Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

40 歳のシングルマザーであるソレーヌ(演:アン・ハサウェイ)は、10 代の娘の付き添いで米野外音楽フェス「コーチェラ・フェスティバル」へ行くことに。そこで、地球上でもっともホットなボーイズ・バンド「オーガスト・ムーン」でリードボーカルを務める 24 歳のヘイズ・キャンベル(演:ニコラス・ガリツィン)と運命の出会いをはたす。一気に燃え上がる 2 人であったが、順風満帆な日は長くは続かない。スーパースターとして常にスポットライトを浴びるヘインズとの交際は、ソレーヌにとっては予想以上に厳しいものであった。はたして 2 人の恋の行方は・・?

仲間を救うため魔王に進化したスライム、リムル=テンペスト。 彼が仲間と興した魔物の国【魔国連邦(テンペスト)】の 西に位置する【ラージャ小亜国】では、 女王の持つ不思議な力を巡って、長きにわたる陰謀が渦巻いていた。 そしてリムルたちの前に突如現れた“オーガの生き残り”ヒイロ。 リムルの仲間ベニマルたちの兄貴分だったという男との再会。 絶たれていた“紅蓮の絆”がいま、新たな戦いへの導火線となる―。

A thrilling journey through legends, belief and folklore, this film goes behind the scenes with the British Library as they search to tell that story through objects in their collection, in an ambitious new exhibition: Harry Potter: A History Of Magic. J.K. Rowling, who is lending unseen manuscripts, drawings and drafts from her private archives (which will sit alongside treasures from the British Library, as well as original drafts and drawings from Jim Kay) talks about some of the personal items she has lent to the exhibition and gives new insight into her writing, looking at some of the objects from the exhibition that have fired her imagination.

Everybody needs some alone time to relax and wash up, but things go quite differently when you’re a Flora Colossi toddler.

偉大な王であり、守護者であるティ・チャラを失ったワカンダ王国。悲しみに打ちひしがれる中、謎の海底王国タロカンからの脅威が迫る…。ワカンダと世界を揺るがす危機に、残された者たちはどう立ち向かうのか。そして、新たな希望となるブラックパンサーを受け継ぐ者は誰なのか…。絶対的な存在を失いながらも、未来を切りひらく者たちの熱き戦いを描いたドラマチック・アクション超大作が始まる!第80回ゴールデングローブ賞 助演女優賞受賞!

Return is a methodical construction of the approach of an individual towards an unseen goal, which assumes metaphorical significance. Viola moves toward the camera/viewer, pausing every few steps to ring a bell, at which point he is momentarily thrust back to his starting place, and then advanced again. Finally reaching his destination, he is taken through all of the previous stages in a single instant and returned to the source of his journey.

Polish animator Anna Błaszczyk’s humorous short—a collage of drawing, cut-out, and computer animation—was inspired by Stanisław Lem’s 1961 novel Return from the Stars, a time-paradox tale of an astronaut who returns to Earth after many years away.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

Ean has a critical mission to return to the future to save everyone. However, she becomes trapped in the distant past while trying to prevent the escape of alien prisoners who are locked up in the bodies of humans. Meanwhile, Muruk, who helps Ean escape various predicaments, is unnerved when he begins sensing the presence of a strange being in his body. Traveling through the centuries, they are trying to prevent the explosion of the haava.

A young man returns home for the weekend to discover the difficulty of juggling friends, parents, magic mushrooms and several thousand chickens.

Owen, a young man is dissatisfied with his life. He heads into the forest to escape and learns a lot during his time there.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

デンデが地球の神となり、その後も新ナメック星ではいつもとかわらず平和な日々が続いていた。しかし、ある時巨大な要塞が新ナメック星を覆った。 新ナメック星からの危機を知らされたデンデは孫悟空たちに救援を要請。悟空たちは大型の宇宙船で新ナメック星へと向かうが、そこに現れたのは、かつて悟空が倒したはずのフリーザの兄・クウラだった。 宇宙に一つのコンピューターチップがあった。それは長い歳月をかけてどんどん増殖していった。死んだと思われていたクウラは、脳だけで宇宙を漂っていたが、運良くそのコンピューターチップに辿り着き、巨大移動型要塞「ビッグゲテスター」を築き上げた。その後、新ナメック星を侵略するために覆い尽くしていたのである。 そして、悟空とクウラの因縁の対決が再び始まる。

A young couple purchase their new home to start a life together, only to find out the elderly couple next door have other plans for them.


A group of students head off for a snowboarding adventure on an untouched piece of land. When their SUV mysteriously stalls in a brutal snowstorm they are not only faced with the reality of freezing to death but a fate even more horrifying. For they have become stranded in Stoughton Valley, home of some Witch Trials even more horrendous than Salem, and are being hunted by a supernatural creature determined to keep them there.