After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.

Witness a remarkable coming-of-age story as we track a young leopard's journey from rookie to royalty in South Africa's lethal Big Five landscape. When we first meet Jack, he's clumsy, fearful, and weak, but he's a fast learner - and he'll need to be. He's destined for a showdown with the area's current leopard monarch, an alpha male with a real mean streak. We follow Jack as he hones his skills and builds up muscle for the ultimate catfight. It's a battle where only the winner will walk out alive.

One of the key factors in Italian unification was the overthrow in 1860 of Francesco, the King of Naples and the two Sicilies, who went into elegant but impoverished exile in Rome with his Queen, Maria Sofia. This seriocomic drama follows the deposed royals as they adapt to their new lives. The former king has recognized the political finality of his deposition, but his queen has taken to traveling in men's clothing all over Italy trying to foment an uprising to restore them to the throne. She is also frantic to have a baby, an heir, but the king has become celibate as a kind of homage to his beloved mother; he spends all his time lobbying the Vatican to get her declared a saint.

Horatio Hornblower står anklaget som en af bagmændende bag mytteriet mod den gale Kaptajn Sawyer. Han er meget tæt på at blive henrettet. Men så dukker et ny vidne op i retssalen...

Jacob’s dream is to be a rap artist, so he works on a song that will give him the big breakthrough. To his big frustration, his dreams are tested every time his roomie Adam gets a visit from his girlfriend Frederikke. And through a journey of unforeseen events Jacob meets additional challenges that test his working discipline.

Tobi and Achim, the pride of the local crew club, have been the best of friends for years and are convinced that nothing will ever stand in the way of their friendship. They look forward to the upcoming summer camp and the crew competition. Then the gay team from Berlin arrives and Tobi is totally confused. The evening before the races begin, the storm that breaks out is more than meteor-logical.

Historien fortæller om den unge reporter Tintin og hans hund Terry, der på et krydstogt til Shanghai stifter bekendtskab med en arkæolog. De tager til Egypten, hvor de afdækker faraoer, der er fyldt med døde egyptologer og kasser med cigarer. I deres søgen efter svar på mysteriet krydser de Arabien, når at blive skibbrudden på havet inden de kommer til Indien, hvor arkæologen bliver vanvittig og med hjælp fra maharajaen af Rawapoutalah afslører han en international bande narkosmuglere.

Historien handler om den unge belgiske reporter Tintin og hans hund Terry, som vil hjælpe et nødstedt fly og bliver beskudt så han må på hospitalet. Han opdager at gerningsmændene er en farlig bande falskmøntnere. Han bliver anklaget for forbrydelsen og bliver jaget af Dupond og Dupont. Han forfølger de kriminelle til Skotland, hvor de har et skjulested på Den sorte ø.

A young man tries to make things right again in his relationship after he and his girlfriend get in a fight.

Balto og hans søn Kodi opdager, at deres hundeslædeteams fremtid trues af ny teknologi, fordi det er hurtigere at sende post og varer med fly til byen Nome i Alaska. Der bliver lavet en postuddelingskonkurrence mellem Baltos slædeteam og piloten Duke, hvis flyvemaskine fascinerer Balto. Da Duke ikke når frem til målet, begynder nogle af hundene at fejre deres sejr, men Balto ved, at der er noget, der er gået galt. Balto får hjælp af Muc og Luc, og de begiver sig ud på en redningsopgave for at finde frem til Duke, Boris og det forsvundne fly

Lillefod og hans bedsteforældre fortæller en usædvanlig godnathistorie, hvor de kommer ud på en fantastisk rejse! Cera, Spir, Ducky og Petrie er som altid nysgerrige og følger hurtigt efter. I dette fortryllende eventyr møder de mange nye væsener og oplever naturens undere, farer og fornøjelser. Til sidst møder de alle tiders største flok af dinosaurer - blandt andre en meget speciel Langhals, som Lillefod aldrig troede, at han ville få at se!

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.

Bedste venner Galleria (Raven-Symonà ©), Chanel (Adrienne Bailon), Dorinda (Sabrina Byran), og Aqua (Kiely Williams), A.K.A. pigen band "The geparder," får mulighed for en levetid, når de spankulere deres vej til Barcelona, ​​Spanien, udsættes for en international musikfestival. Undervejs, de "Amigas geparder" lære, at, selv om deres veje er ikke det samme, de er heldige at have hinanden til rejsen.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

Pound x Pound introduces you to the world of boxing elite through the eyes of Juan Manuel Marquez, four-time world champion. It is a ringside ticket to the professional and personal life of Juan Manuel. An unique access to the truth behind the rivalry with Manny Pacquiao. Read the story behind the Mexican idol, who through work, effort, sacrifices and frustrations, has established itself as one of the best pound for pound fighters in the world.

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...

Et isoleret sanatorium dybt inde i ødemarken i West Virginia er blevet forladt, efter en indavlet familie fuld af bonderøvs-kannibaler er brudt ud og har taget hævn over deres fangevogtere. Årtier senere søger en gruppe studerende tilflugt på det øde hospital, da en snestorm afsporer deres planer om en weekendtur. Men da de studerende støder på den medicinske afdelings mest skræmmende tidligere patienter, har de intet valg end at kæmpe imod - eller dø i kampen.

Uma Thurman boogies, Harvey Keitel whips out his gun, Hitler’s head is sliced in half. And Quentin Tarantino sits serenely through it all, impervious to the mayhem he’s created.

Beethovens mangel på god opførsel bliver lidt for meget for familien Newton, så børnene sender ham i al hemmelighed på opdragelsesanstalt. Den klassiske historie om fyrsten og tiggeren går i hundene, da Beethoven på gåtur i parken, river sig løs og bliver forvekslet med Michelangelo, en perfekt trænet hund, der ligner ham på en prik! Men familien Newton undrer sig over, hvor velopdragen deres hund pludselig er blevet, går den virkelige Beethoven amok hjemme hos den rige og snobbede familie Sedgwick. Beethoven's fjerde er en hylemorsom komedie, der beviser, at man KAN lære en gammel hund nye tricks!