When the Thanagarians visit Earth, Hawkgirl is forced to choose between loyalty to her people and love for her friends on her adopted planet Earth.

When global catastrophe strikes, the World's Greatest Super Heroes answer the call to join Justice League. Justice League works together as a team to overcome a dangerous array of intersteller invaders and world conquering megalomaniacs.

Skræmmende skelet pirater lurer om hvert hjørne og sørger for både sjov og skæg helt op til rælingen. Gå ikke glip af denne helt nye animerede film, hvor Scooby-Doo og vennerne tager på et uhyggeligt krydstogt til den legendariske Bermuda Trekant.

Batmans optegnelser om sine superheltekolleger er faldet i kløerne på Vandal Savage, som planlægger at udnytte enhver svaghed i Lovens Vogtere.

Verden er under angreb af en fremmed krigsstyrke, ledet af den magtfulde Apokoliptian, Darkseid. En gruppe superhelte bestående af Supermand, Batman, Mirakelkvinden, Lynet, Grønne Lygte, Cyborg og Shazam skal afsætte deres forskelle og samles for at forsvare jorden.

I et alternativt univers kæmper den heroiske Lex Luthor for at redde sin planet fra en ond version af Justice League! For at redde sin verden hyrer Luthor Justice League fra sin planets Crime Syndicate, en flok skurke med superkræfter, der kan måle sig med Justice League. Og i den ultimative kamp mellem det gode og onde er ikke kun de to verdeners skæbne på spil, men også alles eksistens!

Taking place at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, this event features a Women's Elimination Chamber match to determine who will face Becky Lynch for the Raw Women's Championship at WrestleMania.

Using every known means of transportation, several savants from the Geographic Society undertake a journey through the Alps to the Sun which finishes under the sea.

I et alternativt univers kæmper meget forskellige versioner af DC's Trinity mod regeringen, efter at de er beskyldt for en ambassade bombning.

A lonely 40-ish man, likely to remain a bachelor, has a chance to find the love of his life when he falls for a vivacious young woman.

Celebrating Batman’s 75th anniversary, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation have debuted this new animated short for the cultural icon.

When a ruthless brothel madame murders Jonah Hex's current quarry, the disfigured bounty hunter plans to make her pay.

Mørke, mystik, legende - disse ord om Atlantis gjalder gennem historien. Et skjult kongerige der for længst er glemt på overfladen, men som står på kanten af krig. Da en militær ubåd angribes, springer Cyborg i dybet for at efterforske vraget. Den trussel han finder er alvorlig nok til at samle det nyligt oprettede Lovens Vogtere.

Da katastrofen rammer, rykker Superman endnu en gang ud, men denne gang får han uventet hjælp fra et hold superhelte, som kalder sig Eliten.

A filmmaker tries to prove that ghosts are real but soon regrets his intentions after he finds himself being terrorized in a haunted house by a ghost with a dark past. An authentic documentary that shows actual ghost footage that was captured on camera.

Stars from the Watchmen movie team up in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owl's powerful firsthand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence.

Henry Altmann (Robin Williams) har en dårlig dag. Den er værre end hans normale dårlige dage - dem vi andre ville kalde hverdage. Denne dag er han hos sin læge Dr. Sharon Gill (Mila Kunis), der fortæller ham, at han har en hjerneblødning. Henry bliver naturligvis meget vred! Han kræver øjeblikkeligt at få at vide, hvor lang tid han har igen. Og det er så her Dr. Sharon træder i spinaten. "90 minutter", slynger hun ud! Henry stormer ud af døren i et forsøg på at få styr på sin liv og gøre alt godt igen på 1,5 time, mens Dr. Sharon forsøger at indhente ham, da hun indser hvilken forfærdelig fejl, hun har begået!

The Invincible Iron Man and the Incredible Hulk must join forces to save the Earth from its greatest threat yet! When two Hydra scientists try to supercharge a Stark Arc Reactor with Hulk's Gamma Energy, they unleash a being of pure electricity called Zzzax - and he's hungry for destruction. Together, Iron Man and Hulk are the only force that stands in the way of the Zzzax's planetary blackout. But first, the super heroic duo will have to get through snarling Wendigos, deadly robots and the scaly powerhouse, Abomination. Can two of Marvel's mightiest heroes find a way to work together without smashing each other before time runs out?

It is now summer in the Parker family; and the usual amount of numerous events are happening in their separate lives. Ralphie is searching for the perfect top to use to beat the school bully with, the Old Man is in battle with their hillbilly neighbors, the Bumpus, while eagerly awaiting the discovery of the perfect fishing spot, and the Mother is attempting to collect all of the pieces of a glass china set at a local movie theater.

Tre venner, der filmer et audition-bånd til et ekstremt reality-tv-show, bliver strandet i haj-befængt farvand og forvandler deres optagelse til en blodig dødsdagbog. Har de det, der skal til for at overleve det åbne vand?