Three naive girls from the provinces travel to the city to find the men of their dreams.

Documents the lives of infamous fakers Elmyr de Hory and Clifford Irving. De Hory, who later committed suicide to avoid more prison time, made his name by selling forged works of art by painters like Picasso and Matisse. Irving was infamous for writing a fake autobiography of Howard Hughes. Welles moves between documentary and fiction as he examines the fundamental elements of fraud and the people who commit fraud at the expense of others.

Maria marries a young soldier in the last days of World War II, only for him to go missing in the war. She must rely on her beauty and ambition to navigate the difficult post-war years alone.

A hilarious introduction, using as examples some of the best films ever made, to some of Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek's most exciting ideas on personal subjectivity, fantasy and reality, desire and sexuality.

En Carlin és traslladat d'un reformatori a un altre després d'haver donat una pallissa a un funcionari. En aquest últim s'executa un règim brutal que fa augmentar l'agressivitat dels interns en lloc de millorar la seva conducta. Els ferris funcionaris, secundats pel director, animen als veterans més forts a oprimir als febles i que obeeixin totes les normes imposades. Pocs s'atreveixen a desafiar aquestes regles.

En Roma és un noi que viu en un poble rural una mica apartat de Tòquio en què no s’acaba d’integrar. Juntament amb en Toto, un altre marginat, forma el grup “Don Glees”. Tots dos esperen que la seva relació continuï sent la mateixa, encara que es separin quan en Toto marxi a estudiar el batxillerat a Tòquio. “Escolteu, us agradaria veure el món a vista d’ocell?”. Les vacances d’estiu del primer any de batxillerat comencen amb aquestes paraules d’en Drop, el nou membre de “Don Glees”. Com a conseqüència, en Roma i els seus amics es veuen obligats a buscar un dron desaparegut per demostrar la seva innocència quan els acusen de de provocar un incendi forestal. La petita aventura estiuenca no triga a convertir-se en una gran odissea que canviarà el rumb de les seves vides.

A small mountain community in Canada is devastated when a school bus accident leaves more than a dozen of its children dead. A big-city lawyer arrives to help the survivors' and victims' families prepare a class-action suit, but his efforts only seem to push the townspeople further apart. At the same time, one teenage survivor of the accident has to reckon with the loss of innocence brought about by a different kind of damage.

Joe Ross, un enginyer tant brillant com ingenu, és el creador d'un projecte altament secret que permetrà a la seva empresa controlar el mercat mundial, i, per tant, obtenir uns guanys astronòmics. No obstant això, a poc a poc, una sèrie de circumstàncies el portaran a sospitar que algú pretén robar-li el seu lucratiu invent.

In Los Angeles, a colorful assortment of bohemians try to make sense of their intersecting lives. The moody Dark Smith, his bisexual girlfriend, her lesbian lover and their shy gay friend plan on attending the wildest party of the year. But they'll only make it if they can survive the drug trips, suicides, trysts, mutilations and alien abductions that occur as one surreal day unfolds.

El psiquiatre Hal Raglen (Oliver Reed) inventa una teràpia especial per tractar psicòpates que consisteix en la somatització dels trastorns mentals del malalt. Quan sotmet una dona a aquest procés de curació, contra allò previst, es desferma la fúria de la pacient.

Slavoj Zizek, born in 1949 in Ljubljana, psychoanalyst and professor of philosophy, started early on a group of theoreticians who sharpened their thinking of the theses of Jacques Lacan. The Slovenian Lacan School was a spiritual resistance nest in orthodox ex-Yugoslavia, and Slavoj Zizek emerged as a globally operating philosopher-entertainer.

The true story of the Bavarian Tailor Albrecht Berblinger who, after a strange encounter with a balloon starts building a flying machine. Although not an engineer by profession, he never gives up. No matter how many obstacles are put in his way nor how many failures he endures, his ardour is never dampened. He continues with his dream to fly like a bird.

A violent fugitive on the run from the law makes his way from Hong Kong to South Africa, where he discovers that he's immune to the Ebola virus, and later returns home to spread the deadly disease.

After getting into a serious car accident, a TV director discovers an underground sub-culture of scarred, omnisexual car-crash victims, and he begins to use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife.

A young girl's arrival at a convent after the death of her parents marks the beginning of a series of events that unleash an evil presence on the girl and her mysterious new friend, an enigmatic figure known as Alucarda. Demonic possession, Satan worship, and vampirism follows.

A career criminal who has been deformed since birth is given a new face by a kindly doctor and paroled from prison. It appears that he has gone straight, but he is really planning his revenge on the man who killed his mentor and sent him to prison.

Philo Beddoe és un camioner indolent que té fama pel sud de Califòrnia de ser dels millors a l'hora de barallar-se. Els seus millors amics són Orville, que s'encarrega d'organitzar apostes a les baralles on Philo participa, l'orangutan Clyde, i Lyn, una noia il·lusionada per ser una estrella de la música country. Philo té una enganxada amb una colla de motoristes amb ganes de brega i una parella de policies que s'emboliquen sols.

Citizens of a small town are infected by a biological weapon that causes its victims to become violently insane. As uninfected citizens struggle to survive, the military readies its own response.

La nostra antiheroïna, a bord del seu tanc, lluitarà contra una mega corporació que controla tots els subministraments mundials d'aigua en un futurista desèrtic.

A disturbed young woman must confront her worst fears when she finds herself trapped alone in a New York City loft during the 2003 blackout.