In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he is only praised for his acting due to his status as his father's heir. Devastated by this, he turns to Otoku, a servant of his family, for comfort, and they fall in love. Kikunosuke becomes determined to leave home and develop as an actor on his own merits, and Otoku faithfully follows him.

A World War I veteran’s dreams of becoming a master architect evaporate in the cold light of economic realities. Things get even worse when he’s falsely convicted of a crime and sent to work on a chain gang.

With input from actor and writer Jan Hlobil, director and cinematographer Rene Smaal presents a film in the true surrealist tradition, in the sense that only 'found' elements were used, and that it defies interpretation based on ordinary cause-and-effect time sequence.

In the midst of a civil war, former violinists Jan and Eva Rosenberg, who have a tempestuous marriage, run a farm on a rural island. In spite of their best efforts to escape their homeland, the war impinges on every aspect of their lives.

A young Tokyo salary man and his wife struggle within the confines of their passionless relationship while he has an extramarital affair.

A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.

Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

Celestine has a new job as a chambermaid for the quirky M. Monteil, his wife and her father. When the father dies, Celestine decides to quit her job and leave, but when a young girl is raped and murdered, Celestine believes that the Monteils' groundskeeper, Joseph, is guilty, and stays on in order to prove it. She uses her sexuality and the promise of marriage to get Joseph to confess -- but things do not go as planned.

Jacques Lantier, en plaget jernbanemand, vender tilbage med toget til den franske havneby Le Havre og møder ved et tilfælde den impulsive stationsforstander Roubard og Séverine, hans kone.

Denne sorte komedie af Peter Greenaway fra 1988 er virkelig sort og er gjort med en undertone af herlig, pirrende fryd. Hele tre kvinder af samme familie, en mor, hendes datter og hendes niece, alle med samme navn, er højst utilfredse med deres ægtemænd og drukner dem på skift. Den lokale bedemand drages hver gang modvilligt med ind i mordplanerne. Historien fortælles i tal, fra 1 til 100 – i sandhed en original og anderledes film.

Den amerikanske lejesoldat Hogan er på vej mod Mexico for at melde sig under den mexicanske oprørsbevægelses faner. Undervejs redder han nonnen Sara fra at blive voldtaget. Hun er også på en mission for mexicanerne, og de slår følgeskab, da de tilsyneladende har fælles interesser - det tror Hogan i det mindste.

A plane containing a highly classified government project crashes outside of a small town in the US. Realizing the level of danger, the government tries to secretly fix the problem. As tensions grow, the situation gets out of control, and civilians from the town find themselves facing their worst nightmare: a genetically enhanced killing machine that doesn't know how to stop.

A Catholic New Yorker falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but he struggles to accept her past and what it means for their future.

Deathstalker helps Reena the Seer out of a few jams, and she solicits his help for a bigger task. She reveals that she is actually Princess Evie, but the evil sorcerer had her abducted and cloned in order to seize control of the kingdom. Together they travel to the evil sorcerer's stronghold to restore the princess to her rightful position, encountering challenges along the way both from the sorcerer's goons and the fierce Amazon women.

The master of Italian horror, Lucio Fulci, stars as... Lucio Fulci, a filmmaker with a reputation for gruesome horror films. His body of work has started to plague his mental state, and he is haunted by the grotesque set-pieces his mind has conjured up during his career. His psychiatrist, Egon Schwarz, uses a hypnotised Fulci as an avatar to carry out his own disturbed fantasies, in hopes of ruining the master’s reputation once and for all.

Dette er historien om en rød kjole, der forhekser alle, som tager den på. Den nyligt separerede mor og bankmedarbejder, Sheila, køber kjolen i den ikke helt normale tøjbutik Dentley & Soper's, hvor ekspedienten taler i mystiske gåder og berører kjolen, som var den et seksuelt objekt. Sheila ved ikke, at kjolen er rendyrket ondskab, men det finder hun snart ud af.

Efter at hans rige far nægter at betale sin gæld, slutter den spilleavhengige Lawrence Bourne III sig til Peace Corps for at unddrage sig vrede kreditorer. I Thailand får han til opgave at bygge en bro til de lokale landsbyboere med hjælp fra American-As-Apple-Pie WSU Grad Tom Tuttle og den smukke og jordnære Beth Wexler. Hvad de ikke er klar over er, at broen er eftertragtet af den amerikanske hær, en lokal kommunistisk styrke og en magtfuld narkobaron. Sammen med hjælp fra At Toon, den eneste engelsktalende indfødte, skal de bekæmpe de tre modsatrettede kræfter og finde ud af, hvad der er rigtigt for landsbyboerne, såvel som dem selv.

Malcolm Shanks is a sad and lonely man, deaf, mute and living with his cruel sister and her husband, who delight in making him miserable. His only pleasure, it seems, is in making and controlling puppets. Thanks to his skill, he is offered a job as a lab assistant to Dr. Walker, who is working on ways to re-animate dead bodies by inserting electrodes at key nerve points and manipulating the bodies as if they were on strings. When the professor suddenly dies one night, Shanks gets the idea to apply their experimental results to a human body, and then to start exacting some revenge.

This is one of the five films legendary director Lucio Fulci supervised in 1989 to re-use some of the gory bits for his 1990 gorefest "A Cat in the Brain". "Bloody Psycho" features a haunted castle plus wimpy doctor Vogler,who is performing some sort of a psychic therapy on lesbian owner of the place.