Harold és un jove que marxa a la gran ciutat per llaurar un futur d'èxit, mentre la seva xicota es queda al poble. A la ciutat, Harold comença a treballar de dependent en uns grans magatzems, tot i que a la seva xicota li ha explicat que n'és el propietari. Tot es complica quan ella decideix fer-li una visita a la ciutat.
Segona Guerra Mundial. Harry Morgan i el seu company Eddie són dos mariners que són a l'illa de Martinica, esperant inútilment que algun vaixell els contracti. Al final, es veuran obligats a treballar per a la Resistència.
Two filmmakers travel around impoverished sectors of the cities of Bogotá and Cali in search of the images of abjection needed to complete a documentary commissioned by German TV. Meanwhile, another camera captures these “vampire” filmmakers feeding off the misery of their marginal subjects.
A poetic and powerful story of a father forced to choose between love and duty.
A la ciutat futurista de Vanille, si tens correctament sintonitzats els ulls i les orelles ImmerSyst el món pot semblar-te un paradís. Però la vida d'un pare i el seu fill petit corre el perill de desintegrar-se quan el dispositiu del pare comença a fallar. Desesperat per haver d'enfrontar-se a la realitat, el pare es veu obligat a sortir per trobar un recanvi, en una ciutat on la violència i el perill s'amaguen sota d'una bella però fràgil coberta.
Gerry Boyle és un policia d'un petit poble irlandès que posseeix una personalitat conflictiva i un sentit de l'humor subversiu. La seva mare s'està morint, si bé això no li impedeix gaudir de la seva principal “afició”, les prostitutes. No és d'estranyar que, quan el seu camí es creua amb l'agent de l'FBI Wendell Everett, que vol capturar a una important banda que trafica amb drogues, a Boyle li importi ben poc la resolució del cas… almenys al principi.
2014 standup special originally aired on Comedy Central.
A father tells his little boy the most epic bedtime story ever.
Colonel Steve Austin, astronaut and test pilot, is badly injured when he crashes while testing an experimental aircraft. A covert government agency (OSI) is willing to pay for special prosthetics to replace the eye, arm and both legs he lost in the crash. Highly advanced technology (bionics) built into them will make him faster, stronger and more resilient than normal. In return they want him to become a covert agent for the OSI. It will cost $6,000,000 to rebuild Steve Austin.
Sometimes first love is found in the most unlikely of places, like in the carpark outside the Te Kaha pub.
Doug Glatt, a slacker who discovers he has a talent for brawling, is approached by a minor league hockey coach and invited to join the team as the "muscle." Despite the fact that Glatt can't skate, his best friend, Pat, convinces him to give it a shot, and Glatt becomes a hero to the team and their fans, until the league's reigning goon becomes threatened by Glatt's success and decides to even the score.
The story of a young, gay, black, con artist who, posing as the son of Sidney Poitier, cunningly maneuvers his way into the lives of a white, upper-class New York family.
Elizabeth (Norah Jones) és una jove que comença un viatge espiritual a través d'Amèrica en un intent de recompondre la vida després d'una ruptura. Pel camí, emmarcada entre el màgic paisatge urbà de Nova York i les espectaculars vistes de la llegendària Ruta 66, la noia es trobarà amb una sèrie d'enigmàtics personatges que l'ajudaran en el viatge.
Anglaterra 1939. El Thomas Miller és un professor d'anglès que ha acceptat un lloc d'última hora a l'escola Augusta-Victòria, on els oficials nazis d'alt rang envien les seves filles. Sota l'atenta mirada de la directora, la Senyoreta Rocholl, i la seva devota ajudant l'Ilse Keller, les noies practiquen anglès i aprenen a representar l'ideal de la dona alemanya.
In a post-apocalyptic world where the Russians have taken over a nuked USA and Elvis is king of Lost Vegas, Buddy is a '50s rocker and wandering warrior rolled into one, too-cool package. Armed with his six-string in one hand and his sword in the other, Buddy is on his way to Vegas to succeed Elvis as King. Along the way, he saves an orphan who decides to tag along.
Escalating climate change is turning the world economy upside down. With crops dying and food price spiking, FOOD has replaced oil as the world's most valuable commodity. Among the very few lands still left fertile, Indonesia is quickly rising as the next economic superpower, when its government is suddenly and ruthlessly overtaken by a popular rogue political party. In just three days, six former Marines must work together, find their long-lost brotherhood, stop a nationwide government- sanctioned genocide, and save millions of lives, for one last shot at redemption. Or die trying.
Kate and her daughter Beth live alone in an isolated farmhouse in the woods, but when Kate slowly begins to suspect that something sinister is happening, her motherly instincts are put to the test.
Anglaterra viu sumida en una Guerra Freda amb Xina. Per aquesta raó, el Ministeri de Defensa encarrega al científic Vincent McCarthy que desenvolupi un supersoldado cibernètic. La recerca es veu alterada quan un error informàtic dóna vida a la seva invenció, portant al científic a demanar ajuda a Ava, experta en Intel·ligència Artificial.
My Best Friend's Birthday is a partially lost black-and-white amateur film. The original cut was about 70 minutes long but due to a fire only 36 minutes of the film survived. It is about Mickey, who has been dumped by his girlfriend, and Clarence, who's trying to give his friend an unforgettable birthday.