The two remaining crew members of a mining operation in the Arctic Circle fight to survive against an alien creature.

Gabriel is a young, aspiring musical composer whose life seems stuck in the First Act. When his new musical number gets a critical reception, a theatre colleague, Perry, tells Gabriel that he needs to get a life before he can write about one – so he heads straight for his local gay bar.

Jeffrey Dahmer struggles with a difficult family life as a young boy. During his teenage years he slowly transforms, edging closer to the serial killer he was to become.

When the local District Attorney comes knocking, a Texan cop is forced to face a secret that he's been hiding from his wife in an effort to keep his family together.

A dysfunctional family travels to Cuernavaca, to celebrate their grandmother's birthday. One pretends to have a boyfriend she just met. Another has a girlfriend who is in love with one of his brothers. Another can not stand the way the grandmother treats him but he has been afraid of her for so long...until now.

En hyggelig sightseeingtur op ad en af floderne i Australiens Kakadu Nationalpark bliver forvandlet til et mareridt for en håndfuld uskyldige turister og bådens kaptajn, den afslappede kaptajn Kate Ryan (Radha Mitchell). Undervejs ser de rejsende et nødsignal fra længere oppe ad floden, og Kate føler sig forpligtet til at undersøge det nærmere. Det skulle hun dog aldrig have gjort (hvis hun bare havde vidst, hun var med i en gyserfilm!). Kate styrer båden og de intetanende turister ud af de normale sejlruter, og de kommer til en del af floden, hvor en gigantisk - og glubsk - krokodille hersker. Og den bryder sig ikke om, at fremmede trænger ind på dens territorium!

The Mischievous Boy — "Shum bola", a film on the eponymous story of Gafur Gulyam about the adventures of a little boy, whose restless character makes him different people and life situations.

A lone drifter suffering from partial memory loss accepts a job to look after a psychologically troubled woman in an abandoned house on an isolated island.

Monster Trucks handler om en bil med et monster inde i. Normalt refererer udtrykket til en stor bil. Det man så har gjort her i filmen, er at tage det udtrykker bogstaveligt. Hvad nu, hvis der virkelig var et monster inde i en bil? Ja, det er sådan Hollywood laver film, nu om dage. Det er op til stakkels Lucas Till (den nye MacGyver) at sælge den historie. Han spiller fyren Tripp, der arbejder på at restaurere en gammel bil og opdager, at et mystisk, kæmpe væsen har gemt sig inde i den.

I komedien 'Date Night' er Claire (Tina Fey) og Phil Foster (Steve Carell) et forstadspar som kæmper sig gennem hverdagen med arbejde og ægteskab.Selv deres hyggeaftener med middag og biograftur er blevet kedelige, så i et forsøg på at genoplive deres ægteskabelige flamme besøger de en trendy bistro på Manhattan.Her bliver deres identitet pludselig forvekslet, hvilket sender dem ud på et halsbrækkende non-stop eventyr.Alt imens de endelig husker, hvorfor de er så gode sammen, kommer Phil og Claire i karambolage med korrupte betjente, en højtstående gangster og en skør taxachaffør.Deres "Date Night" bliver en aften, de aldrig glemmer.

A family, Mateo, Monica and eight year old Sofia, move into a house on the outskirts of Lima. From the first night, the girl is haunted by a terrifying being. These harassments become every time more violent and disturbing, and soon enough will require the presence of a priest, who will try to help without imagining the consequences.

Sorte Theresa er både smuk og klog, så det er ikke mærkeligt af hendes far Percy er noget stolt. Glæden er også stor, da Theresa finder sit livs kærlighed ved navn Simon. Glæden blegner dog, da Percy opdager at den udkårne er hvid. Pludselig har faderen en masse at udsætte på den kommende gom, og bedre bliver det ikke af at Simon har en klar tendens til klodsethed, når han er nervøs.

Når motocross og heavy metal er den tretten-årige Jacob liv stiger den kriminel adfærd, derfor vælger CPS at placere sin lillebror, Wes, med sin tante, skal Jacob og hans følelsesmæssigt fraværende far, Hollis må endelig tage ansvar for deres handlinger og for hinanden for at bringe Wes hjem.

After hearing a child screaming for help from the green depths of a vast field of tall grass, Becky, a pregnant woman, and Cal, her brother, park their car near a mysterious abandoned church and enter the field, discovering that they are not alone and, for some reason, they are unable to escape a completely inextricable vegetable labyrinth.

Six of the worlds scariest psychopaths escape from a local Asylum and proceed to unleash terror on the unsuspecting crowd of a Halloween Funhouse whose themed mazes are inspired by their various reigns of terror.

I 1960 blev fire campister brutalt myrdet, mens de lå i deres telt. Mordet blev aldrig opklaret og er nu en lokale legende i Finland. I Bodom får dette nogle dumdristige unge finner til at drage til det samme sted, hvor jorden tidligere blev malet rød med blod. De har blod på tanden nogle uhyggelige nætter og måske opklare det store mysterium. Men sandheden kommer efterhånden lidt for tæt på, da de opdager, at der stadig er noget ondt i skoven.

England, 1969. The fascinating Abbie and the troubled Lydia are great friends. After an unexpected tragedy occurs in the strict girls' school they attend, a mysterious epidemic of fainting breaks out that threatens the mental sanity and beliefs of the tormented people involved, both teachers and students.

When an Australian motorcycle gang leader is released from prison, he finds his former deputy on the cusp of giving control of their lucrative drug trade to a rival gang. When the deal goes south, the ensuing violence threatens to spin out of control as the gangs must contend with external threats and subversion within their own ranks — culminating in a deadly face-off between the heavily-armed crews in this epic and action-packed biker thriller.

A new girl in a quiet town, Tess tries to manage her psychosis while adjusting to her new life with her mom. After stumbling upon the shrine of Lucy, a hit and run victim, Tess finds herself overwhelmed by hallucinations of the dead girl and starts to question her sanity again. When the spirit possesses Tess’s mind and soul, mother and daughter are at a loss for where to turn next for salvation: religion or medicine? Both institutions have failed them to date but faith leads them to the house of Sarah, Lucy’s mother, who has been despondent since the accident. All together with time working against them, Sarah is desperate to believe that Lucy is still alive in Tess but neither parent wants to give up on their daughter. Now that she understands what is happening to her, ultimately Tess must decide whether she wants to keep fighting or succumb to her affliction.

Past conflicts and tensions arise when a group of late 20-something friends spend the weekend together to celebrate an upcoming wedding.