Apu is a jobless ex-student dreaming vaguely of a future as a writer. An old college friend talks him into a visit up-country to a village wedding. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 1996.

Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in "one week". A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new 'arrangement' of its parts.

In an alpine valley lies an idyllic village. High up in the mountains, facing each others across live two men: a "good grandpa" and an "evil man".

Dave Bannion és un policia honest que investiga el suïcidi d'un company. Bertha, la vídua, explica a Bannion que al seu marit li havien diagnosticat una greu malaltia. Però Lucy, l'amant del difunt, li explica que, en realitat, el policia havia descobert un complex entramat de corrupció al seu departament. Quan Lucy apareix brutalment assassinada, Bannion decideix acusar Lagana, el major mafiós de la ciutat. Al cap de poc temps, el cotxe de Bannion explota i mata la seva dona, fet que el portarà a iniciar una venjança salvatge.

Robert Stroud és un pres conflictiu que ha estat condemnat a complir una pena de dotze anys en una cel·la incomunicada. Cert dia comença a cuidar un ocell ferit que troba a la finestra de la seva cel·la i, a partir de llavors, descobreix que la seva veritable vocació és l'estudi i la cria d'aus.

When lifelong best friends Leo and Ulrich return home after completing their military training, Leo meets the stunning Felicitas at a railway station and is mesmerized by her beauty. A scandal follows, for which Leo is sent away. Returning home three years later, he discovers that much has changed.

Des de fa més de seixanta anys, dues germanes passen els estius en una illa de Maine. Veure les balenes passant davant de la costa era la seva distracció més estimada, fins que els cetacis, com les il·lusions de joventut, no van tornar mai més.

A stranger called Allan goes to the House of Usher. He is the sole friend of Roderick Usher, who lives in the eerie house with his sick wife Madeleine. When she dies, Roderick does not accept her death, and in the dark night, Madeleine returns.

Philip Green és un escriptor que una revista de tirada nacional contracta per escriure una sèrie d'articles sobre antisemitisme a Amèrica. No sap com abordar el tema, i decideix fer-se passar per jueu per experimentar en pròpies carns el grau de racisme i prejudici que hi ha contra els jueus.

A revolutionary militant, a thug, an underground writer, a butler to a millionaire in Manhattan. But also a switchblade-waving poet, a lover of beautiful women, a warmonger, a political agitator, and a novelist who wrote of his greatness. Eduard Limonov’s life story is a journey through Russia, America, and Europe during the second half of the 20th century.

A man rents an apartment and furnishes it in remarkable fashion.

Oliver stands to inherit a large fortune from his rich Uncle Bernal, with the condition that he be happily married. But when Mrs. Hardy walks out just before Uncle Bernal is due for a visit, Stanley is pressed into duty (and into drag) to impersonate Oliver's loving spouse.

Karl Anton Verloc and his wife own a small cinema in a quiet London suburb where they live seemingly happily. But Mrs. Verloc does not know that her husband has a secret that will affect their relationship and threaten her teenage brother's life.

London, 1929. Frank Webber, a very busy Scotland Yard detective, seems to be more interested in his work than in Alice White, his girlfriend. Feeling herself ignored, Alice agrees to go out with an elegant and well-mannered artist who invites her to visit his fancy apartment.

Des de fa més de trenta anys, en una emissora de ràdio nord-americana s'emet el programa "A Prairie Home Companion", un xou de varietats per a tota la família que inclou música country en directe, anuncis ficticis i una sèrie protagonitzada pel detectiu Guy Noir. Un dia, de sobte, el presentador i els seus convidats s'assabenten que estan fent l'últim programa perquè el teatre on actuen serà enderrocat per convertir-lo en un aparcament.

La bella senyora Paradine (Alida Valli) és acusada d'haver assassinat el seu marit cec. De la seva defensa se n'encarrega l'advocat Keane (Gregory Peck) que, encara que està casat amb una atractiva dona (Ann Todd), s'enamora perdudament de la seva client i es deixa convèncer de la seva innocència.

Both Jack Sander and Bob Corby are boxers in love with Mabel. Jack and Mabel wed, but their marriage is flat. The young wife looks to Bob for comfort.

Roddy, first son of the rich Berwick family, is expelled from school when he takes the blame for his friend Tim's charge. His family sends him away and all of his friends leave him alone. Through many life choices that don't work out in his favor, Roddy begins to find his life slowly spiraling out of his control.

Patsy Brand is a chorus girl at the Pleasure Garden music hall. She meets Jill Cheyne who is down on her luck and gets her a job as a dancer. Jill meets adventurer Hugh Fielding and they get engaged, but when Hugh travels out of the country, she begins to play around.

Una hereva mimada desafia el seu pare corrent per casar-se amb el seu amant. Tanmateix, el pare té alguns trucs a la màniga.