En acabar la invasió de Normandia, el soldat ras Kelly entrega un comandant alemany que ha capturat al seu sergent, Big Joe. Big Joe només vol saber on hi ha els millors hotels de la ciutat acabada d'alliberar, perquè els seus homes tenen tres dies de descans i vol que els passin bé. Però Kelly ha descobert que el presoner era responsable d'un embarcament secret d'or i que ha deixat setze milions de dòlars en un banc francès, darrere les línies alemanyes. Kelly organitza una patrulla poc corrent per anar a buscar l'or: Crapgame, un sergent d'intendència amb forts ingressos en el mercat negre; Oddball, un bohemi sergent de tancs; i el mateix Big Joe. El seu general veu alterada la tranquil·litat del castell francès on s'ha instal·lat, pel remolí desconcertant de missatges xifrats i informes de combats que li arriben quan la colla de Kelly envesteix el front alemany.
Captivated by the lure of sudden wealth, the quiet rural lives of two brothers erupt into conflicts of greed, paranoia and distrust when over $4 million in cash is discovered at the remote site of a downed small airplane. Their simple plan to retain the money while avoiding detection opens a Pandora's box when the fear of getting caught triggers panicked behavior and leads to virulent consequences.
In spring 1976, a 19-year-old beauty, her German-born mother, and her crippled father move to the town of a firefighter nicknamed Pin-Pon. Everyone notices the provocative Eliane. She singles out Pin-Pon and soon is crying on his shoulder (she's myopic and hates her reputation as a dunce and as easy); she moves in with him, knits baby clothes, and plans their wedding. Is this love or some kind of plot? She asks Pin-Pon's mother and aunt about the piano in the barn: who delivered it on a November night in 1955? Why does she want to know, and what does it have to do with her mother's sorrows, her father's injury, this quick marriage, and the last name on her birth certificate?
Primo and Secondo, two immigrant brothers, pin their hopes on a banquet honoring Louis Prima to save their struggling restaurant.
In 1999, a woman's life is forever changed after she survives a car crash with two bank robbers, who enlist her help to take the money to a drop in Paris. On the way, she runs into another fugitive from the law — an American doctor on the run from the CIA. They want to confiscate his father's invention – a device which allows anyone to record their dreams and visions.
Oklahoma, 1889. Uns homes acusen injustament Jed Cooper (Clint Eastwood) d'haver robat guanyat i no dubten a penjar-ho. A l'últim instant, el salva un comissari que treballa a les ordres del jutge Fentom. Aclarits els fets i demostrada la seva innocència, el jutge aconsella a Cooper que oblidi els fets i li ofereix un lloc com a comissari. La seva missió serà capturar vius els que van intentar linxar-lo perquè siguin jutjats pel jutge.
A brief fling between a male disc jockey and an obsessed female fan takes a frightening, and perhaps even deadly turn when another woman enters the picture.
Texas als anys 80. Un home irromp en una casa i el pare de família, Richard, no dubta a disparar-li en defensa pròpia. Convertit en un heroi local, quan sembla que el cas ja s’ha tancat apareix el pare del lladre assassinat, Russel, un home amb un llarg historial delictiu que arriba a la ciutat disposat a venjar-se de l’assassí del seu fill.
Enchanted by the idea of locating treasure buried by Captain Flint, Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey and Jim Hawkins charter a sailing voyage to a Caribbean island. Unfortunately, a large number of Flint's old pirate crew are aboard the ship, including Long John Silver.
Army Lieutenant Halliday, accused of stealing the Army payroll, pursues the real thief on a frantic chase through Mexico aided by the thief's ex-girlfriend and is in turn being chased by his accuser, Capt. Blake.
Nostalgic comedy set in the early 1960s, when the tango was all the rage. The "prodigal son" Tenho returns from his unlucky adventures in the city back to his parents' farm. Tenho becomes the laughing stock of local men until he scores the hottest girl in the village. A hot romance flares up between Tenho and the sensuous milkmaid Virva, accompanied by popular Finnish tango tunes.
After a mission goes wrong, only one of a group of mercenaries is left alive to avenge his fallen brothers.
A band of Mexicans find their U. S. land claims denied and all the records destroyed in a courthouse fire. Their leader, Louis Chama, encourages them to use force to regain their land. A wealthy landowner wanting the same decides to hire a gang of killers with Joe Kidd to track Chama.
Danny Fisher, young delinquent, flunks out of high school. He quits his job as a busboy in a nightclub, and one night he gets the chance to perform. Success is imminent and the local crime boss Maxie Fields wants to hire him to perform at his night club The Blue Shade. Danny refuses, but Fields won't take no for an answer.
A Michigan farmer and a prospector form a partnership in the California gold country. Their adventures include buying and sharing a wife, hijacking a stage, kidnapping six prostitutes, and turning their mining camp into a boom town. Along the way there is plenty of drinking, gambling, and singing. They even find time to do some creative gold mining.
Bronco Billy dirigeix una petita companyia d'espectacles que va de poble en poble instal·lant el seu envelat. Bronco no pot fer el seu número, en el qual dispara sobre una noia lligada a una roda que gira, perquè s'ha quedat sense assistent. Inesperadament troba una substituta en l'Antoinette Lily, que acaba de ser abandonada en un motel pel seu marit, John Arlington. Detenen Arlington i l'acusen de l'assassinat de la seva dona. Ell ho nega, però l'advocat de la família li fa creure que, si es declara culpable, només el condemnaran a tres anys en un asil psiquiàtric, i que, quan surti, cobrarà mig milió de dòlars. Poc després, la companyia de Billy arriba a l'asil per oferir un espectacle gratuït.
Jonathan Hemlock és un professor d'art que havia estat agent secret anys enrere. Ara l'obliguen a una última missió: assassinar un perillós criminal rus. Aquesta feina el porta fins als Alps suïssos, on perseguirà el seu objectiu fins al cim d'una muntanya.
Els soviètics han desenvolupat un revolucionari caça, nom en clau “Firefox”. Naturalment, els anglesos estan preocupats per la capacitat de l'avió per llançar atacs sorpresa, ja que es rumoreja que és indetectable el radar. Per això, envien al pilot Mitchell Grant, excombatent de la Guerra de Viertnam, en missió secreta per robar el Firefox.
After a night of drunken exploits, Allison, Harris, and Kira are chased and terrorized by the ghosts of a child pyromaniac, an ax murderer, and a rapist.
Tommy Nowak és un caçador de fugitius que utilitza mètodes molt originals per atrapar les víctimes. El seu despreocupat tipus de vida fa un gir de 180 graus quan li encarreguen trobar una noia que, en veure's involuntàriament implicada en un assumpte molt tèrbol, decideix fugir amb la seva filla de vuit mesos al Cadillac rosa del seu marit.