Després de defensar els drets dels ciutadans africans a Sud-àfrica, Gandhi, considerant que també els hindús són ciutadans de segona classe a la seva pròpia terra, els incita a revoltar-se contra l'Imperi Britànic mitjançant la doctrina de la no-violència.

Martinaud, an illustrious notary suspected of being the perpetrator of two horrendous crimes, voluntarily agrees to be questioned by Inspector Gallien on New Year's Eve. What initially is a routine procedure, soon becomes a harsh interrogation that seems to confirm the initial suspicions.

Rússia, revolució bolxevic (1917). La guerra produeix una convulsió general en un país dividit. Enmig del conflicte assistim al drama íntim d'un home que lluita per sobreviure. Aquest home és Zhivago, poeta i cirurgià, marit i amant, la vida del qual trastornada per la guerra afecta les vides dels altres, inclosa Tonya, la seva dona, i Lara, la dona de qui s'enamora.

Charles Duchemin, a well-known gourmet and publisher of a famous restaurant guide, is waging a war against fast food entrepreneur Tri- catel to save the French art of cooking. After having agreed to appear on a talk show to show his skills in naming food and wine by taste, he is confronted with two disasters: his son wants to become a clown rather than a restaurant tester and he, the famous Charles Duchemin, has lost his taste!

Un grup de delinqüents organitzen un pla per robar una valuosa col·lecció de diamants a la joieria Hatton Gardens de Londres. Entre elles hi ha l'encantadora Wanda, que intentarà un doble joc per quedar-se ella amb el botí. El pitjor és que només George, el cap de la banda, sap on estan amagades les joies, però ha estat empresonat.

When the boss' unlucky daughter is missing in South America, Campana is sent to watch the boss' most unlucky employee who is sent as a private detective in hopes he can duplicate the daughter's mistakes.

La petita Ainbo viu en el lloc més profund de la selva amazònica. Després de perdre la seva mare i barallar-se amb els adults del seu poblet, aquesta jove arquera emprèn un viatge per salvar el seu poble del poder destructor de l’home blanc. L’acompanyen els seus dos guies espirituals, un armadillo eixerit i un tapir trempat.

Grégoire Lecomte, the unlucky actor anxious to find a "real job", goes to take a screen test for a role of a killer, but gets to mafiosi by mistake. He takes their don for a producer, and they mistake him for a hitman with whom they had an appointment. Deluded Lecomte signs contract with them. He is supposed to kill gun dealer Otto Krampe at his birthday party in Saint-Tropez by piercing him with a cap of the umbrella with a built-in syringe with potassium cyanide. Lecomte is not aware that it has to be a real murder.

In 1930s Marseilles two small-time crooks decide to join forces when they meet while brawling over a woman. Starting with fixed horse races and boxing matches, they soon find themselves doing jobs for the local gangster bosses. When they decide to go into the business for themselves, their easy-going approach to crime starts to change.

In 1930, Louis Martinet, a peaceful sexagenarian, no longer has a long life to live according to the words of his doctor, Leon Galipeau, who sees to take advantage of the very interesting situation of the "future deceased". This one indeed has a small house in Saint-Tropez. Galipeau sniffs the windfall. Following his advice, Martinet agrees to give it in life to the brother of the doctor, Emile, and then rushes back to a health of iron. Worse, he even survives the war. Galipeau, exhausted, decide to use the great means to get rid of the importunce who persists in thwarting their project ...

Dos amics de Nova York a l'atur accepten una feina, en què es disfressen d'ocells gegants en un banc. Uns atracadors entren al banc utilitzant la mateixa disfressa, i els testimonis confondran els innocents amics amb els delinqüents, acabant a la presó.

Bill Lo és una superestrella del cinema d'acció coaccionat per un sindicat del crim xinès que volen que treballi per ells. Lo s'hi nega i els mafiosos decideixen eliminar-lo fent que el disparin en ple rodatge d'una pel·lícula amb una arma que havia de ser de fogueig. La mort de Lo commociona el món sencer, però en realitat ell ha sobreviscut i planeja la seva revenja. Lo s'enfronta a diferents adversaris, l'un rere l'altre, amb diferents estils de lluita fins a trobar-se amb el seu enemic final.

Harpagon, avar i irascible, és víctima del seu amor desmesurat pel seu petit bagul de lluïsos d'or. Per conservar-lo només per a ell, ha d'acceptar que el seu fill es casi amb una dona sense diners i la filla amb el majordom.

Michel works there manically solving people's problems over the phone. He is about to tie the knot with his girl friend Isabelle, an airline hostess. She flies all over the world, he hates to leave the office. A series of madcap mishaps involving theft or injury (as you would expect in his line of work) ensues after Michel promises Isabelle nothing will delay their marriage and she promises in turn that she's done flying. Once this unlikely promise is made, it becomes premise and both are forced into escalating white lies to maintain the appearance of keeping their word. Their predicament mounts as Isabelle is forced to do a few more flights, while Michel is compelled to travel to New York, Tunisia, and finally Hong Kong, where they are finally reunited in the throes of a contrived and hilarious drug deal involving a 747, water taxi chases, and martial arts.

Les Charlots, a French rock group, continue their adventures, in the manner of the Beatles in Hard Day's Night. This is their second adventure. The foursome are on holiday, camping outside a village. The Olympic flame is going to pass through the village. A grocer, charged to prepare a celebration, calls upon the four to help. One of the four falls for the grocer's daughter. However, she runs away after the sportsman carrying the flame. The foursome set of to find her and win her back.

Les Bidasses en Folie, a french movie from 1971, is a very short, easy to watch, slapstick hippie comedy.

A police officer who's transfered in the police of Marseille gets assigned to take down a group of Italian robbers who drive the powerfull Ferrari's with the older niece of Daniel, a terrible driver who gets the legendary white taxi.

Whilst King Gros Pif I amuses himself at debauched banquets, his musketeers pursue their tax-collecting duties with a malicious zeal. Goaded by the court jester (who is also the Queen’s lover), the ministers decide to put an end to this regime and have the King locked up. Hearing the news, the famous Chevalier Blanc comes to his rescue. Aided by the knight and his cousin Lucienne, the King flees to Flanders, where he devises a scheme to win him back the throne of France...

Office worker Takashi shares a drink one night with two women: Ryoko and Sakura. Fate intervenes and he subsequently ends up marrying Sakura. The newlywed couple move into Takashi’s family home (shared with his sister, father and grandfather), but Sakura’s nymphomaniac sex drive soon starts to cause tensions.