This is the story of the politician named Zübük. He gets expelled from the political party that he is a member of, due to corruption. The journalist Yaşar wants to make a news story about his case and investigates Zübük's doings. Yaşar gets baffled at the sly tricks Zübük played on his village people. In the end, he feels sorry about Zübük's present situation, however, as things happen he becomes aware that Zübük has been tricking him.


Bitter and hateful, the Grinch is irritated at the thought of a nearby village having a happy time celebrating Christmas. Disguised as Santa Claus, with his dog made to look like a reindeer, he decides to raid the village to steal all the Christmas things.

ソ連崩壊前、ソ連の化学兵器工場に006ことアレックと共に侵入したボンドだったが、責任者のウルモフ大佐によりアレックが拘束されてしまう。ボンドはやむなく彼を見捨て秘密工場を爆破し、任務を達成した。 それから9年後。20世紀も終わりに近く、ソ連は既に崩壊していた。ボンドはモナコでロシアの犯罪組織「ヤヌス」のメンバーであるゼニアをマークしていたが、彼女と将軍になっていたウルモフは、対電磁波装甲を施したNATOの最新鋭戦闘ヘリコプター・タイガーを、デモンストレーションを行っていたフリゲート艦上から奪取・逃走する。 その後ゼニアとウルモフは、ロシアの秘密宇宙基地に現れ、ソ連時代の秘密兵器「ゴールデンアイ」を起動させ、兵士と職員を皆殺しにする。女性コンピューター技術士のナターリアは、奇跡的に生き残り脱出した。 ボンドは「ゴールデンアイ」とヤヌスの関係の手掛かりを求めてサンクトペテルブルクへ行き、そこで9年前殺されたはずのアレックと再会して、意外な真実を知る。

One little ancient British village still holds out against the Roman invaders. Asterix and Obelix are invited to help. They must face fog, rain, warm beer and boiled boar with mint sauce, but they soon have Governor Encyclopaedius Britannicus's Romans declining and falling. Until a wild race for a barrel of magic potion lands them in the drink.


Ellis, a fourteen-minute film directed by JR and written by Academy Award winner Eric Roth, tells the elusive story of countless immigrants whose pursuit of a new life led them to the now-shuttered Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital. Following its opening in 1902, approximately 1.2 million people passed through the facility, where the Statue of Liberty can be seen from the windows. Languishing in a sort of purgatory awaiting their fate, many were never discharged.


Trapped inside a fortified home owned by a mysterious couple, a young boy quickly learns the true nature of the homicidal inhabitants, and secret creatures hidden deep within the walls.



is a creative documentary-fiction film and a film that might expand your sense of reality. It is the story about a man who enters the virtual world Second Life to pursue his personal dreams and ambitions. His journey into cyberspace becomes a magic learning experience, which gradually opens the gates to a much larger reality.

A career driven professional from Manhattan is wooed by a young painter, who also happens to be the son of her psychoanalyst.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

Carpenter Arturo becomes a literary sensation when the children's stories he writes in his spare time get published, but he comes to resent success and the spotlight that comes with it. During a press tour he falls in love with beautiful married woman, Matilde.

Mild-mannered Paul Blart has always had huge dreams of becoming a State Trooper. Until then, he patrols the local mall as a security guard. With his closely cropped moustache, personal transporter and gung-ho attitude, only Blart seems to take his job seriously. All that changes when a team of thugs raids the mall and takes hostages. Untrained, unarmed and a super-size target, Blart has to become a real cop to save the day.

Deuce Bigalow goes to Amsterdam after a little accident including two irritating kids and a bunch of aggressive dolphins. There he meets up with his old friend T.J. Hicks. But a mysterious killer starts killing some of Amsterdam's finest gigolos and T.J. is mistaken for the extremely gay murderer. Deuce must enter the gigolo industry again to find the real murderer and clear T.J.'s name.

7 years on from the original Fortress movie, Brennick and his family are still on the run. Finally, they give in, and surrender, only to find themselves imprisoned in a new, more sophisticated fortress prison in outer space. But Brennick's not a man to give in easily, and with a 10 year old son waiting for him back on earth, he's going to pack some serious assault on the evil corporation.

TV Special converting a Disney fan's house into their dream home.