Estats Units, anys 30. Durant l'època de la Gran Depressió i la Llei Seca, un estafador de poca muntanya que intenta vendre bíblies a les vídues, es fa càrrec a contracor de la cura de la filla d'una antiga amant. La nena no només aprèn ràpidament tots els trucs de l'ofici del seu protector, sinó que fins i tot l'ajuda, de vegades, a sortir de problemes. Una comèdia dramàtica amb excel·lents crítiques, especialment als Estats Units.

A look at the aftermath and global impact of the docuseries `Surviving R. Kelly'

A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted by ghosts and that the children are being possessed.

Estem en el segle XXIII i un misteriós poder alienígena amenaça la Terra, evaporant els oceans i destruint l'atmosfera. En un frenètic intent per salvar la humanitat, Kirk i la seva tripulació viatgen en el temps i tornen al San Francisco de 1986, trobant-se amb un món de punks, pizza i autobusos de canvi exacte que resulten ser tan alienígenes com tot el que s'han trobat als llocs més recòndits de la galàxia. Una missió emocionant i repleta d'acció per a la nau espacial Enterprise.

Ba'al travels back in time and prevents the Stargate program from being started. SG-1 must somehow restore history.

Després d'un accident de moto, Angelino, un bala perduda enmig de Dark Meat City, comença a experimentar violents mals de cap i estranyes al·lucinacions. Almenys això és el que ell creu, ja que potser les seves imaginacions tenen alguna cosa de veritat: uns homes de negre el persegueixen, i Angelino acabarà descobrint una cosa terrible sobre la seva pròpia essència.

Després d'anys de guerra, la Federació i l'imperi Klingon es disposen per a una conferència de pau. Però el panorama d'una negociació intergalàctica amb implacables enemics, preocupa a l'Almirall Kirk. “Són animals!”, adverteix. Quan una nau Klingon és atacada i responsabilitzen a l'Enterprise, els gossos de la guerra tornen a ser alliberats: ambdós mons es preparen per al que pot ser la seva trobada definitiva.

A victim of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 helps the police track down the killers while struggling to recover from devastating trauma.

Summoned by the black sphere, Kei and Masaru fight against extraterrestrials until Masaru grows tired of fighting and refuses to continue.

A washed-up '80s pop star gets a chance at a comeback when reigning pop diva Cora Corman invites him to write & record a duet with her, but there's a problem--Alex hasn't written a song in years; he's never written lyrics and he has to come up with a hit in a matter of days.

Sophie is snatched from her orphanage early one morning by the BFG (Big Friendly Giant), whom she witnesses engaged in mysterious activities. She is soon put at ease, as she learns that BFG's job is to collect, catalog and deliver pleasant dreams to children. She joins him that night, but a mean giants follow them, planning to eat the children of the world.

After 8 years, Arif's old friend 216 from planet GORA pays a visit to Earth.Together they go on a quest where they'll be visiting 60's.

Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.

A mother concerned about her young son's disturbing behavior thinks something supernatural may be affecting him.

After thirty years in the big corporation, Ugo Fantozzi retires. Suddenly, he needs things to do in everyday life and he tries a number of activities: helping Pina shopping; babysitting grand-daughter Uga; a trip to Venice; learning golf. He then fakes documents to get a new job, but in the end he becomes a hypochondriac and doesn't even take a long-awaited chance with Miss Silvani.

Cansats de les constants entremaliadures dels indisciplinats nens que no accepten cap autoritat, els adults de Timpelbach decideixen abandonar la ciutat per donar-los una lliçó. Una ciutat sense pares! No és una mala notícia per a tot el món. Un vegada sols, sense adults, les dues bandes intentaran fer-se amb el control de l'aldea, però s'adonaran que no tot és tan fàcil com creien, i que cuidar-se a si mateixos és més dur del que pensaven.

Detective Mark Corley storms his way onto an alien spaceship to rescue his estranged son. When the ship crashes in Southeast Asia, he forges an alliance with a band of survivors to take back the planet once and for all.

Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.

12, is a comic parody about an office's obsession with the television show 24 as the their obsessions kick into high gear with the shows season finale approaching. Part The Office part 24, the short film mash-up introduces a novel send-up of these pop culture staples.

When Derek moves to a new town and discovers a shortcut through the woods to his high school, he learns about a crazy old man who lives near its path: Legend has it that he abducted a group of teenagers years ago. Ignoring the warning, Derek and his friends set out to uncover the dark secret that's buried deep in the woods. But will they survive to tell it?