A young boy discovers a stray balloon, which seems to have a mind of its own, on the streets of Paris. The two become inseparable, yet the world’s harsh realities finally interfere.

Takeo Goda is a high school student 2 m tall and weighting more than 100 kg. He has a righteous character. The male students adore him, but female students do not like him. All of the girls Takeo likes prefer his handsome friend Makoto Sunakawa.

Fletcher Christian leder et succesfyldt mytteri mod den hensynsløse Kaptajn Bligh på skibet HMS Bounty i 1787. Et år senere vender Bligh dog tilbage til skibet, fast besluttet på at hævne sig på Christian og resten af besætningen.

The only son of wealthy widow Violet Venable dies while on vacation with his cousin Catherine. What the girl saw was so horrible that she went insane; now Mrs. Venable wants Catherine lobotomized to cover up the truth.

Pioneren Lin McAdam forsøger at spore sin fars morder og sin unikke riffel, Winchester ’73, som går fra hånd til hånd mellem en række desperate mænd – bl.a. en skør stratenrøver, en skrupelløs våbensmugler, en brutal ung indianerhøvding samt McAdams egen mordlystne bror.

A fisherman with money problems hires out his boat to transport criminals.

Bruno's plan to win back his ex-girlfriend hits a snag when he becomes attracted to her boyfriend.

Alexandre Dumas' roman Camille, der foregår i Paris og omegn i året 1847, er måske nok så kendt som tekstoplægget til Verdis berømte opera La Traviata. Elegantieren George Cukor får en smuk filmisk historie ud af romanen med god hjælp fra Greta Garbo og Robert Taylor. Det er en rigtig love story om en letlevende kvinde, der forelsker sig i en yngre mand ud af god familie, men som afviser ham, da hans fader indtrængende beder hende om det.

Rival reporters Sam Craig and Tess Harding fall in love and get married, only to find their relationship strained when Sam comes to resent Tess' hectic lifestyle.

Middle-aged Ohio secretary Jane Hudson has never found love and has nearly resigned herself to spending the rest of her life alone. But before she does, she uses her savings to finance a summer in romantic Venice, where she finally meets the man of her dreams, the elegant Renato Di Rossi.

Inquisitive journalist Grace Collier is horrified when she witnesses her neighbor, fashion model Danielle Breton, violently murder a man. Panicking, she calls the police. But when the detective arrives at the scene and finds nothing amiss, Grace is forced to take matters into her own hands. Her first move is to recruit private investigator Joseph Larch, who helps her to uncover a secret about Danielle's past that has them both seeing double.

The Pregnancy project tells the real story of Gaby Rodriguez, a seventeen-year-old who attended a Washington state high-school and made her senior school project the treatment of pregnant teenagers by pretending to be pregnant.

In 1967, New York City is host to the Miss All-American Camp Beauty Pageant. This documentary takes a look behind the scenes, transporting the viewer into rehearsals and dressing rooms as the drag queen subculture prepares for this big national beauty contest. Jack/Sabrina is the mistress of ceremonies, and their protégé, Miss Harlow, is in the competition. But, as the pageant approaches, the glamorous contestants veer from camaraderie to tension.

D'Artagnan er blevet en usædvanlig kæk musketer takket være sin tidligere indsats. Imens truer storpolitikken med at ødelægge idyllen, og D'Artagnan og hans venner må igen lægge sig ud med den grå Eminence for at redde dagen, dronningens ære og Frankrigs fremtid.

Da freden kommer til Paris i 1945, møder den amerikanske soldat Charles Wills (Van Johnson) den kønne pige Marion (Donna Reed) under festlighederne. Hun inviterer ham med til et selskab hos sin far, hvor Charles øjeblikkelig falder for Marions meget smukke og ligefremme søster, Helen (Elizabeth Taylor). Kærligheden er gensidig, og inden længe er de både gift og har en datter. Men lykken varer ikke evigt.

In 1926 the tragic and untimely death of a silent screen actor caused female moviegoers to riot in the streets and in some cases to commit suicide...

A look at NYC’s gentrification and growing inequality in a microcosm, Class Divide explores two distinct worlds that share the same Chelsea intersection – 10th Avenue and 26th Street. On one side of the avenue, the Chelsea-Elliot Houses have provided low-income public housing to residents for decades. Their neighbor across the avenue since 2012 is Avenues: The World School, a costly private school. What happens when kids from both of these worlds attempt to cross the divide?

De er så tæt på hinanden, som kun søstre kan være, men de har ikke talt sammen i årevis. Grunden til den kolde luft er de selvfølgelig uenige om, men de beslutter sig for at lægge striden bag sig, da Pauline inviterer Margot med til sit bryllup. Margot lader et ødelagt ægteskab blive hjemme i New York, men tager sin lidt for tidligt modnede søn Claude med. Mødet med brudgommen Malcolm forløber ikke godt. Han er under søsterens værdighed, mener Margot. På en anden side er spørgsmålet, om hun bare er dukket op til Paulines bryllup for at kritisere… eller for at slippe væk fra ægteskabet, besøge elskeren Dick (som i øvrigt er far til Paulines barnepige) og deltage i et fremstød for sin seneste bog.

Two teens battle their way through a religious apocalypse on a mission to defeat the Antichrist.

In the alien-western world of Oblivion, a suave, yet lethal bounty hunter named Sweeney arrives to arrest the seductive outlaw Lash on multiple charges, including murder. Lash, who just "inherited" a mine of Derconium (the most valuable mineral in the universe) from Crowley in a game of cards, meets up with Redeye's brother, Jaggar, who wants the mine for himself to rule the galaxy. It's a fight over Lash between the sheriff of Oblivion, Jaggar, and Sweeney. But who will emerge victorious?