During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.

結婚後14年が過ぎ、夫婦関係が破綻しかけたリチャード とマリアは、ある日決定的な諍いを起こし、互いに別々の夜を過ごす。リチャードは美しい高級娼婦ジェニー と、マリアは友人たちと行ったディスコで出会った青年、チェット と。翌朝マリアは衝動的に自殺を図り、チェットに救われるが、夫が帰宅し、チェットは逃げ出した。家には2人だけが残され、深い沈黙が夫婦を包みこんでいくのだった。

A woman who is unfairly institutionalized at a Paris asylum plots to escape with the help of one of its nurses. Based on the novel 'Le bal des folles' by Victoria Mas.

A 20th century European village is haunted by the ghost of a murderous little girl.


In the third and final episode of the trilogy, Fantômas imposes a head tax on the rich, threatening to kill those who do not comply.

After several Catholic school pupils are murdered, a teacher who is having an affair with one of his students becomes a suspect. When other gruesome murders start occurring shortly thereafter, the teacher suspects that he may be the cause of them.

とあるクリスマス。ヴュイヤール家では、母ジュノン(カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴ)の病気をきっかけに、長女エリザベート(アンヌ・コンシニ)、三男イヴァン(メルヴィル・プポー)ら、子どもたちが集まっていた。しかし、絶縁されていた次男アンリ(マチュー・アマルリック)の登場で、穏やかなクリスマスに波風が立ち始める。 フランス映画界を代表する面々が出演し、2008年のセザール賞で9部門にノミネートされたヒューマン・ドラマ。クリスマスに集ったある家族の物語がドラマチックにつづられていく。監督は『キングス&クイーン』のアルノー・デプレシャン。大女優カトリーヌ・ドヌーヴをはじめ、『潜水服は蝶の夢を見る』のマチュー・アマルリック、『ブロークン』のメルヴィル・プポーらが集っている。豪華キャストによる極上のアンサンブルが魅力だ。

In a medieval castle, a dark magician thought to be Mephistopheles conjures up a series of bizarre creatures and events in order to torment a pair of interloping cavaliers.

Peking, 1948. A winter night. A man returns home to find a letter awaiting him written by a woman before her death. in the letter she tells him the story of her love for him -a life-long passion that has not diminished over time, but one that he has never known. her story spans 18 years from the moment she -then a 13 year-old girl- sets her eyes on her new neighbor. she tells their brief but passionate love in her youthi the hardship she goes through raising their child alone, and their final encounter after the war, during which the man fails tor ecognize her and one which leaves her in despair. Now having lost her son, she no longer has the courage to live on. Only in a letter is she capable of telling him everything, for the first and the last time. shaken by the letter, the man searches his memory for the nameless woman.


Beautiful half-breed Pearl Chavez becomes the ward of her dead father's first love and finds herself torn between her sons, one good and the other bad.

When deadly attacks from a nearby forest beset a secluded retirement community, it is up to a blind army veteran to discover what the residents are hiding.

A young terrorist kills and injures patrons of a Norfolk amusement park by placing homemade explosives on the track of one of its roller coasters. After staging a similar incident in Pittsburgh, he sends a tape to a meeting of major amusement park executives in Chicago, demanding $1 million to make him stop.

A dirty bomb goes off in Los Angeles, jamming freeways and spreading a toxic cloud.

A comedy of errors wherein four men help each other to fool their prospective father-in-laws creating a cascade of confusion and mayhem.

Tough cop Ken Li (Cheng) is at the top of his game, but he's going to need some help to solve a grisly crime that the offender, a respected police officer, doesn't even remember committing. He seeks out Jack Lai (Lai), a former psychologist now in disgrace and behind bars, who has an uncanny ability to bend people to his will. Making an uneasy truce, this unconventional pair set out on a mission to find the man responsible, a master of hypnotism who will stop at nothing to get his revenge!

A black police detective must solve a strange case of a kidnapped boy and deal with a big racial protest.

After watching their best friend get murdered, a group of teens struggle to expose a local hero as the vicious killer and keep from becoming his next victims.