El FBI cerca a un assassí en sèrie, dit Buffalo Bill, que mata a les seves víctimes, totes elles adolescents, després de preparar-les minuciosament i arrencar-los la pell. Per poder atrapar-lo contacten amb Clarice Starling, una brillant llicenciada universitària, experta en conductes psicòpates, que aspira a formar part del FBI. Seguint les instruccions del seu cap, Jack Crawford, Clarice visita la presó d'alta seguretat on el govern manté tancat a Hanibal Lecter, antic psicoanalista i assassí, dotat d'una intel·ligència superior a la normal. La seva missió serà intentar treure-li informació sobre els patrons de conducta de "Buffalo Bill".

Acusat d'un assassinat del qual es declara innocent, l'empresari d'èxit Adrián Doria contracta els serveis de Virginia Goodman, la millor preparadora de testimonis del país. En el transcurs d'una nit, tots dos treballaran per trobar un dubte raonable que el salvi de la presó.

Des de fa quaranta anys, el fotògraf Sebastião Salgado recorre els continents captant la mutació de la humanitat. Testimoni de grans esdeveniments que han marcat la nostra història recent: conflictes internacionals, fam, èxodes, etc.

The film accompanies the investigation of the historian Sidney Aguilar after the discovery of bricks marked with Nazi swastikas in the interior of São Paulo. They then discover a horrifying fact that during the 1930s, fifty black and mullato boys were taken from an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro to the farm where the bricks were found. There they were identified by numbers and were submitted to slave labour by a family that was part of the political and economic elite of the country and who did not hide their Nazi sympathizing ideals.

La Nina, una ballarina d'una companyia de ballet novaiorquesa, viu completament entregada a la dansa. La pressió de la seva mare, la rivalitat amb una companya i les exigències del director van augmentant a mesura que s'acosta l'estrena del ballet que protagonitza, "El llac dels Cignes", en què ha d'interpretar els papers de Cigne Blanc i Cigne Negre. Finalment, pateix una crisi que li fa confondre la fantasia amb la realitat.

With college decisions looming, Elle juggles her long-distance romance with Noah, changing relationship with bestie Lee and feelings for a new classmate.

Un detectiu afroamericà a Colorado Springs, a l'estat de Colorado, s'infiltra en el grup local del Ku Klux Klan i aconsegueix ascendir en les seves files.

Drawing from never-before-seen footage that has been tucked away in the National Geographic archives, director Brett Morgen tells the story of Jane Goodall, a woman whose chimpanzee research revolutionized our understanding of the natural world.

Christopher Robin, the boy who had countless adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood, has grown up and lost his way. Now it’s up to his spirited and loveable stuffed animals, Winnie The Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, and the rest of the gang, to rekindle their friendship and remind him of endless days of childlike wonder and make-believe, when doing nothing was the very best something.

The true story of one man's mission to give inner city kids of Washington DC something he never had - a future. After being incarcerated for eighteen years, Eugene Brown established the Big Chair Chess Club to get kids off the streets and working towards lives they never believed they were capable of. This is his inspirational story.

A killer is released from prison and breaks into a remote home to kill a woman, her handicapped son and her pretty daughter.

Una colònia de formigues és turmentada per un grup de llagostes perquè produeixin aliment per a ells. Flik és una formiga visionària i somiadora que vol millorar la vida de la colònia amb invents i idees innovadores, però les seves proposicions són mal vistes per les formigues més conservadores. Flik decideix acabar amb l'amenaça de les llagostes aconseguint insectes que lluitin contra ells.

As a privileged teenager living in an affluent suburb of Rio de Janeiro, Jean has little to worry about beyond games, grades and girls. But as his overbearing father drags the family into debt, Jean is forced into a change of lifestyle which opens his eyes to the world beyond his 'casa grande' - not least that of the feisty, mixed-race firecracker Luiza. Cultures, classes and generations collide in this engrossing coming-of-age drama from Brazil.

When Kermit the Frog and the Muppets learn that their beloved theater is slated for demolition, a sympathetic human, Gary, and his puppet brother, Walter, swoop in to help the gang put on a show and raise the $10 million they need to save the day.

Loosely based on the Charles Dickens' classic novel, "Great Expectations" is a sensual tale of a young man's unforgettable passage into manhood, and the three individuals who will undeniably change his life forever. Through the surprising interactions of these vivid characters, "Great Expectations" takes a unique and contemporary look at life's great coincidences.

When a younger girl called Emily Rose dies, everyone puts blame on the exorcism which was performed on her by Father Moore prior to her death. The priest is arrested on suspicion of murder. The trial begins with lawyer Erin Bruner representing Moore, but it is not going to be easy, as no one wants to believe what Father Moore says is true.

Jamie Lee Curtis torna al seu paper icònic com Laurie Strode, que arriba al seu enfrontament final amb Michael Myers, la figura emmascarada que l'ha perseguit des que va escapar per poc de la seva gresca d'assassinats a la nit de Halloween de fa quatre dècades. Aquesta pel·lícula, l'onzena pel·lícula de la sèrie "Halloween", ignorarà els esdeveniments de totes les seqüeles anteriors, reprenent 40 anys després dels esdeveniments de la pel·lícula original.

Taking his kids to school with the car, Berlin real estate developer Karl gets a call from a blackmailer: If he doesn’t pay up, the car will blow up. A deadly race against time begins.

After breaking up with his longtime stage partner, a famous but jaded Vegas magician fights for relevance when a new, "hip" street magician appears on the scene.

The Newlyn School of artists flourished at the beginning of the 20th Century and the film focuses on the wild and bohemian Lamorna Group, which included Alfred Munnings and Laura and Harold Knight. The incendiary anti-Modernist Munnings, now regarded as one of Britain's most sought-after artists, is at the centre of the complex love triangle, involving aspiring artist Florence Carter-Wood and Gilbert Evans, the land agent in charge of the Lamorna Valley estate. True - and deeply moving - the story is played out against the timeless beauty of the Cornish coast, in the approaching shadow of The Great War.