Urban architecture as seen through the eyes of four female veterans in the field.

After eight years away from WWE, Brock Lesnar has reemerged to bring the pain, but John Cena refuses to be intimidated. CM Punk returns home to defend the WWE Championship and his family against Chris Jericho. Daniel Bryan faces Sheamus in a 2-out of-3 Falls Match! It’s time to toss out the rulebook as WWE presents Extreme Rules! Extreme Rules (2012) took place on April 29, 2012 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. It was the fourth event under the Extreme Rules chronology.

Der abgehalfterte US-Militär Captain Nathan Algren nimmt im Jahr 1875 den Auftrag an, die Armee des japanischen Kaisers auszubilden. Er soll die Truppe auf den Kampf gegen die alten Krieger des japanischen Kaiserreichs vorbereiten: den Kampf gegen die Samurai. Doch bereits im ersten Gefecht werden die Soldaten vernichtend geschlagen und Algren wird gefangen genommen. Schwer verletzt wird er in das Dorf des Anführers der Samurai Katsumoto gebracht. Er wird gesund gepflegt und lernt die Lebensweise der Samurai kennen. Wieder zurück in Tokio muss er sich entscheiden, auf welcher Seite er steht. Wird er mit den von Amerikanern geführten japanischen Soldaten kämpfen oder sich für die Seite der Samurai entscheiden?

Orlando Baxter exploded onto the Boston comedy scene in 2005, and quickly established himself as one of the areas hottest young comics. In 2007 Orlando was a finalist in NBC’s Stand Up for Diversity Showcase. His fresh perspective and unique relatability quickly solidified this high school teacher into a fan favorite. In 2010, he became a finalist in both the New York Comedy Contest and the Boston Comedy festival. And in 2012 he toured across the country with national headliner Jo Koy, as the opening act in the Lights Out tour. In 2014 Orlando made his second TV appearance on AXS TV’s Gotham Live. He was also a finalist at the prestigious Montreux Comedy festival in Switzerland. In 2018, he performed stand-up on TBS’ Conan. Orlando is a regular headliner at numerous comedy clubs throughout New England, and performs all over the country.

Dramatisation of the true story of the life of Neil "Nello" Baldwin. Born with a mild learning disability but without the burden of social embarrassment & how his inexhaustible ability to see the good in any situation overcame any stigma society tried to label him with.

In 2001, 85,000 baby teeth were discovered in Missouri, collected 50 years earlier in a study on the radioactive consequences of nuclear testing conducted on US soil. Carried by the wind, radioactive material produced by more than 100 nuclear explosions contaminated pastures, vegetables and water across the continent. Scientists and mothers in St. Louis, who launched the ambitious project to measure Strontium 90 in baby teeth, uncovered the disturbing environmental consequences of nuclear arms testing. Featuring narration from Alec Baldwin, director Hideaki Ito unveils the shocking legacy of nuclear testing in the US and the ongoing policy decisions shaping our future.

A seductive fashion fever dream that blends style, dance, and music with the hypnotic essence of nocturnal nature. Featuring a star-studded cast all wearing the newest Savage X Fenty looks, the show is an un-missable visual feast.

A parody of 1950s corporate/industrial films, commissioned by Universal Pictures executives after the studio's purchase by Seagrams, and featuring cameos by many stars and directors.

Father, author and relationship expert, Matthew Taylor is on a whirlwind book tour promoting his new best seller, The Bounce Back. He's got it all figured out until he meets the acerbic Kristin Peralta, a talk show circuit therapist who's convinced he's nothing but a charlatan. Matthew's life is turned upside down when he inadvertently falls for Kristin and has to face painful truth of his past relationship.

As Terry takes up the mantle of the Dark Knight, he finds the pressure of High School just as demanding.Terry confronts the evil of the hypnotic Spellbinder.

Claire, a school teacher with a camera is on her first visit to Cannes. She happens upon a film sales assistant, Man-hee, recently laid off after a one-night stand with a film director.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Hollis Willson lebt alleine mit seinen beiden Söhnen in Texas, nachdem seine Frau verstorben ist. Während er Trost im Alkohol sucht, findet sein rebellischer, pubertierender Sohn Jacob in gefährlichen Motocross-Rennen und Heavy-Metal-Musik ein Ventil für seine angestaute Wut und Frustration. Sein zunehmend rücksichtloses Verhalten gerät immer mehr außer Kontrolle und als der 13-Jährige auch noch seinen jüngeren Bruder Wes in seine kleinkriminellen Machenschaften zieht, droht er die Familie endgültig auseinanderzureißen. Schließlich verordnet das Jugendamt, dass Wes vorübergehend bei seiner Tante Pam unterkommen soll. Hollis denk jedoch nicht daran, seine Söhne aufzugeben, und setzt alles daran, Jacob wieder auf den rechten Weg zu bringen, um seine kleine Familie zu retten…

Die beiden Freunde Erik Stifler und Mike "Cooze" Coozeman, bekannt aus dem Vorgänger, kommen auf das College. Dort treffen sie wieder auf Eriks Cousin Dwight Stifler, der zu Beginn des neuen Semesters eine Party schmeißt. Erik und seine Freunde wollen unbedingt in die Studentenverbindung „Beta“ eintreten. Dazu müssen sie sich aber zuerst 50 teilweise sehr gewöhnungsbedürftigen Aufgaben stellen. Unter anderem sind das: Von einer Stripperin ein Autogramm auf den nackten Hintern holen, der verfeindeten Verbindung der Geeks einen Strauß in das Haus bringen oder aus demselben Haus etwas zu stehlen. Als sie es fast geschafft haben, lädt Dwight die Freunde in das Strip-Lokal Silver Dollar ein. Doch das wurde von Edgar, dem Vorsitzenden des Geek-Hauses, aufgekauft, und dieser duldet keine Minderjährigen in seiner Bar.

Im Mittelpunkt stehen drei Jugendfreunde: Muriel, Francois und Rene. Als kriminelle Partner (genauer gesagt, als Einbrecher) beenden die drei ihre „kriminellen“ Aktivitäten, nachdem einer ihrer Einbruchsversuche fehlgeschlagen ist. Sie schwören sich, sich nie wiederzusehen, bis Muriels Sohn entführt wird, was die drei dazu veranlasst, sich wieder zusammenzutun, um das Lösegeld zu beschaffen.

A history of the Australia comedy troupe The Janoskians leading up to their live performance at Wembley Stadium.

Jean and Marina go to Athens for their summer vacation. There they are reunited with Marina's family, while preparing to spend a romantic getaway, Marina's family decides to accompany them. But nothing will go according to the plan.

For Sarah, it was just a job that started off like any other babysitting gig. But Sarah wasn't the normal babysitter, and Jack wasn't quite the normal boy that he appeared to be. He has a secret, a secret that he keeps trying to share, if he could only find someone to listen to him about the monsters in his room. As the night goes on and things start to turn from cute and harmless to creepy and haunting, Sarah can't help but wonder... what if he's telling the truth? What if there are monsters in his room? Because sometimes there really are things out there that go bump in the night in here. Sometimes there really is something very scary under your bed. And sometimes, just sometimes, there really are monsters hiding in your room. But even monsters are afraid of something. So remember, DON'T let the light in, because if you do... then the darkness can get out.

Stories of love, murder, mystery and control interconnect in lock-down inside the confines of a Sofia apartment during the pandemic.