Werner Herzog's documentary film about the "Grizzly Man" Timothy Treadwell and what the thirteen summers in a National Park in Alaska were like in one man's attempt to protect the grizzly bears. The film is full of unique images and a look into the spirit of a man who sacrificed himself for nature.

The imagined life of one of the world’s most famous authors, Emily Brontë, as she finds her voice and writes the literary classic Wuthering Heights. Explore the relationships that inspired her – her raw, passionate sisterhood with Charlotte and Anne; her first aching, forbidden love for Weightman and her care for her maverick brother whom she idolises.

Dane Jensen és un caça-talents de Chicago amb molt d'èxit a la seva feina i poc temps per a la seva família. Amb la jubilació del seu cap, creu que finalment ha arribat el moment d'estar al càrrec de l'empresa on treballa però, amb el diagnòstic de leucèmia del seu fill de deu anys, la seva vida i les seves prioritats canvien radicalment.

Two youths, Niño and Compi, enter the world of drug smuggling in the Strait of Gibraltar; while two police officers, Jesús and Eva, try to eradicate the contraband.

Enmig de la crisi, un pare de família rep un encàrrec ben estrany a la barra d’un bar i el que comença com a joc acaba en deliri violent.

Crunch Calhoun és un lladre d'obres d'art retirat que accepta de tornar al món de la delinqüència per fer un últim cop lucratiu amb el seu germanastre, en Nicky. Reuneixen el seu antic equip de col·laboradors per robar un llibre antic molt valuós, però, un cop assolit l'objectiu, en Nick proposa un altre pla molt més arriscat per obtenir-ne més diners. El que no saben els germans és que cadascun té les seves motivacions, i que en Crunch no només vol aconseguir el llibre, sinó també reescriure certs capítols de la seva història personal.

Working in a Boston homeless shelter, Nick Flynn re-encounters his father, a con man and self-proclaimed poet. Sensing trouble in his own life, Nick wrestles with the notion of reaching out yet again to his dad.

An underground MMA fighter must confront his sister and his past in an adventure through parallel universes

Amy, a naive college graduate who believes she's destined to be a great poet, begrudgingly accepts a job at a sex shop while she pursues a mentorship with reclusive writer Rat Billings.

Anglaterra viu sumida en una Guerra Freda amb Xina. Per aquesta raó, el Ministeri de Defensa encarrega al científic Vincent McCarthy que desenvolupi un supersoldado cibernètic. La recerca es veu alterada quan un error informàtic dóna vida a la seva invenció, portant al científic a demanar ajuda a Ava, experta en Intel·ligència Artificial.

When up-and-coming District Attorney Mitch Brockden commits a fatal hit-and-run, he feels compelled to throw the case against the accused criminal who was found with the body and blamed for the crime. Following the trial, Mitch's worst fears come true when he realizes that he acquitted a guilty man, and he soon finds himself on the hunt for the killer before more victims pile up.

La doctora Sharon Gill, que fa una substitució, li comunica per error al pacient Henry Altmann que li queden només 90 minuts de vida. La metge tracta de localitzar desesperadament aquest home, que s’ha llançat en una absurda aventura per la ciutat en la qual tractarà d’esmenar tots els errors que ha comès en la seva vida.

When the commander of the crew of a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber is killed in action in a raid over Sicily in 1943, his replacement, a young, naive pilot struggles to be accepted by the plane's already tight-knit Irish American crew.

An outlaw named Guerrero Hernandez is shot in the back and killed whilst attempting to free his half-brother from a small-town prison. Making a deal with the devil, Hernandez returns from the dead to take his revenge.

On a trip home to visit her father, Jenny is thrown into a world of mystery, horror and legend when she is called upon by 3000 year old spirits of the Neverlake to help return their lost artifacts and save the lives of missing children.

Radio talk show therapist Sonny Blake moves back to her childhood home on seemingly idyllic Rosewood Lane after her alcoholic father dies. But upon arrival in the old neighborhood, Sonny discovers her neighbors are terrified of the local paperboy. She thinks this is ridiculous, until she encounters the boy himself. It turns out that he is a cunning and dangerous sociopath, one who may have gruesomely killed her father - and others.

When Sawa's mother and policeman father are found victims of a grisly double homicide, she begins a ruthless pursuit for the man who murdered them. With the help of her father's ex-partner, Karl Aker, and a mysterious friend from her past, she becomes a merciless teen assassin, blasting her way through the dark world of human trafficking only to uncover a devastating truth

Bagboy is the "from bags to riches" story of a lowly grocery store clerk who endeavors to win the international competitive bagging championships and the girl of his dreams.