Her talents go from acting, to fashion, dancing and singing. With a net worth over 250 million dollars, J.Lo has conquered the Latin American and pop music scene. From the streets of the Bronx to the red carpets of Hollywood, she has achieved more than most would dream for. Follow the story of one of the most talented and successful women in showbiz. The real Latina diva, Jennifer Lopez.

It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from Christmas Carols and Comedy Antlers. But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor for help, he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy. King Hydroflax is furious, and his giant Robot bodyguard is out-of-control and coming for them all! Will Nardole survive? And when will River Song work out who the Doctor is? All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time.

Amy Pond and Rory Williams are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way the Eleventh Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

The newly-regenerated Doctor arrives in Victorian London, and Clara Oswald struggles to embrace the man he has become. All the while, they reunite with the Paternoster Gang to investigate a series of combustions that have been occurring all around the city.

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

Violetta vender hjem til uventede nyheder efter en verdensomspændende turné. Hun føler, at hun er ved en skillevej. Hun stiller spørgsmålstegn ved alt. I et forsøg på at finde hendes indre stemme accepterer hun en spontan invitation og rejser væk for at finde svar. I løbet af en sommer i en smuk italiensk kystby fyldt med kreativitet lærer Violetta en masse om sig selv, som er med til at sætte en masse kunstneriske, musikalske og personlige tanker i gang hos hende.

Den selvfede superhelt Batman nyder godt af sin popularitet i Gotham, men selv om han ikke indrømmer det, føler han sig meget ensom. Dette ændrer sig dog, da han, modvilligt og ved en fejl, adopterer den forældreløse Dick Grayson. Da Jokeren og alverdens superskurke angriber Gotham, må Batman indse, at han ikke kan klare opgaven uden Dicks hjælp.

A continuation of the documentary spoof of what Thor and his roommate Darryl were up to during the events of "Captain America: Civil War". While Cap and Iron Man duke it out, Thor tries to pay Darryl his rent in Asgardian coins.

Drengebarnet Mowgli vokser op hos en ulvefamilie i junglen. Da den menneskehadende tiger Shere Khan vender tilbage til området, kommer Mowglis liv i fare. Drengens ven, panteren Bagheera, finder det klogt at flytte Mowgli tilbage til menneskenes landsby. Der bliver til en lang og begivenhedsrig tur gennem junglen, hvor Mowgli bl.a. møder den dovne bjørn Baloo og kæmpeaben kong Louie.

I årtusinder har de klodsede minions - de evigt pludrende, banangule væsener fra 'Grusomme mig' - søgt efter en superskurk, som de kunne tjene. Så der er jubel i minionlejren, da det i 1968 endelig lykkes tre af dem at blive håndlangere for Scarlet Overkill, som har planer om at stjæle dronning Elizabeths krone.

Dissatisfied with his new work at the Goethe-Gesamtschule, Mr. Müller is tired of early mornings and correcting exams. Meanwhile, director Gerster strives to be a symbol of the new company. To do so, her attempts to improve the school's image involve revoking the partnership from the Schillergymnasium with a Thai school. In a last-ditch saving grace, Mr. Müller, Mrs. Schnabelstedt, and the 10b must take a trip to Thailand.

Franck, Sonia, Sam, Ernest Estelle og Alex fløj til Brasilien. De går på ferie på Hotel Alain, far til Sonia. Franck vil nyde denne tur med venner til at foreslå hende. På hotellet, bliver de mødt af Alain og Yolande, den vrissen bedstemor Sonia. Drengene organisere en tur ind i junglen med en erfaren guide. Alain siger deres Yolande lest det forstyrrer processen med at vende tilbage til "miljømærke VWF". Om aftenen havde drengene ikke tilbage. De forsvandt med bedstemor og vejledning. Den næste morgen, er GoPro kamera med, som de var parter fundet ...

Florence and Vincent Leroy are a model couple. They have great jobs, a perfect marriage and delightful children. And now they want their divorce to be an equal success. But when they are both simultaneously promoted to their dream jobs, their relationship becomes a nightmare. From that moment on, the gloves are off, the two exes declare war and will do everything in their power to NOT have custody of their children.

João Ernesto Ribamar is a corrupt politician running for the presidency. He is in the runoff election, ahead on the polls, when he receives a "mandinga" (curse) from his grandmother, which makes him unable to lie. Now the problem begins: How to win an election by telling only the truth?

Alle parkens dyr hjælper hinanden med at samle forråd til vinteren, men ikke egernet Vilfred, som sætter sit ego over alt andet og nægter at dele. Da Vilfred ved et uheld sætter ild til al den indsamlede mad, forviser de andre dyr ham fra parken. Vilfred finder en nøddebutik og udtænker alle tiders nøddekup. Men butikken er et skalkeskjul for en bande bankrøvere, så Vilfred må bede parkens dyr om hjælp.

Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.

The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.

When the Italian Premier and his companion find a dead body in his hotel suite, while on a trip to Hungary, they find themselves embroiled in a series of comedic situations as they try to avoid a scandal.