A waiter pretends to be an important businessman in order to reach the upper class through his entrepreneurial dreams.

Dos joves abandonen Dakar per emprendre el camí cap a Europa. Una odissea contemporània a través dels perills del desert, els horrors dels centres de detenció i els perills del mar. Inspirada en històries reals (moltes d'una cruesa superior a la que es mostra) i en una laboriosa documentació duta a terme durant dos anys.

When a doctor decides to carry out an AIDS prevention program inside Latin America’s largest prison: the Casa de Detenção de São Paulo - Carandiru, he meets the future victims of one of the darkest days in Brazilian History when the State of São Paulo’s Military Police, with the excuse for law enforcement, shot to death 111 people. Based on real facts and on the book written by Dráuzio Varella.

Paraguay 1978, during Stroessner’s dictatorship, Pastor and Dionisio work burying bodies illicitly. In Argentina, the World Cup is being held. One morning, among the bodies, they find Mario, who is still alive. They know they must kill him but the problem is: in spite of what they are doing, they have never killed anyone before. A storm indicates that the winter is coming while the destiny of the three men is determined during the World Cup final. Both Pastor and Dionisio are the last link of a chain in the terrible system that has as a result in all the missing people.

Una escriptora estableix una amistat amb els residents de Guernsey Island després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, quan decideix escriure un llibre sobre les seves experiències durant la guerra.

A French family moves to a new neighborhood with during the summer holidays. The story follows a 10-year-old gender non-conforming child, Laure, who experiments with their gender presentation, adopting the name Mikäel.

Fueled by memories of her mother, resourceful Fei Fei builds a rocket to the moon on a mission to prove the existence of a legendary moon goddess.

En Harold és el nen protagonista d’un llibre infantil i té un poder molt especial: tot el que dibuixa amb el seu llapis màgic esdevé real. Un dia, quan s’ha fet gran, es dibuixa a si mateix fora de les pàgines del llibre i, de cop, es veu transportat al món real. Ben aviat s’adonarà de dues coses: que encara ha d’aprendre moltes coses de la vida i que el seu llapis pot desencadenar fets i situacions del tot inesperats.

El Lorenzo és un nen de 7 anys aparentment normal. Però va desenvolupant tot de símptomes estranys: té lapses de memòria i pèrdua d'audició. Els metges li diagnostiquen una malaltia degenerativa molt rara que és incurable. Els pares d'en Lorenzo, desesperats, buscaran qualsevol remei per guarir el seu fill.

Juan lives in clandestinity. Just like his mum, his dad and his adored uncle Beto, outside his home he has another name. At school, Juan is known as Ernesto. And he meets María, who only has one name. Based on true events, set in the Argentina of 1979, this film is one about love.

A teenage girl with nothing to lose joins a traveling magazine sales crew, and gets caught up in a whirlwind of hard partying, law bending and young love as she criss-crosses the Midwest with a band of misfits.

Medical-school dropout Wallace has been repeatedly burned by bad relationships. So while everyone around him, including his roommate Allan, seems to be finding the perfect partner, Wallace decides to put his love life on hold. It is then that he meets Chantry, an animator who lives with her longtime boyfriend Ben. Wallace and Chantry form an instant connection, striking up a close friendship. Still, there is no denying the chemistry between them, leading the pair to wonder, what if the love of your life is actually your best friend?

Déu existeix. Viu a Brussel·les amb la seva dona i la seva filla de 10 anys, Ea, germana menor de Jesucrist. No és un Déu caritatiu i de bon cor, ans al contrari: es tracta d'un malparit cruel que gaudeix amb les putades que fa als humans i que maltracta la pròpia família. Farta de la conducta violenta del pare, l'Ea decideix rebel·lar-se i enviar per SMS a cada persona la seva data de defunció. Després de causar un enrenou majúscul, s'escapa de casa i, amb l'ajut d'un captaire, busca sis nous apòstols per redactar un nou nou testament.

A lawyer turned private investigator takes on a missing person case, propelling him on an unexpected and life-altering quest.

A causa d'un trastorn d'envelliment inusual que li ha envellit quatre vegades més ràpid que un ésser humà normal, un nen entra al cinquè grau per primera vegada amb l'aspecte d'un home de 40 anys.

Master car thieves square off against French gangsters in the South of France with money, women and lives all on the line.

A 16-year-old international assassin yearning for a "normal" adolescence fakes her own death and enrolls as a senior in a suburban high school. She quickly learns that being popular can be more painful than getting water-boarded.

No one thought Donna would go very far. But when she sets her sights on becoming a first-class international flight attendant, Donna throws caution to the wind and takes off in pursuit of her dream. The ride is anything but smooth, however, and Donna's laugh-packed journey of a lifetime is rocked by more turbulence than she bargained for.

A professor and his students perform a dangerous experiment that causes a young woman to lose her sanity.

A small town waitress gets a nail accidentally lodged in her head causing unpredictable behavior that leads her to Washington, DC. Sparks fly when she meets a clueless young senator who takes up her cause - but what happens when love interferes with what you stand for?