Russian inmate Boyka, now severely hobbled by the knee injury suffered at the end of Undisputed 2. No longer the feared prison fighter he was, he has declined so far that he is now good only for cleaning toilets. But when a new prison fight tournament begins - an international affair, matching the best fighters from prisons around the globe, enticing them with the promise of freedom for the winner - Boyka must reclaim his dignity and fight for his position in the tournament.

カリフォルニア州オークランド。黒人青年のコリンは不運が重なって逮捕され、1年間の保護観察処分を言い渡される。それ以来、彼は、極力トラブルを避けて謹慎生活に励み、観察処分が無事終了するまで残りあと3日までこぎつける。しかし、彼の幼なじみの白人青年マイルズは札付きのトラブルメーカーで日頃から銃を持ち歩き、コリンは気が気でない。そんなある晩、コリンは、白人警官が黒人男性を射殺するさまを偶然目撃する。 第34回サンダンス映画祭のオープニング作品として上映され、幅広い支持を獲得。 主演の2人、D・ディグスとR・カザルは私生活でも長年の友人で、共同で製作や脚本も兼任。

A David's classmate, Jochem, is harassed by three bullies, but nobody does anything at school, not even David, who feels guilty for not pointing out the culprits.

Lucho Calvo and his family arrive to Cartagena to have a memorable familiar vacation, but in his despair to bring a perfect vacation to his family, all his plans don't go well.


Between his tax problems and his legal battle with his wife for the custody of his daughter, these are hard times for the action movie star who finds that even Steven Seagal has pinched a role from him! This fictionalized version of Jean-Claude Van Damme returns to the country of his birth to seek the peace and tranquility he can no longer enjoy in the United States, but inadvertently gets involved in a bank robbery with hostages.

80年代後半に『週刊少年ジャンプ』で連載され爆発的にヒットし、いまなお世界中で根強い人気を誇る車田正美の大ヒット漫画を3DCGアニメで映画化したファンタジー・アクション・アドベンチャー。ファンの間でも人気の“聖域十二宮編”を基に、自らの運命と使命に翻弄される少女・沙織と、彼女を護る星矢ら若き青銅聖闘士(ブロンズセイント)たちの死闘を描く。監督は「アシュラ」「黒執事」のさとうけいいち。 遥か神話の時代より、闘いの女神アテナを護る戦士“聖闘士”は、世に邪悪がはびこる時、必ず現われるといわれていた。現代。自らの持つ不思議な力に思い悩む少女、城戸沙織は、アテナの生まれ変わりと告げられる。しかし聖闘士たちの総本山“聖域(サンクチュアリ)”の教皇は、沙織をアテナを騙る逆賊として刺客を送り込む。そんな沙織の窮地を救ったのは青銅聖闘士の少年、星矢だった。やがて沙織は、星矢と仲間の青銅聖闘士たちと共に聖域へと向かう。しかしそこに待っていたのは、教皇の罠と、聖闘士の中でも最強といわれる伝説の黄金聖闘士(ゴールドセイント)たちだった。

A former U.S. soldier returns to his hometown to find it overrun by crime and corruption, which prompts him to clean house.



An Army veteran assembles a team of bodyguards to protect a former boxer. Complications arise when the boxer suspects his sister may be romantically involved with the bodyguard.

Luc Deveraux, the heroic former Universal Soldier, is about to be thrown into action once again. When SETH, the supercomputer-controlled ultra-warrior, decides to take revenge and destroy its creators, only Luc can stop it. All hell breaks loose as Luc battles SETH and a deadly team of perfect soldiers in a struggle that pits man against machine and good against evil.

It’s been 20 years since the corporations took over the world’s governments. Their thirst for power and profits led to the Corporate Wars, a fierce global battle that laid waste to society as we know it. Born from the ash, the Council of Nine rose as a new law and order for this dark age. To avenge the corporations’ reckless destruction, the Council issues death warrants for all white collar criminals. Their hunters—the bounty killer. From amateur savage to graceful assassin, the bounty killers now compete for body count, fame and a fat stack of cash. They’re ending the plague of corporate greed and providing the survivors of the apocalypse with retribution. These are the new heroes. This is the age of the BOUNTY KILLER.


After his wife and daughter are murdered in a home invasion, a widower named John now finds himself up against an army of Universal Soldiers in relentless pursuit, led by a mysterious leader who promises to set UniSols free from their conditioning.


Forrest Taft is an environmental agent who works for the Aegis Oil Company in Alaska. Aegis Oil's corrupt CEO is the kind of person who doesn't care whether or not oil spills into the ocean or onto the land—just as long as it's making money for him.


