When the camera captures more than it should, darkness unfolds. Brace yourself for it is coming soon.

A lecture by G. Edward Griffin, given in the late '60s, exposes the hidden plan that shapes U.S. foreign policy and that the ultimate objective of that policy is the same then as it is now — disarmament and world government.

Two teenagers, trapped in the horrible place where they were born, try to escape from a world in black and white and look for a world in color.

‘Finding Fanon’ is the first part in a series of works by artists Larry Achiampong and David Blandy; inspired by the lost plays of Frantz Fanon, (1925-1961) a politically radical humanist whose practice dealt with the psychopathology of colonisation and the social and cultural consequences of decolonisation. In the film, the two artists negotiate Fanon’s ideas, examining the politics of race, racism and the post-colonial, and how these societal issues affect their relationship. Their conflict is played out through a script that melds found texts and personal testimony, transposing their drama to a junkyard houseboat at an unspecified time in the future. Navigating the past, present and future, Achiampong and Blandy question the promise of globalisation, recognising its impact on their own heritage.

Hobbitten Bilbo Sækker og hans følge af dværge har erobret den store skat i Det Ensomme Bjerg, men det har gjort dragen Smaug så vred, at den angriber de forsvarsløse mænd, kvinder og børn i Søby. Inde i bjerget er Thorin blevet så besat af grådighed, og han sætter både venskab og ære over styr for at rage til sig. Bilbo forsøger forgæves at stoppe ham, men må til sidst ty til dramatiske midler for at bringe ham til fornuft. Mens Smaug angriber Søby indser troldmanden Gandalf, at også Sauron's hær af orker også er på vej mod bjerget. Nu må dværgene, menneskene og elverne kæmpe sammen i Femhæreslaget, for hver for sig har de ikke en chance. Kan de redde Midgård?

After a break-up with her boyfriend and a troubled marriage with Ramanathan, Anu is devastated. She finds solace when she meets Janardhan however, her troubled past soon catches up with her.

“Many people die at twenty-five and aren’t buried until they are seventy-five - Benjamin Franklin" This short film explores the self inflicted emptiness that we create in our lives as we grow old and start relying heavily on our loved ones lives for our own happiness and joy.

Summoned by the black sphere, Kei and Masaru fight against extraterrestrials until Masaru grows tired of fighting and refuses to continue.

A married, middle-aged professor meets a mysterious woman in the woods and has an affair with her.

Max Solomon faces the awful truth that he will never be a writer. So, in a desperate attempt to find his true calling, he turns to crime. In this inventive comedy, three friends have their lives turned upside down when one of them realizes that larceny might be his best skill.

Den unge danske stewardesse Christa Petersen ønsker ikke at binde sig til en bestemt mand, men udvælger sig på flyrejserne diverse elskere af forskellig nationalitet. Hendes åbne holdning til sex og uvilje mod at have tøj på gør elskernes ophold i Danmark til en rar oplevelse. Der opstår dog også jalousi og dramatik.

Laura er bartender på et af de smarte steder i København, og en aften tager hun en taxa hjem efter arbejde. Det viser sig at være en rigtig skidt ide, for lige netop denne chauffør har helt andre og gustne planer end at efterkomme Lauras ønske.

A girl with super natural powers joins a group that steals car. Cars that have already been stollen