as a counselor who lectures her teenage charges on proper moral behavior. Those teens who break her strict rules -- from the camp chatterbox or a sex-obsessed girl to the boys who are peeping Toms -- are murdered by the impostor in various gruesome ways. As more campers go missing, intrepid counselor Molly begins to piece together the truth.

Rebellious teen Amy defies her parents by going to a trashy carnival that has pulled into town. In tow are her boyfriend, Buzz, and their friends Liz and Richie. Thinking it would be fun to spend the night in the campy "Funhouse" horror ride, the teens witness a murder by a deformed worker wearing a mask. Locked in, Amy and her friends must evade the murderous carnival workers and escape before it leaves town the next day.

Dos mil·lennistes de Los Angeles d'orígens dispars s'enamoren i fan front a la prova definitiva: conèixer els seus pares respectius. El xoc cultural està servit!