Tony Vallelonga, conegut amb el malnom de Tony Lip, és un rústec italoamericà del Bronx que treballa de goril·la al club Copacabana de Nova York, però que es veu obligat a buscar una feina temporal durant dos mesos quan el club tanca per reformes. És aleshores que li surt l'oportunitat de fer de xòfer i guardaespatlles per a Don Shirley, un virtuós pianista afroamericà que ha de fer una gira amb el seu trio que el portarà fins al sud profund dels Estats Units. Per fer la seva feina, Tony tindrà com a guia el "Llibre verd del conductor negre", una relació dels hotels i restaurants on accepten negres al sud dels Estats Units dels anys 60.

L'Oscar i la seva germana Linda viuen des de fa poc a Tòquio. Ell sobreviu traficant amb drogues, ella treballa com a stripper en un club nocturn. Durant un forcejament amb la policia, l'Oscar cau ferit després de rebre tret. Encara que mor, el seu esperit, fidel a la promesa de no abandonar mai la seva germana, rebutja abandonar el món dels vius. El seu esperit vaga ara per la ciutat i les seves visions són cada vegada més caòtiques.

Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the countryside to visit her aunt at their ancestral house. She invites her six friends, Prof, Melody, Mac, Fantasy, Kung Fu, and Sweet, to join her. The girls soon discover that there is more to the old house than meets the eye.

Jack Traven és un intrèpid policia de Los Angeles. La supervivència en aquesta ciutat per a un agent de la llei no és una tasca fàcil, però Jack, a més de gaudir d'una bona sort, coneix perfectament els trucs per esquivar el perill. Tot i això, haurà d'afrontar una dura prova quan queda atrapat en un autobús urbà que porta instal·lada una bomba programada per explotar si el vehicle disminueix la seva velocitat a menys de 50 milles per hora. Comença així una boja carrera per la ciutat, amb Jack intentant donar confiança a la jove passatgera que ha substituït el conductor, ferit al 'segrest'.

Allen, compositor musical, i Jean, decoradora d'interiors, es veuen obligats a compartir temporalment la mateixa línia de telèfon, cosa que dóna lloc a contínues discussions entre ells. Tots dos treballen per al mateix cap, Jonathan, però no es coneixen personalment. Jonathan pretén Jean i vol casar-se amb ella. No obstant, en una festa, Allen reconeix per la veu Jean i entaula conversa amb ella ocultant la seva identitat.

When a dance troupe is lured to an empty school, a bowl of drug-laced sangria causes their jubilant rehearsal to descend into a dark and explosive nightmare as they try to survive the night—and find who's responsible—before it's too late.

Jared, the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, is outed to his parents at age 19. Jared is faced with an ultimatum: attend a gay conversion therapy program – or be permanently exiled and shunned by his family, friends, and faith.

An undercover cop in a not-too-distant future becomes involved with a dangerous new drug and begins to lose his own identity as a result.

Felipe, an aspiring actor, believes he is jinxed after an unfortunate event. His struggle to find the cause and cure of his jinx. His half-brother is not doing much better, but among the two of them embark on a mission to change their lives and fulfill their father's dream.

The government gets wind of a plot to destroy America involving a trio of nuclear weapons for which the whereabouts are unknown. It's up to a seasoned interrogator and an FBI agent to find out exactly where the nukes are.

Hi ha una fina línia entre l'amor i l'amistat. Darcy i Rachel són dues bones amigues de Manhattan, i la seva amistat es posa a prova quan la Rachel, la nit del 30 aniversari, té una aventura inesperada amb l'home dels seus somnis, en Dex. El problema és que Dex, casualment... és el promès de la Darcy. Pocs dies abans del casament del Dex i la Darcy, la Rachel es debatrà entre salvaguardar la seva amistat amb la Darcy o apostar pel que creu que és l'amor de la seva vida.

When a train carrying atomic warheads mysteriously crashes in the former Soviet Union, a nuclear specialist discovers the accident is really part of a plot to cover up the theft of the weapons. Assigned to help her recover the missing bombs is a crack Special Forces Colonel.

Lucía and Ofelia, two sisters, finally meet after 7 years of cold relationships upon Lucia 's wedding. But when Juan, Lucia's husband, and Ofelia meet, they feel like a disruptive fantasy have enchanted their minds and bodies...

Two garbage men find the body of a city councilman in a trash can on their route. With help from a supervisor, the duo must solve the case and find the man's killer while hiding the body from the cops.

When a deadly airborne virus threatens to wipe out the northeastern United States, teacher Elliott Moore and his wife Alma flee from contaminated cities into the countryside in a fight to discover the truth. Is it terrorism, the accidental release of some toxic military bio weapon -- or something even more sinister?

Després de gairebé trenta anys, fantasmes i dimonis han tornat a escapar dels inferns per destruir Nova York. La física quàntica Erin i la seva companya Abby fa molts anys que investiguen tot allò paranormal, de manera que, quan arriba aquest moment, no dubten a organitzar un nou grup de caçafantasmes, al qual se sumen l'enginyera Jillian i la Patty, una taquillera del metro que coneix cada racó de la ciutat. Ara, el treball d'aquestes quatre dones serà crucial per salvar el món.

Frankie Stone és una assessora d'imatge de personatges famosos, que rep una oferta poc usual: idear la campanya d'Ulysses, un androide d'última generació, dissenyat per fer viatges espacials i creat per Jeff Peters a imatge i semblança seva. Se suposa que Frankie li ha d'ensenyar conductes socials, però li acabarà transmetent emocions, ja que entre tots dos sorgirà una història d'amor.

Red is an aging scam-artist who's just been released from prison together with Ronnie, a young and not-so-bright hoodlum who is easily manipulated. Their new business is to organize fake-money sales and then kill the buyer to take his money; but when Ronnie kills an undercover secret service agent, his partner Jimmy Mercer vows revenge and is given one week to catch the killers before being transferred. Written by Giancarlo Cairella

Six members of a media company go on a weekend business retreat at an isolated lodge in the woods. When one of the members goes missing, they discover that the lodge was formerly a private mental institution that had been shut down after allegations of devious misconduct. One by one, they fall victim to the dark secrets buried at the lodge.

Henry Butler is a professional athlete with a little Pete Rose in him. His athletic interests go beyond the playing field and into the gambling dens. Convicted for his addiction, the soccer player is assigned to community service at a children's home as a condition of his parole. The home attempts to exploit his soccer skills by forming a team. Butler takes no interest, though, until the home burns down and the team begins playing for their homes instead of personal pride or a payoff.