El professor Borg, un eminent físic, ha d'anar a Estocolm per rebre un homenatge de la universitat. Esglaiat, després d'un somni en què contempla el seu propi cadàver, decideix emprendre el viatge amb cotxe amb la nora, que acaba d'abandonar casa seva, després d'una discussió amb el seu marit, que es nega a tenir fills. Durant el viatge s'atura a la casa on passava les vacances quan era petit, un lloc on creixen les maduixes salvatges i on va viure el primer amor.

When their mother decides to retire, her three children organize Christmas Cake Off to choose which one of them is going to take over the family bakery.

Jacek, an angry drifter, murders a taxi driver, brutally and without motive. His case is assigned to Piotr, an idealistic young lawyer who is morally opposed to the death penalty, and their interactions take on an emotional honesty that throws into stark relief for Piotr the injustice of killing of any kind.

After a bloody invasion of the BOPE in the High-Security Penitentiary Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro to control a rebellion of interns, the Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and the second in command Captain André Matias are accused by the Human Right Aids member Diogo Fraga of execution of prisoners. Matias is transferred to the corrupted Military Police and Nascimento is exonerated from the BOPE by the Governor.

The final entry in Michael and Johnny Mak's Long Arm of the Law series, Underground Express once again tells a story of gangsters versus police, focusing on the difference between how both factions act depending if they're coming from Hong Kong or Mainland China.

Una història èpica sobre esclaus gladiadors, autèntic cinema i espectacle (amb quatre premis Oscar) que aporta una reflexió profunda sobre la llibertat i l'enfrontament de classes.

Charlie and Rhonda are a sweet and comfortable married couple on vacation with their lovely daughter Daphne. They find a rundown boarding house and its haggard owner, Joseph, an ex-con whose mother has just died and left him the house. He doesn't know why this cheerful couple would want to vacation in the worst part of Los Angeles, but he doesn't know they're vacationing from outer space, and their idea of fun is murdering lowlife out on the streets

An intimate portrayal of a quest for love and acceptance at any cost, Q depicts the influence of a secretive matriarchal religious order on filmmaker Jude Chehab’s family and the unspoken ties and consequences of loyalty that have bonded her mother, grandmother, and herself to the mysterious organization. A love story of a different kind, Q is a multigenerational tale of the eternal search for meaning.

L'Alice Hyatt és una dona de mitjana edat que viu un matrimoni infeliç amb un home insensible i dominant. De sobte, el marit mor en accident de trànsit i decideix llavors fer realitat un dels seus somnis de joventut: guanyar-se la vida com a cantant. Acompanyada del seu fill Tommy, un marrec hiperactiu i entremaliat, recorre diversos indrets dels Estats Units cap a Monterey, a Califòrnia. Després d'algunes experiències adverses, la manca de diners l'obliga a acceptar una feina de cambrera a un petit restaurant de Tucson, on coneixerà en David.

After being kidnapped by four masked men, a teacher and her students rebel by plotting against the criminals.

L'Arthur i l'Eve fa molts anys que estan casats i han tingut tres filles, la Flyn, la Joey i la Renata. La mare és una decoradora d'interiors obsessiva i mentalment inestable que pateix una greu depressió. Un matí, inesperadament, l'Arthur anuncia a la família que vol separar-se temporalment i viure un temps sol. En el transcurs d'un viatge a Grècia, s’enamora d'una altra dona i desitja casar-s’hi. Quan el pare presenta la seva nova companya a les seves tres filles, provoca un drama familiar de conseqüències tràgiques.

A woman's dark and absurdist nightmare vision comprising a continuous recitation of the alphabet and bizarre living representations of each letter.

Lauren Bacall tells the story of her late husband Humphrey Bogart, presenting clips from his movies and interview clips with his peers.

A brainwashed girl is convinced by her authoritarian mother that her dead father will resurrect if they prove their love for him. Until he begins to rot.

La nau Enterprise es dirigeix al planeta Nimbus III per negociar l'alliberament d'uns ambaixadors segrestats. Allí descobriran que el cap de la banda és un parent de Spock obsessionat per trobar el planeta que és considerat la font de la vida.

Frits & Franky find a lot of money in a car that crashes into the water. They don't know what to do with it.

Domestic drama about an elderly woman and her four squabbling adult children.

At 21, Zoe is sick and tired of everyone taking her for granted, just because she’s young. She dreams of a day when all millennials go on strike, so that people finally recognize their true value.

Haohao and Zhouzhou, two sisters aged five and eight, spend most of their days at an electronics market in Shenzhen. A year earlier, as new immigrants to the city, their parents opened a shop on the market’s ninth floor. The girls’ gaze turns the soulless world of electronics into a universe full of monsters and ghost stories that make life more magical.

Widow Jean Miller thinks she's ready for a new romance with her high school sweetheart, Sam Morrissey, a physician of considerable means. The only thing standing in the way of rekindling this first love is the presence of his very attractive, very together 39-year-old girlfriend, Claire.