With the Tendos, the Saotomes, Ryoga, Shampoo and Ukyo misinterpreting Tatewake Kuno's invitation to his two loves, Akane and 'The Pig Tailed Girl', to try his new yacht, a whole new episode of chaos begins in the already unstable lives of the Saotome/Tendo clan. A mysterious shadow kidnaps first Akane's sister Kasumi, then continues on until all the girls disappear. All except everyone's favorite hydrotranssexual.

In the frigid valleys of Japan's Shiga Highlands, a troop of snow monkeys make their way and raise their families in a complex society of rank and privilege where each knows their place. Their leader is still new to the job and something of a solitary grouch. But one little monkey, innocently unaware of his own lowly social rank, reaches out to this lonely leader, forming a bond with him that manages over time to warm his less than sunny disposition. It is a rare and remarkable gesture that alters both their lives. Changing seasons bring new babies to care for, a profusion of insects and blossoms to eat, family disagreements to squabble over and tragedies to overcome. Mating season brings competition for females, as the days grow shorter and colder in a rush toward winter. But with their now confident leader to guide them and their families to shelter and care for them, this troop of snow monkeys is ready to face the world.

Yugi and Kaiba have a special duel that transcends dimensions.

Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy are on their way to a Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, where they've been hired as gym teachers. Once there, however, they find that not only is it actually an all-girl school of famous monsters' daughters but there's a villainess out to enslave the girls.

Tässä innoittavassa tositapahtumiin perustuvassa elokuvassa äiti etsii toivonpilkahdusta ja parannuskeinoa kuultuaan, että hänen tyttärellään on harvinainen sairaus. Beamin perheen uskomaton tarina, jossa äiti Christyn ja tytär Annan taistelu parantumatonta sairautta vastaan saa odottamattoman käänteen.

A girl wakes up in a huge secret laboratory, then accidentally meets another girl who is trying to protect her house from a gang. The mystery girl overthrows the gang with her unexpected powers, and laboratory staff set out to find her.

Elämä Barbiemaassa on täydellistä. Paitsi jos sinulla on eksistentiaalinen kriisi. Tai jos olet Ken.

British magician and card shark to the world’s elite, Drummond Money-Coutts, embarks on an international journey, going from London to Paris with a final destination of Bangkok. In this one-off special, DMC explores the thrilling and high stakes world of card tricks. Through breath-taking stunts and street demonstrations, Drummond reveals the secrets behind advanced card play, card cheating and the dark art of card magic. This show ends with his most dangerous trick to date!

Skitsofreniaa sairastava teinityttö Rain painiskelee kauhistuttavien hallusinaatioiden kanssa, kun hän alkaa epäillä naapurinsa siepanneen lapsen. Ainoa henkilö, joka uskoo häntä, on Caleb - poika, josta Rain ei ole varma, onko tämä edes todellinen.

Flora, a genie trapped for more than 2,000 years inside an antique jewelry box, is accidentally called to service by Bernard, whose life is unraveling around him.

Tom lähtee merille alhaisena hyttikissana kapteeninaan aavojen merten isoin ja pahin merirosvo Red. Luvassa on hurjapäinen merirosvoseikkailu, kun Tom lähtee merille alhaisena hyttikissana kapteeninaan aavojen merten isoin ja pahin merirosvo: pahamaineinen Kapteeni Red. Tom, joka kyllästyy kannen alituiseen luuttuamiseen, uskoo onnensa kääntyneen, kun laivalle huuhtoutuu salaperäinen, aarrekartan sisältävä pullo. Tomin unelma aarteen löytämisestä itselleen luhistuu, kun hän saa selville, että pullossa piileksii myös salamatkustajahiiri Jerry.

Mitä jos sattumanvarainen tekstiviesti johdattaisi sinut elämäsi rakkauden luo? Mira Ray käy läpi kihlattunsa traagista menettämistä ja lähettää ikäväänsä helpottaakseen romanttisia viestejä tämän vanhaan puhelinnumeroon tajuamatta, että numero on siirtynyt Rob Burnsin uudeksi työnumeroksi. Toimittajana Robia kiehtoo näiden tunteikkaiden tekstiviestien rehellisyys. Kun hän saa tehtäväkseen kirjoittaa henkilökuvan Céline Dionista, pyytää Rob megatähteä apuun selvittääkseen, kuinka tavata Mira… ja voittaa hänen sydämensä.

Bullied by his boss, worked around the clock, he's nothing more than a corporate drone. All it takes is a zombie outbreak for him to finally feel alive!

Júlio wanted to be the most popular person in school but ends up getting more than what he wished for.

365 Days elokuvasarjan kolmas osa jatkaa Lauran ja Massimon kiihkeän räjähtävän suhteen selvittelyä.

After the death of their father, two half-brothers find themselves on opposite sides of an escalating conflict with tragic consequences.

A film director fades away from the industry after the failed love with the heroine of his movie. After being rehabilitated, he learns that some people conspired his fall and decides to take revenge.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

An exploration of the story behind the world's most expensive Fabergé eggs, including the incredible trajectory of the Fabergé clan, in a fascinating historical context.