Snoop along with Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and Fred one last time in this 10th and Final Volume of What's New Scooby Doo Volume 10: Monstrous Tails. The gang flies to the South Pole to fish for clues in hopes of hooking an amphibious menace in Uncle Scooby and Antarctica. Heading north to the Orient, they toy around in a giant water ducky to cool off a ferocious Chinese fire-shooting dragon in Block-Long Hong Kong Terror. Back down under in Australia's Great Barrier Reef, artist Shaggy enters a sand castle contest where a yucky corral creature threatens to wash away his dreams of Clamalot in Great Reef. So it's good to finally be back in their old Kentucky home -- Fort Knox to be exact -- until a golden ghoul turns everything it touches into statues with it's gold finger in Gold Paw.

Han passat 30 anys des dels esdeveniments ocorreguts a Blade Runner (1982). L'oficial K, un blade runner caça-replicants del Departament de Policia de Los Angeles, descobreix un secret que ha estat enterrat durant molt de temps i que té el potencial de portar la societat al caos. La seva investigació el conduirà a la recerca del llegendari Rick Deckard, un antic blade runner en parador desconegut, que fa 30 anys que està desaparegut.

Durant les vacances a Austràlia, l'Scooby-Doo i els seus amics assisteixen a un festival de música celebrat en un lloc anomenat La roca del vampir. Però la diversió perilla quan la colla s'assabenta que una llegendària criatura australiana, el Yowie Yahoo, està segrestant els participants del concert i convertint-los en vampirs. Fent-se passar per una banda de rock dur per investigar el misteri, l'Scooby-Doo i la seva banda s'hauran d'enfrontar a un trio de músics vampirs si volen revelar l'estrany misteri que envolta la llegenda del vampir.

La família Darling viu a Londres. Wendy, la filla gran dels Darling, explica històries als seus dos germanets a l'hora d'anar a dormir. Els nens esdevenen protagonistes d'una gran aventura quan Peter Pan arriba volant fins a la seva habitació i els porta cap al país de Mai Més. Allà els nens no es fan mai grans i tot el que imaginen és possible, però també es troben amb el temible capità Garfi.

Everybody needs some alone time to relax and wash up, but things go quite differently when you’re a Flora Colossi toddler.

An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.

Bianca's universe turns upside down when she learns that her high school refers to her as a ‘DUFF' (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). Hoping to erase that label, she enlists the help of a charming jock and her favorite teacher. Together they'll face the school's mean girl and remind everyone that we are all someone's DUFF… and that's totally fine.

Quan el professor Marchand, un cèlebre científic, desapareix misteriosament, el comissari Juve sospita immediatament de Fantomas. Mentrestant, el periodista Fandon es fa passar per Lefèvre, l'ajudant de Marchand, i és capturat per Fantomas. Però també Juve cau al parany que el criminal, disfressat de Lefèvre, li ha estès. Fantomes es proposa posar fi als seus presoners durant un congrés científic que se celebra a Roma.

To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend, an influencer attempts to transform an unpopular classmate into prom king.

Serena Bruno is an architect who studied and got several masters in different countries of the world but she decides to go back to Italy so she can live and work there. She will soon find out that her native country is not as open minded and she will struggle to find a job that she truly loves and is passionate about. Along the way she will meet Francesco a gay man who will help and support her throughout her journey.

After three years of therapy Charley Brewster, now a college student, is convinced that Jerry Dandridge was a serial killer posing as a vampire. But when Regine, a mysterious actress and her entourage move into Peter Vincent's apartment block, the nightmare starts again - and this time it's personal!

Als disset anys, Mike O'Donnell ho tenia tot. Era un jugador de bàsquet que hauria pogut tenir una borsa d'estudi, però ho abandona tot per anar a casar-se i instal·lar-se amb Scarlett, la seva promesa. Ara, Mike té 37 anys. S'ha fet un miserable i desgraciat home de negocis que s'adona que ha comès errors en la seva vida, sobretot aquella d'abandonar la seva carrera prometedora per a Scarlett, de qui s'ha de divorciar. Convençut que si es presentés l'ocasió de tornar vint anys darrere, construiria una vida ben diferent.

When a huge hurricane hits her hometown in Florida, Haley ignores evacuation orders to look for her father. After finding him badly wounded, both are trapped by the flood. With virtually no time to escape the storm, they discover that rising water levels are the least of their problems.

Gairebé és Nadal i el més important per l'Ashley Harrison és anar a passar el Nadal amb la seva mare a Seattle, però a l'aeroport es troba que no pot agafar el vol que havia previst. Intenta llogar un cotxe però un desconegut li passa davant i lloga l'últim vehicle disponible en tot l'aeroport. Desesperada per arribar a temps a Seattle, accepta l'oferta de compartir cotxe i despeses de viatge amb ell. Durant l'accidentat viatge de dos dies, els passen mil aventures i tenen l'oportunitat de coneixes una mica millor. Mentrestant, l'Ashley no ho sap però uns agents de l'FBI la segueixen de molt a prop perquè l'han pres per una terrorista que podria posar en perill la seguretat nacional.

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

Three friends in their mid-20s struggle to navigate their professional and personal lives, colliding head on with the messy, hilarious and dreadful growing pangs of adulthood.

Sue Ellen Crandell is a teenager eagerly awaiting her mother's summer-long absence. While the babysitter looks after her rambunctious younger siblings, Sue Ellen can party and have fun. But then the babysitter abruptly dies, leaving the Crandells short on cash. Sue Ellen finds a sweet job in fashion by lying about her age and experience on her résumé. But, while her siblings run wild, she discovers the downside of adulthood

Four friends break into an abandoned insane asylum in search of a death certificate which will grant one of them a large inheritance. However, finding it soon becomes the least of their worries in a place haunted by dark memories.

Donna's senior prom is supposed to be the best night of her life, though a sadistic killer from her past has different plans for her and her friends.

After the Club Med and skiing, what happened to the Bronzés 27 years later? Early response: the same, and worse.