Mama Cora, who is almost eighty years old, has three sons and a daughter. She lives with one of them, who has serious financial problems. The family meets one day to celebrate an anniversary meal, and that is when the problem arises: which of them will take care of her?




Two con artists try to swindle a stamp collector by selling him a sheet of counterfeit rare stamps (the "nine queens").

マドリードに住む移植コーディネーターのマヌエラは、作家志望の息子・エステバンを女手一つで育ててきた。エステバンの誕生日、二人は『欲望という名の電車』の舞台を観に行く。そして、マヌエラが息子に今まで話さなかった父のことを話そうと決心したとき、エステバンは舞台の主演だった大女優ウマ・ロッホにサインをもらおうとして車にはねられ、そのまま亡くなってしまう。 息子の死を行方不明となっている父に伝えるため、バルセロナへ旅立ったマヌエラは、ひょんなことから息子の死の原因となったウマの付き人になる。バルセロナでマヌエラは、ウマのレズビアンの恋人で麻薬中毒の若手女優・ニナ、性転換した明るいゲイの娼婦・アグラード、エイズを抱えて妊娠した純朴なシスター・ロサ、その母親でボケの進んだ夫に手を焼く厳格な贋作画家、そして、今では「ロラ」という名の女性となりロサにエイズをうつした、息子と同名の元夫といった様々な女性たちと出会い、やがて人生への希望を取り戻していく。

Cashier and part-time starving artist Christopher Cross is absolutely smitten with the beautiful Kitty March. Kitty plays along, but she's really only interested in Johnny, a two-bit crook. When Kitty and Johnny find out that art dealers are interested in Chris's work, they con him into letting Kitty take credit for the paintings. Cross allows it because he is in love with Kitty, but his love will only let her get away with so much.



The story of two men on different sides of a prison riot -- the inmate leading the rebellion and the young guard trapped in the revolt, who poses as a prisoner in a desperate attempt to survive the ordeal.

In the aftermath of WWI, a young German who grieves the death of her fiancé in France meets a mysterious French man who visits the fiance’s grave to lay flowers.

A comedy that chronicles a chance encounter between Robert and a Chinese named Jun who wanders lost through the city of Buenos Aires in search of his uncle after being assaulted by a taxi driver and his henchmen.



Jenny is young. Her life is over. She killed someone. And she would do it again. When an 80-year-old piano teacher discovers the girl’s secret, her brutality and her dreams, she decides to transform her pupil into the musical wunderkind she once was.

Alex, an intersexed 15-year-old, is living as a girl, but she and her family begin to wonder whether she's emotionally a boy when another teenager's sexual advances bring the issue to a head. As Alex faces a final decision regarding her gender, she meets both hostility and compassion.

リンドン・ジョンソンがJFK暗殺の直後に大統領に昇格してから、翌年の大統領選で当選するまでの347日を描いた実話ドラマ。 当時副大統領だったリンドン・ジョンソンが、JFK暗殺によりエアフォース・ワンで大統領就任宣誓を行ってから、翌年大統領選で当選するまでを描いた実話ドラマ。ブロードウェイで上演されトニー賞を受賞した舞台をスティーヴン・スピルバーグの製作総指揮で映画化。舞台でも主演し、トニー賞主演男優賞を受賞したブライアン・クランストンが、『トランボ ハリウッドで最も嫌われた男』のジェイ・ローチ監督と再タッグを組んだ。

The boyfriend of an abducted woman never gives up the search as the abductor looks on.

Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sebastián, a successful lawyer, leaves his ex-wife's condo, located on the seventh floor of an apartment building, to take his two children to school. While they run down the stairs, he uses the elevator. Once on the ground floor, Sebastián awaits the arrival of the children.

A couple agree to have their deceased son cloned under the supervision of an enigmatic doctor, but bizarre things start to happen years after his rebirth.