Yli 30 vuotta laivaston hävittäjälentäjänä palvellut Pete “Maverick” Mitchell tunnetaan huimapäisenä koelentäjänä, joka yrittää kaikin keinoin välttää aktiiviuran päättävän ylennyksen. Kun Maverick määrätään kouluttamaan Top Gun -kokelaita ainutlaatuiseen erikoistehtävään, hän tapaa luutnantti Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw’n, joka on Maverickin edesmenneen ystävän, tutkaupseeri Nick “Goose” Bradshaw’n poika. Epävarman tulevaisuuden ja menneisyyden haamujen piinaama Maverick joutuu kohtaamaan pahimmat pelkonsa tehtävässä, joka vaatii siihen osallistuvilta lentäjiltä suunnattomia uhrauksia.

While investigating a terroristic threat that goes viral online, Korean authorities discover that a suspect has recently boarded an international flight bound for the United States. When a healthy passenger on the same flight suddenly dies a gruesome death of unknown cause, panic erupts both in-flight and on the ground. With steadily decreasing fuel and international refusals to offer aid, the captain and crew will be forced to take unprecedented emergency measures in an attempt to save the lives of their passengers.

When the irritable monkey king visits a temple together with his master Tang Monk, he feels offended because of a trifle and thereupon accidentally destroys a magic tree growing on the sacred ground. This brings an ancient demon king back to life, who promptly kidnaps Tang Monk to take revenge for his long imprisonment. The monkey king and his followers have only three days to not only save their master but also to prevent the demon king from regaining his full powers and destroying the world…

Useiden haastavien tehtävien jälkeen, ja vastoin kaikkia todennäköisyyksiä, Dom Toretto ja hänen perheensä ovat raivanneet kaikki viholliset tieltään. Nyt heitä vastassa on kuitenkin kuolettavin vastustaja koskaan: menneisyyden varjoista nouseva uhka, joka verikostoa vannoen on päättänyt tuhota kaiken – ja kaikki – joita Dom rakastaa, lopullisesti.

Kohtalokas maanjäristys muuttaa Soulin autiomaaksi, jossa lakia ei tunneta. Peloton metsästäjä ryhtyy toimeen pelastaakseen siepatun teinin hullun lääkärin kynsistä.

Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...

Seven years after their first infatuated encounter, Abril and Manuel meet again. Despite the fact that they are both married, it is soon apparent that their attraction has only grown.

Jouluaatto on yllätyksiä täynnä, kun Pikku-Pomo vaihtaa vahingossa paikkaa Joulupukin tontun kanssa ja päätyy Pohjoisnavalle.

Avery, a teenager with a tendency towards perfectionism, enlists her friend Larson to help her prepare for her first time with her long-distance boyfriend.

Kultti varastaa Torinon käärinliinan pahoihin tarkoituksiin. (Owla)

Clémence, the fearless mayor of a town near Paris, is completing the final term of her political career. With her faithful right-hand man Yazid, she has long fought for this town plagued by inequality, unemployment and slumlords. However, when Clémence is approached to become Minister, her ambition arises, questioning her devotion and commitment to her citizens. Will her political integrity and election promises survive her newly found ambition?

Keskushahmo on terrieri nimeltä Max, joka viettää omistajansa Katien kanssa mukavaa elämää New Yorkissa. Kaikki kuitenkin muuttuu, kun Katie tuo eräänä päivänä kotiin valtavan karvaturrin nimeltä Duke. Katie haluaa koirien antavan toisilleen seuraa, mutta Max pitää Dukea uhkana. Taistelu omasta reviiristä kuitenkin jää taka-alalle, kun koirat joutuvat jännittävään seikkailuun muiden talon lemmikkien kanssa. Manhattanin kaduilla he kohtaavat hylätyistä lemmikeistä koostuvan rikollisjengin. Jengin johtaja on valkoinen pupu nimeltä Lumipallo, jonka söpön ulkokuoren alta paljastuu varsinainen Bunny the Killer Thing.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

Romanttinen jouluelokuva, jossa Stephanien joulukauppaa uhkaa sulkeminen suurfiman ostaessa koko talon. Onko kiinteistöfirman Michaelista apua?

Dr. Steven Greer presents brand new top-secret evidence supporting extraterrestrial contact, including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage, while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.

On a secluded farm in a nondescript rural town, a man is slowly dying. His family gathers to mourn, and soon a darkness grows, marked by waking nightmares and a growing sense that something evil is taking over the family.

Eläköitynyttä salamurhaajaa pyydetään takaisin tositoimiin, kun hänen ystävänsä saa tietää vaarallisesta juonesta Etelä-Afrikan valtionjohdon ytimessä.

Good-hearted teenager William always lived in hope of following in his late father’s footsteps and becoming a storm chaser. His father’s legacy has now been turned into a storm-chasing tourist business, managed by the greedy and reckless Zane Rogers, who is now using William as the main attraction to lead a group of unsuspecting adventurers deep into the eye of the most dangerous supercell ever seen.

Feeling career burnout, pop star Angelina escapes to grant a young fan's wish in small-town New York, where she not only finds the inspiration to revitalize her career but also a shot at true love.

Jerome, 35, is a yacht salesman in Nice. But if you listen to him, in his spare time Jerome is also an astronaut, a karate world champion and a close friend of Miss Universe. As a matter of fact Jerome is a compulsive liar: he lies to everyone about everything! No one believes him, but that doesn’t prevent him from accumulating more lies. But one day Jerome wakes up to find out that all his lies have come true... and it’s just the beginning of the troubles ...!