When Sara hears a preacher say faith can move mountains, she starts praying. Suddenly people in her town are mysteriously healed! But fame soon takes its toll – can Sara’s family save her before it’s too late?

A model student transfers to the notorious Jungmoon High School known for its severe corporal punishment by teachers and power struggles between school gangs.

A boy is left alone in a Jewish neighborhood in the year of 1970, where both world cup and dictatorship happen in Brazil.

Felicia Impastato, mother of the brave Peppino Impastato, tries to keep the memory of his son alive after his murder.

The marriage of an actor and a freelance film editor breaks up unexpectedly in front of two filmmakers' camera.

A high school student becomes convinced that the world is lost to evil and begins to challenge the morals and beliefs of the adults surrounding him.

Den amerikanske cykelrytter Lance Armstrong er en rigtig god historie, da han både besejrer sin testikelkræft - og vinder Tour de France syv år i træk. Men det er næsten for godt til at være sandt, så den britiske journalist David Walsh begynder at grave i om Armstrong skulle have taget doping. Han finder tegn på, at Armstrong lyver - men kan han bevise, at sportsidolet har ført verden bag lyset?

Four children dream of escaping the tedium of a summer holiday with their mother. When finally given permission to camp on their own on an island in the middle of a vast lake, they are overjoyed. But when they get there they discover they may not be alone… The battle for ownership of a lonely island teaches them the skills of survival, the value of friendship and the importance of holding your nerve.

Simone Segre, a renowned surgeon of Jewish origins, lives in a city in the north-east of Italy. A quiet life, an elegant apartment and no connection with his past. One day he finds himself assisting a man victim of a hit and run accident. But when he discovers a nazi tattoo on his chest, Simone abandons him to his destiny. Filled with guilt, he ends up tracing the man’s family: Marica, the eldest daughter; Marcello, a teenager plagued with racial hate; and little Paolo. The night will come when Marica knocks at Simone’s door and unknowingly asks for payback.

Though it sounds incredible, little Ulises with only nine years old, from one day to another grows an enourmous mustache. This situation, appearing to be ordinary, starts a series of extraordinary events for him, his mother and his best friends. From this moment onward with the company of a bunch of very curious characters they will have to face this hairy adventure.

Antonio and Agostino grew up together in a small town in Sicily; they dreamt of living a different life, somewhere else. Now thirty-year-olds, they both live abroad but they lost touch years ago. When Antonio discovers that the house he grew up in, which had been empty for a long time, is about to be sold at auction, he decides to leave and reconnects with his childhood friend. But their lives have changed a lot. Old conflicts and new revelations bring them through Europe on a truck journey.

Foregår i 1930'erne Ukraine, da Stalin rykker ambitioner kommunisterne i Kreml, den unge kunstner Yuri kæmper for at redde hans kæreste Natalka fra Holodomor, den død-ved-sult-program, der i sidste ende dræbte millioner af ukrainere.

Familien Ryan rammes af en katastrofe, da en ung pige fra deres lille by findes myrdet, og deres søn er den eneste mistænkte. Liam Neeson og Meryl Streep spiller forældrene, som befinder sig i et moralsk dilemma, da bevismaterialet i stigende grad peger på deres søn som morderen.

Johanne har boet på børnehjemmet Mælkebøtten hele livet og har altid drømt om en mor. En dag kommer en Gorilla, som ønsker at adoptere hende. Det tager noget tid før Johanne vender sig til den lidt mærkværdige situation.

Rich girl Angela returns to school and falls for the local hunk. But when he refuses her advances, she pretends to be in love with the principal instead.

A talented Las Vegas chef falls in love with an aspiring fashion designer but turns violently jealous when he realizes that she's hiding dark secrets.

AJ Manglehorn is an aging, ordinary guy in a small town. He nurses his sick cat, squeezes out a conversation with the local bank teller every Friday, and eats at the same place every day. But there is more to Manglehorn than meets the eye: he’s an ex-con who, 40 years ago, gave up the woman of his dreams for a big ‘job’. After a dramatic effort to start over, Manglehorn faces a terrifying moment and is unmasked as a guy with a very, very dark past.

I en fremtid, hvor en pest har inficeret store dele af befolkningen, får to brødre til opgave at rejse til Canada for at hente en mystisk pakke.

Roger, a straight-laced politician has big plans to propose to his dream girl at her family's lake house. But everything goes awry when he meets his potential brother-in-law Todd: a full-time camp counselor with a heart of gold and a wild sense of fun, pining to be Roger's best friend, and ultimately catapulting him into a series of unfortunate events. As Roger tries to take a stand amidst outrageous fishing excursions, propulsive water jetpacks and American history-themed musicals, he realizes that being a part of a new family may be more difficult than he'd thought.

Idioterne Bud og Doyle bliver ved et tilfælde låst inde i en simuleret naturverden ude i ørkenen. Glashuset er ikke et indkøbscenter som de tror, men en del af et eksperiment, hvor de bliver tvunget til at være et helt år sammen med en gruppe forskere.