Conrad acaba de sortir de l'hospital després d'haver intentat suïcidar-se arran de la mort del germà en un accident. Manté una relació molt tensa amb la mare i viu turmentat per sentiments de culpa. Tot i que visita cada setmana un psiquiatre, no se sent a gust fins que coneix una companya de la coral i comencen a sortir junts.

Three women in a maternity ward reveal their lives and intimate thoughts to each other.

Biopic de Lou Gehrig, un llegendari jugador professional de beisbol nord-americà, a qui, després de jugar durant molts anys sense perdre's ni un sol partit, li van diagnosticar de sobte una misteriosa malaltia.

Emmа trаvels to Itаly to teаch аnd reseаrch а wedding veil sаid to bring its owner love. She meets Pаolo, the son of а lаce-mаking fаmily in the аreа, while she is there.

For Norman and Ethel Thayer, this summer on golden pond is filled with conflict and resolution. When their daughter Chelsea arrives, the family is forced to renew the bonds of love and overcome the generational friction that has existed for years.

On a trip to visit his parents, detective Nick Charles gets mixed up in a murder investigation.

In a remote village in Karelia, Sergeant Vaskov commands an anti-aircraft unit that protects a rail depot. While his men are transferred to the front line, he is reprimanded for their unruly behavior. He retorts that he wants replacements that aren't drunks or womanizers. In response, he is assigned a unit made up entirely of young women, fresh from training.

A woman named Emily checks into a hotel and offers the bellboy $2000 to temporarily marry her. We soon find out Emily is the caretaker of a wheelchair-bound mute named Helga, who was the childhood guardian of a pair of siblings: Miriam Webster and her half-brother, Warren, who is about to inherit the estate of their late father. Who is the mysterious Emily and what are her intentions?

Un grup de cadets joves s'incorporen a la gendarmeria, cosa que provoca una retirada imminent del grup de gendarmes liderat per Cruchot. Aquest és reticent a abandonar el seu lloc, però el canvi el condemna a una jubilació forçosa. Cruchot no es pot acostumar a aquesta nova vida d'inactivitat. Però quan Fougasse, un dels seus homes, és internat per un problema d'amnèsia, Cruchot veu una oportunitat per tornar amb la seva brigada i demostrar que la seva experiència és millor que els nous mètodes.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

A hard-nosed Chicago journalist has an unlikely love affair with an eagle researcher.

A Mexican outlaw known as "The Stranger" is part of a band of thieves that steal a cargo of gold from a stagecoach. However, the Americans in the band betray him, and shoot all the Mexicans. The Stranger is not completely dead though, and crawls his way out of his shallow grave, continuing his pursuit of the gold, and exacting a bloody vengeance.

An excellent comprehensive look at all the music that came out of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati "Rock Legends" "James Brown" "King Records" "Pure Prairie League" "Lemon Pipers" "Syd Nathan" WEBN "Bootsy Collins" "Lonnie Mack" "The Who concert 1979" "Rick Derringer"

An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.

After a fashion model dies during a botched abortion, the doctor stages her death to exonerate himself but is murdered by a mysterious assailant who soon begins hunting down her agency colleagues.

ANDRÈ (32) and his newfound girlfriend ELISA (35) are pregnant with their first child. Full of hope for the new life to come, they move to the countryside to get closer to Elisa's mother, MARTHA 63. André wants to provide for his family, so he starts an ambitious microbrewery project. The future seems bright for the expecting family. But instead of bringing them closer together, the pregnancy comes down on the relationship like an avalanche as Elisa develops a psychosis due to the pregnancy. She starts to show sides of her that André has not seen before and disturbing secrets from the past are revealed. André finds himself entangled in a web of lies spun by Elisa and her overprotecting mother, making him doubt his own sanity and ultimately fight for his own and his unborn baby's life.

A dramatic thriller about a couple who own an advertising agency. The husband apparently commits suicide, but the police and the insurance company decide to investigate his death.