Godzilla has become a distant memory for Japan when the destruction of a US submarine raises alarms for Admiral Tachibana. His estranged daughter Yuri investigates the legend of the guardian monsters, who must rise to protect Japan against the vengeful spirits within Godzilla that seek to destroy both the nation and its people for the suffering they inflicted in the Pacific conflict.

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate?

Pludselig farer en kanin forbi den halvsovende Alice. Utroligt peger den på sit ur, og Alice kan se, at det haster og kryber nysgerrigt ind i hullet, hvor kaninen forsvandt. Her begynder Walt Disneys fantastiske fortolkning af Lewis Carolls udødelige fortælling om pigen, som af ren nysgerrighed havner i Eventyrland. Lokket ind i en verden, hvor hun møder det ene forunderlige væsen efter det andet. Tvilling Di og Dum hører til den blide slags. Et forvirret teselskab hos Den Gale Hattemager gør, at hun for alvor undrer sig over, hvor hun er. Da Alice senere møder den berygtede Hjerter Dame, er hun overbevist om, at i denne verden findes der kun et eneste fornuftigt væsen, og det er hende selv.

Mysteries are revealed like the words "Simple Plan," "Third Secret of Fatima" and also the mysterious white man which are all mentioned in the movie "SPEC: Heaven".

In this prequel to the animated series The King's Avatar, Ye Xiu enters into the pro gaming world of Glory, and competes in the first Pro League series tournament.

When twin girls are found dead in their family’s barn, reality star turned TV-reporter Meredith Phillips and her de-facto camera crew are dispatched to rural Wisconsin to investigate the gruesome deaths. In their relentless drive to break the story, the reporters become entangled in a deadly mystery and uncover the small town’s shocking secret. Edited together from the crew’s multiple cameras, the film documents their struggle to survive the most terrifying night of their lives and becomes the only evidence of a crime too horrific to imagine.

Vær med når Bambi genforenes med sin far, Kongen, som nu må tage sig af sin unge søn og lære ham alt om livet i skoven. Men den stolte far må også indse, at der er meget han kan lære af sin søn. Stampe, Blomst, Onkel Ugle og alle de andre favoritfi gurer er tilbage, men man kan også møde nogle nye venner! Filmen er tegnet i samme varme stil som de gamle Disney Klassikere, og med de nye vidunderlige sange, er Bambi 2 et sandt mesterværk.

I London under anden verdenskrig fortæller Wendy sine to børn, Danny og Jane, historier om Never Land. Danny elsker historierne, mens Jane ikke kan hengive sig til fantasien, når verden omkring hende er hærget af krig. Imidlertid får Jane snart brug for sin fantasi, for en dag bliver hun kidnappet af Kaptajn Klo. Han tror, hun er Wendy og vil bruge hende som lokkemad for at fange Peter Pan. Peter Pan kommer selvfølgelig Jane til undsætning og det bliver begyndelse på et stort eventyr, hvor Jane genfinder håbet og fantasien

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

Da Flynn Carson fylder 32, modtager han på mystisk vis en pakke fra en ukendt arkæolog i Cairo. I pakken er et hemmeligt kort til Kong Salomons miner, men bibliotekaren Carson når kun lige at opfange kortets optegnelser, før indbrudstyve overmander ham og stjæler kortet. Nu begynder et hæsblæsende kapløb fra USA igennem Cairo, Casablanca og Kenya – på jagt efter det uvurderlige kort og Kong Salomons mytologiske miner.

The Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple had an opportunity to take part in an episode of East of Main Street, an HBO documentary series that has been produced for the past three years to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This year’s episode, Milestones, focuses on how different groups of Asian Americans mark the milestones throughout their lives.

Efter at være kommet væk fra sin blodige fortid, lever soldaten Luc Deveraux nu som enlig far. Han rådgiver et projekt, hvis formål er at udvikle døde soldater til sofistikerede supersoldater, men noget går galt.Supercomputeren SETH udvikler sin egen hjerne og planlægger sammen med en hel hær af supersoldater at tilintetgøre Luc. Men sammen med journalisten Erin og makkeren Maggie tager Luc Deveraux kampen op.

Daniel vil forsvare sin titel fra turneringen, hvor han og Miyagi sidste år ydmygede træner Kreese og hans elever. Men denne gang vil Miyagi ikke hjælpe, så Daniel søger træning hos barske Terry, der i virkeligheden arbejder for Kreese og vil nedbryde Daniels moral og fysik. Da sagens sammenhæng bliver klar for Miyagi, vil han alligevel gerne hjælpe.

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

Max Andreev thought the best place to start a new life would be at the other end of the world. What he didn't know, is that you can't outrun your past.

Eight contestants compete in eight deadly, classic children's games. They seek fame beyond their wildest dreams, competing for the chance to take over the YouTube channel of the famous yet elusive masked content creator known only as "JaxPro".

Day 2 HoneyWorks stage for “Capture the Moment” Savor it. Treasure it. Continued growth since 1st fes. Cherished memories. Emotions. A future that is built to last. And this moment is no less precious. Treasure every moment, most importantly this very one. Here, now. In staying true to those ideals, hololive 5th fes. will take place on a three-sided stage – an unprecedented and monumental first for hololive production! Connecting past, present, and future, we aim to hold a performance the likes of which have never before been seen.

The bright, cheerful Little Red Riding Hood sets out to visit her beloved grandmother, but in the woods she encounters the Big Bad Wolf.