El planeta Terra s'acosta poc a poc al final dels seus dies a causa de la contaminació i del mal estat en què estan les terres, cosa que provoca una escassetat de cultius i, per tant, de menjar. Cooper ha d'escollir entre quedar-se amb la seva família o liderar una expedició d'astronautes que viatjaran a l'espai buscant una nova llar per a la raça humana. L'equip aprofitarà els últims descobriments de l'astrofísica per abandonar el sistema solar i trobar un altre planeta lliure de contaminació, que pugui albergar el futur de la humanitat.

Història d’un home de color que viu amb la seva família a Nova York, fins que una fatídica nit dos homes el droguen i el venen com a esclau a una plantació del sud, on no només ha de lluitar per recuperar la llibertat sinó també per la supervivència. La trobada amb un abolicionista canadenc canviarà la seva vida per sempre.

Quan un enemic inesperat sorgeix com una gran amenaça per a la seguretat mundial, Nick Fury, director de l'Agència SHIELD, decideix reclutar un equip per salvar el món d'un desastre gairebé segur.

Ambientada més d’una dècada després dels esdeveniments de la primera pel·lícula, “Avatar: El sentit de l’aigua” explica la història de la família Sully, els seus problemes, les batalles que lluiten per sobreviure...

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. Emboldened by her success, she decides to give hopelessly klutzy new student Tai a makeover. When Tai becomes more popular than she is, Cher realizes that her disapproving ex-stepbrother was right about how misguided she was -- and falls for him.

A struggling musician realizes he's the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate reality where they never existed.

A Minnesota police officer crosses paths with a committed and tireless vigilante as he follows the trail of a ruthless predator responsible for several abductions and murders.

Gib, a beer-guzzling slob, and Alison, an uptight Ivy-Leaguer, are an unlikely duo stuck together on a cross-country trip during Christmas break. At first they get on each other's nerves but, as time passes, they find their divergent natures complement each other. Now they need to realize what they've already found before it's too late.

In an isolated family mansion, a group of rich 20-somethings decides to play Bodies Bodies Bodies, a game where one of them is secretly a "killer" while the rest tries to "escape". Things take a turn for the worse when real bodies start turning up, setting off a paranoid and dangerous chain of events.

The Canadian policeman Louis Burke is assigned in a jail to investigate the murders of prisoners and jailors. When in jail, Louis, using his outstandings martial arts skills, is able to save his life and make himself respected in that violent world. At least, helped by two another prisoners, he succeded in finding the truth about the dreadful crimes. In a violent and corrupt prison, decorated cop Louis Burke must infiltrate the jail to find answers to a number of inside murders. What he finds is a struggle of life and death tied in to his own past.

After being brutally murdered in a gangster-style execution, Kensuke Hagane finds himself brought back to life by a mad scientist and rebuilt as a robot-human hybrid with a serious thirst for vengeance and the tools to carry it out.

Inside the halls of an elite arts academy, a timid music student begins to outshine her more accomplished and outgoing twin sister when she discovers a mysterious notebook belonging to a recently deceased classmate.

Three escaped convicts take a group of deaf students hostage.

At 35, Tripp has an interesting job, a hip car, a passion for sailing, an active dating life, and a great house - trouble is, he still lives with his parents, Al and Sue, who are not happy about it. Al and Sue are fascinated when friends whose adult son has recently moved away from home reveal they hired an expert to help. In desperation to push Tripp out of the nest once and for all, Al and Sue hatch a plan to hire Paula, an "interventionist," who has a formula in these cases.

A un xèrif de Texas li encarreguen la missió de protegir un grup d'animadores, testimonis protegits que han de declarar en un judici contra un perillós traficant de drogues.

Mary Giordano is a bright, intelligent student who goes to a catholic school. She also has an addiction to mystery novels and detective magazines, which inspire her to do her own detective work. When she starts snooping around on the case of a murderer of teenage girls, it gets her in hot water with her mentor Detective Jerry Gunn. But it also starts a team up with police cadet Tony Campbell. The two work together to find the murderer. But the closer Mary gets to solving the murder, the more danger she puts herself in of being the next victim.

In the peaceful Colorado town of Snowfield, something evil has wiped out the community. And now, it's up to a group of people to stop it, or at least get out of Snowfield alive.

A boy takes in a stray dog, later finding out that its an ultra-intelligent runaway from a genetic research lab. Unbeknownst to him, the dog is being stalked by another escaped creature thats not quite so friendly.

Three youthful delinquents escape conviction for their crimes by teaming with the LAPD.