A joinery instructor at a rehab center refuses to take a new teen as his apprentice, but then begins to follow the boy through the hallways and streets.

Ralf Milan, a hitman, arrives in Montpellier to kill an important witness. He checks in a hotel without knowing that his neighbour has become neurotic after his wife left him.

El cineasta de moda per "Drive My Car", Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, confecciona una complexa narració en la qual tres històries impulsades per l'atzar i la imaginació portaran a diversos personatges femenins a veure's marcades per les seves eleccions i penediments. Narrada en tres moviments, és una col·lecció d'històries protagonitzades per personatges femenins que tracen les trajectòries entre les seves eleccions i penediments. Un triangle amorós inesperat, un parany de seducció fallida i una trobada que resulta d'un malentès.

Són els anys 50. Ray Kroc és un marxant d'estar per casa que recorre Estats Units intentant vendre batedores. Una comanda inusual el porta al sud de Califòrnia. Allà coneix els germans Dick i Mac McDonald, que dirigeixen una innovadora hamburgueseria.

A black comedy featuring two butchers, Svend "Sweat" and Bjarne, who start their own shop to get away from their arrogant boss. Cannibalism is soon introduced to the plot, and further complications arise due to the reappearance of Bjarne's intellectually disabled twin brother Eigil.

A Jacob Jankowski, un jove estudiant de veterinària amb un futur prometedor, se li moren els pares en un accident. Són els anys de la Gran Depressió als Estats Units i en Jacob es troba de cop que no té res. Com que ha sentit a dir que a la ciutat hi ha feina, s'enfila en un tren que passa pel seu poble, que resulta que és el d'un circ de segona categoria. El circ dels Germans Benzini lluita per sobreviure amb el seu periple inacabable de ciutat en ciutat. L'amo del circ, l'August, un personatge carismàtic i inestable, contracta en Jacob com a veterinari. I allà hi coneix la Marlena, la jove i preciosa dona de l'August, que fa un número estel·lar amb un cavall. Tots dos acaben enamorant-se.

Don Camillo (now bishop) and Peppone (now senator) return to the town of Brescello and rekindle their friendly rivalry.

Alfie (Michael Caine), un cockney londinenc que treballa com a xofer en una empresa de cotxes de lloguer, és famós a la ciutat per ser un galant seductor i irresistible. Les seves nombroses conquestes el fan veure com és deliciosa la vida de solter; a més, totes les noies volen que els seus noms figurin en aquesta llista d'honor, de la qual Alfie se sent tan orgullós.

The film is a violent, edgy ride focusing on down and out Reagan Tyler, a man who is troubled by visions and premonitions that ultimately lead him to old school Las Vegas. It's there that Reagan meets the beautiful and mysterious Monika, a young woman who turns out to have been killed the night before he even met her. Reagan is then forced to put the puzzle together of what happened, how she is still present, and help Monika with her revenge on the killers of her younger sister.

Two decades after surviving a massacre on October 31, 1978, former baby sitter Laurie Strode finds herself hunted by persistent knife-wielder Michael Myers. Laurie now lives in Northern California under an assumed name, where she works as the headmistress of a private school. But it's not far enough to escape Myers, who soon discovers her whereabouts. As Halloween descends upon Laurie's peaceful community, a feeling of dread weighs upon her -- with good reason.

After the events of the first movie, the "immatures" go on a trip to the Greek island of Paros.

Damien Thorn has helped rescue the world from a recession, appearing to be a benign corporate benefactor. When he then becomes U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Damien fulfills a terrifying biblical prophecy. He also faces his own potential demise as an astronomical event brings about the second coming of Christ.

In this last episode princess Fantaghirò ends up in a parallel dimension fairy land full of kids. Here the princess must fight against a villain called "Nameless".

Two proud and estranged brothers, a disputed inheritance and a past that comes back. When he hears about the passing of his father - whom he has not seen in many years - Salvo returns to his native Sicily. He intends to convince his brother Lillo to sell the family farm and save his pizzeria, which is about to go bankrupt - a secret that he has kept even from his wife and children. But things will not be easy and Salvo will have to come to terms with his choices. A bittersweet comedy about family relations and how one never stops growing up, not even at fifty.

Determined to unseat Steve Finch's reign as the town's holiday season king, Buddy Hall plasters his house with so many decorative lights that it'll be visible from space! When their wives bond, and their kids follow suit, the two men only escalate their rivalry - and their decorating.

Reclutat pel comandant Lassard, un grup de voluntaris arriba a l'Acadèmia per formar-se en un programa de patrulles civils.

A team of trained secret agent animals, guinea pigs Darwin, Hurley, Juarez, Blaster, mole Speckles, and fly Mooch takes on a mission for the US government to stop evil Leonard Saber, who plans to destroy the world with household appliances. But the government shuts them down and they are sentenced to a pet shop. Can they escape to defeat the villain and save the world?

Chulbul Pandey invites a fresh trouble when he kills the brother of a notorious politician and the former swears to wreak havoc in his life.

Sami works in a children's home which is set to be closed. The young man is an enthusiastic stadium usher and has convinced the president of the Olympique de Marseille football club to help them keep it open.

Clémence is pathologically jealous. Gabriel has asked her to marry him. To test whether he is faithful, unbeknownst to him she arranges that he crosses paths with beautiful Olivia...