舞台はアメリカ合衆国オレゴン州アストリア市、海賊の伝説が残る田舎町グーンドック。主人公、マイキーの家は銀行に借金を抱えており、付近を買収しゴルフ場にしようとしていた銀行に迫られ、明日には立ち退きの書類にサインをしなければならなかった。 マイキー率いるグーニーズの4人は、マイキー宅の屋根裏部屋で偶然、伝説の大海賊「片目のウィリー」の遺した宝の在処を記した地図を発見。地図を元に岬の燈台レストランの地下に行くと、そこには大洞窟が広がっていた。 グーニーズにマイキーの兄・ブランドとその恋人アンディ、その友人ステファニーを加えた7人は、宝を狙うギャング団・フラッテリー一家の追跡を受けながらも、買収を阻止するため、ウィリーの宝を求めて大冒険を繰り広げる。
駆け出し作家のスティンゴが、ソフィーというユダヤ人女性と知り合う。彼女には誰にも語ることの出来ない恐るべき過去があり、それは彼女の人生を大きく左右する第1の選択であった。 ホロコーストを題材に、ナチスの強制収容所から生き延びたヒロインをメリル・ストリープが圧倒的な存在感で演じた感動作。ストリープは本作でアカデミー賞主演女優賞を受賞した。
After discovering he's not really black like the rest of his family, likable dimwit Navin Johnson sets off on a hilarious misadventure that takes him from rags to riches and back again. The slaphappy jerk strikes it rich, but life in the fast lane isn't all it's cracked up to be and, in the end, all that really matters to Johnson is his true love.
Michael ‘Jay’ Cochran has just left the Navy after 12 years and he's not quite sure what he's going to do, except that he knows he wants a holiday. He decides to visit Tiburon Mendez, a powerful but shady Mexican businessman who he once flew to Alaska for a hunting trip. Arriving at the Mendez mansion in Mexico, he is immediately surprised by the beauty and youth of Mendez’s wife, Miryea.
Self-made millionaire Thornton Melon decides to get a better education and enrolls at his son Jason's college. While Jason tries to fit in with his fellow students, Thornton struggles to gain his son's respect, giving way to hilarious antics.
African-American student Malik is on a track scholarship; academics are not his strong suit, and he goes in thinking that his athletic abilities will earn him a free ride through college. Fudge, a "professional student" who has been at Columbus for six years so far, becomes friendly with Malik and challenges his views about race and politics in America.
Jack Chester, an overworked air traffic controller, takes his family on vacation to the beach. Things immediately start to go wrong for the Chesters, and steadily get worse. Jack ends up in a feud with a local yachtsman, and has to race him to regain his pride and family's respect.
A crew of officers at an armored transport security firm risk their lives when they embark on the ultimate heist against their own company. Armed with a seemingly fool-proof plan, the men plan on making off with a fortune with harm to none. But when an unexpected witness interferes, the plan quickly unravels and all bets are off.
After the death of his girlfriend's daughter from a drug overdose, Paul Kersey takes on the local drug cartel.
A soap opera writer gets hit on the head and wakes up as a character in his own show.
Evil baddie Dr. Otto Von-Schnick-ick-ick tries to take over the planet by first destroying all of our financial systems, collapsing the world's economy and sending populations across the globe into mass panic! Only one goody-goody can stop him.. or can he? The oblivious Lance Sterling is on the case! With the aid of his underappreciated assistant Doris, will Lance manage to save the day and defeat Doctor Otto before the mad scientist's megalomaniacal plan is fulfilled? Or will the villain succeed in distracting them to their doom with his many convincing costumes, courtesy of his own convenient Changing Coffin? Tune in to find out!