Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.
Rome, 1825. Bishop Rivarola and Colonel Nardoni are in charge of suppressing the liberal revolution. Shoemaker Cornacchia got the information that the liberal Filippo Spada is a spy and is going to denounce his revolutionary companions.
Leyla, a lawyer and a poet, takes the long-distance train to attend her high school reunion dinner. On the train, she meets Canan, a young nursing student in distress. As the conversation develops, Leyla learns that Canan is travelling to assist with the suicide of a paralysed man, Yavuz, who wants to die. At the end of the long over- night trip, surrounded by the stories of people both on and off the train, Leyla decides to accompany Canan on her difficult visit.
El director de cinema indie Tadashi Kobayashi prepara un càsting per al seu nou projecte. Dones i homes s'hi presenten per complir el somni de convertir-se en els intèrprets principals, però la majoria només hi podrà participar fent d'extra. Ara, quins extres!
Carol Lipton, una avorrida mestressa de casa de Manhattan comença a sospitar que el seu veí Paul House, un home d'avançada edat, ha assassinat a la seva dona, encara que aparentment hagi mort a causa d'un infart. El seu marit, la tatxa de paranoica i tracta de treure-li la desgavellada idea del cap, però Carol s'obstina a investigar al seu veí i comença a seguir-lo amb l'ajuda de la seu amic Ted, que sempre s'ha sentit atret per ella. En Larry, esperonat per la gelosia i per una seductora escriptora també interessada en el cas, s'uneix de mala gana a la investigació.
Virgil Starkwell is intent on becoming a notorious bank robber. Unfortunately for Virgil and his not-so-budding career, he is completely incompetent.
A man in a gleaming white suit comes to a small Southern town on the eve of integration. He calls himself a social reformer. But what he does is stir up trouble--trouble he soon finds he can't control.
Miles Monroe pateix una operació sense importància, que acaba complicant-se, i és congelat en espera de temps millors. Desperta dos-cents anys més tard, per descobrir que la enginyeria genètica ha avançat espectacularment, que el món està governat per un tirà i que la major part de les dones són frígides.
Two high school enemies, uber-jock Harry and out-and-proud Sam, are forced to share a car ride to their Missouri hometown for a friend's engagement party on Valentine's Day. Things take a turn when Sam learns Harry has come out.
A Nova York una galerista convenç al seu marit periodista esportiu, per adoptar a un infant. El marit, sorprès per la intel·ligència del nen, vol saber si la seva mare biològica també és superdotada; així que decideix buscar-la. Quan aconsegueix localitzar-la, resulta que es tracta d'una tendra prostituta, amb molt poques llums, que aspira a ser actriu.
A series of bawdy and satirical episodes written during the reign of the emperor Nero and set in imperial Rome. Like the more famous version made by Federico Fellini, an adaptation of Petronius' Satyricon.
Als anys quaranta en CW Briggs, és considerat el millor investigador d'una companyia d'assegurances de Nova York, es porta fatal amb Betty Ann, una implacable executiva que ha vingut a optimitzar els recursos de la companyia i que, més a més està embolicada amb el cap. Per celebrar un aniversari, els empleats de l'empresa acudeixen a veure un espectacle de màgia, on en CW i la Betty Ann se sotmeten a una sessió de hipnosis. Des d'aquest moment, es produeixen uns misteriosos robatoris que porten de cap a l'agència d'assegurances.
El matrimoni format per Steffi i Bob és el paradigma de la família burgesa de Nova York, són rics, liberals i socialment compromesos. L'Steffi va estar casada amb en Joe, un tipus sense sort amb les dones, amb qui té una filla alguna cosa inestable. Bob té un fill conservador, una filla que ha posat en perill les seves noces en enamorar-se d'un delinqüent i altres dues filles adolescents que es barallen per nois multimilionaris. Tots ells passegen els seus problemes per Nova York, París, Venècia.
Ray Winkler és un ex-convicte que està fart del seu treball de rentaplats, però acaba d'ocórrer-se-li una idea brillant: obrir una botiga de galetes, contigua a un banc, amb l'ajuda de la seva dona i un parell de lladregots d'estar per casa. Mentre la seva dona atén el negoci, ell i els seus socis excaven un túnel que condueix a l'interior del banc. Aviat es faran rics, sí, però no de la manera que havien pensat.
Arn has served his term in the Holy land and returns home to be reunited with his beloved Cecilia. When he returns home, he discovers that political forces tries to separate him and Cecilia - but thanks to queen Blanka they can finally get married. Arn knows that war is looming and with his martial knowledge he starts to build an army at his new home at Forsvik.
Rude Boy is a semi-documentary, part character study, part 'rockumentary', featuring a British punk band, The Clash. The script includes the story of a fictional fan juxtposed with actual public events of the day, including political demonstrations and Clash concerts.
Returning from a hunting trip in the forest, the Henderson family's car hits an animal in the road. At first they fear it was a man, but when they examine the "body" they find it's a "bigfoot". They think it's dead so they decide to take it home (there could be some money in this). As you guessed, it isn't dead. Far from being the ferocious monster they fear "Harry" to be, he's a friendly giant.
The career and personal life of writer Lee are at a standstill, so he divorces his bashful wife, Robin, and dives into a new job as an entertainment journalist. His assignments take him to the swankiest corners of Manhattan, but as he jumps from one lavish party to another and engages in numerous empty romances, he starts to doubt the worth of his work. Meanwhile, top TV producer Tony falls for Robin and introduces her to the world of celebrity.
U.S. Navy pilot Lt. Jake Grafton and his bombardier buddy, Lt. Cmdr. Virgil Cole, are two soldiers embedded in the Vietnam War growing frustrated by the military's constraints on their missions. Despite the best efforts of their commanding officer, Cmdr. Frank Camparelli, to re-engage them, this disillusioned pair decide to take the war effort into their own hands with an explosive battle plan that could well get them court-martialed.
Harry is a 23-year-old former boy band idol who is watching his younger brother Max, 16, follow in his footsteps. Harry has detoured on his way to a Japanese concert tour to escort Max on a long-promised camping adventure. Their trip begins on a note of camaraderie but quickly turns serious as old wounds resurface, forcing them to come to terms with their dysfunctional past--Harry's drinking problems, his disconnection from the family, and, most of all, his relationship with Max and the emotional dependency that keeps them from moving into adulthood.