"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.

Ian was born with cerebral palsy. All he wants is to make friends, although it seems impossible to achieve when discrimination and bullying keep him away from his beloved playground. However, this young boy is determined and won't give up easily. The emotional animated short film shares a story about a boy with a disability called IAN. Ian's mother created IAN foundation to fight against the lack of information and knowledge that often lead people with disabilities to be bullied and isolated. The short Ian rises from the need and goal of this foundation to reach every home with an inclusion message. Sheila, Ian's Foundation founder and works to make society understand that when talking about inclusion there is no time to waste. This award-winning film was written and produced by Gastón Gorali and Oscar winner Juan José Campanella's Buenos Aires-based animation studio took home the top prize at LA Shorts International Film Festival and several major international awards.


1994 年、ソウル。両親とそれぞれに問題を抱えた姉と兄と暮らしている中学2年生の少女ウニ。仕事で忙しい両親の関心はもっぱら長男の大学受験のことだけ。ウニのことなど気にかける素振りもみせることはなかった。ウニは学校でもクラスメイトに馴染めず、孤独な日々を送っていた。そんなある日、ウニは初めて自分に関心を示してくれる大人と出会う。それは通っていた漢文塾に新しくやって来た女性教師のヨンジ。彼女に少しずつ心を開き、いろいろな悩み事も相談するようになるウニだったが…。

霊界のエンマ大王の息子・コエンマによって一度失った命を再び与えられた浦飯幽助は、霊界探偵として、人間界に潜り込んだ霊界犯罪人を捕まえることが使命だ。幽助のライバルの桑原と、かつては霊界犯罪人であった蔵馬・飛影と共に、コエンマの指令をうけて戦っている。 夏休みを迎え、桑原と連れ立っている幽助の前に、ぼたんが現われた。せっかくの夏休みを邪魔されてはかなわないと煙たがる幽助と桑原だったが、なんと、コエンマが誘拐されたというのだ! 犯人からの要求は、エンマ大王の金印だった。この金印があればどんな書類でも作れ、犯罪妖怪達も簡単に釈放できてしまう。霊界の支配の象徴である金印が犯人に渡ったら、何が起こるかわかったものではない。 金印を渡すことなく、コエンマを救出するため、幽助と桑原はぼたんの道案内のもと、犯人からの指定場所、マグマ谷へと急いだ。 途中、様々な妖怪が幽助達に襲いかかってきたが、蔵馬と飛影に助けられ、遂にマグマ谷までたどり着き、犯人をつきとめた。 犯人は、最重要指名手配の妖怪・椰嗄だった!金印を手に入れて霊界を思うがままにしようと企んでいたのだ。 幽助・桑原・蔵馬・飛影、力を合わせてコエンマを救いだせ!

かつて世界を滅ぼしかけ、四百年を過ぎた今なお人々にとっての 恐怖の対象であり、忌み嫌われ続ける存在である《嫉妬の魔女》。 伝説によれば、彼女は紫紺の瞳を持つ銀髪のハーフエルフであったという。 雪と氷に覆われたエリオール大森林に、たった一人で暮らすエミリアは、 嫉妬の魔女に瓜二つという理由から、魔女と恐れられていた。 誤解され、傷つき、それでも小さな希望を持って、孤独を生きていた エミリアの前に現れたのは、小さな猫の姿をした精霊だった。

Marceau Léonetti, a competent and energetic officer stops by chance the son of an influential lawyer driving under the influence of alcohol. A few months later, the lawyer falsely accuses Léonetti as being violent and incompetent. As a result Marceau is transferred to a small police station, where he meets young and beautiful Jeanne. Soon they are faced with a tough investigation.

Over the course of her stay at the remote residence, Ana becomes more and more familiar with Holden’s idiosyncratic methods that require the participating artists to abandon their own identities and live emotionally and psychologically as their characters. Captivated by her artistic investigation, Ana immerses herself wholly into the method and starts living as Violeta, until her fiction loses control.

呪いの元凶である魔獣ウルガルムを打ち倒し、 アーラム村の子供たちを救ったスバルたち。 やっと訪れた平穏も束の間、スバルは 誰にも知られてはならない、とある極秘ミッションに挑んでいた。 しかし変装していたにも関わらず、すぐにペトラを始め、 村の子供たちに正体がバレてしまうスバル。 開始5秒でバレてしまったミッションとは、 エミリアとのデートコースの下見で……。


Based on the true story of a successful couple, Maggie and Aaron who are preparing for the arrival of their first child.

A boy escaped from home, listening, crouched in the depths of his hiding place, the cries of the men who seek him. When the game passes, what remains before him is an infinite and arid plain that he must cross if he wants to get away definitively from what has made him flee. His steps will intersect with those of a pastor and, from that moment, nothing will be the same for either of them.

As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's nemesis. As the blood-thirsty beasts capture the tyrant's daughter in a brutal coup, the Overfiend must awaken to an apocalyptic battle of the Gods.


Following the events of Volume 1, the mutated glee club continue their violent rampage in Tromaville. Chrissy and Lauren, two innocent lesbian lovers, must fight not only the Cretins, mutants, and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate. Can they, and Kevin the Wonder Duck, save Tromaville High School and the world?

Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.


France, 1809. Captain Neuville is called to the front, leaving his future bride heartbroken. Her sister decides to write letters on his behalf to cheer her up.

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

Once again someone from the future has come back to create an army of Trancers, human zombies who do what they're told without question or pause. Now officer Jack Deth, a cop from the future stranded in the past, must once again go forth to stop them. This sci-fi action sequel chronicles his courageous actions as he struggles to save the future. His difficulties are compounded when his boss sends his first wife back from the future to help Deth who has unfortunately, married a 20th-century girl.