I Rusland i 1943 forlader en teenagedreng sin familie for at slutte sig til partisanerne i kampen mod de tyske tropper. Han kommer bort fra sin deling, og pludselig befinder han sig alene sammen med en jævnaldrende pige i det krigshærgede landskab. Tilbage i landsbyen er hele hans familie blevet myrdet, og herfra bliver tingene kun værre.

Kaji is sent to the Japanese army labeled Red and is mistreated by the vets. Along his assignment, Kaji witnesses cruelties in the army and revolts against the abusive treatment against the recruit Obara. He also sees his friend Shinjô Ittôhei defecting to the Russian border, and he ends in the front to fight a lost battle against the Russian tanks division.

Alexey Titarenko is very talented pilot and brave leader of "Singing group". He also must look after some new cadets and fight together with them against German Luftwaffe planes. Close to Alexey always are his friends, they are all from different parts of the country, but they all became real brothers.

I 1954 indleder den algeriske befrielsesfront en revolution mod landets franske styre. Oprøret blusser op og der bliver krig, som udkæmpes på Algiers gader og torve. Terrorisme og tortur bliver hverdag i den blodige krig, som til sidst resulterer i Algeriets selvstændighed i 1962.

Two Soviet partisans leave their starving band to get supplies from a nearby farm. The Germans have reached the farm first, so the pair must go on a journey deep into occupied territory, a voyage that will also take them deep into their souls.

A naive young man witnesses an escalation of violence in his small hometown following the arrival of a mysterious circus attraction.

The first film of a four-part adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s 1869 novel. In St. Petersburg of 1805, Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of a rich nobleman, is introduced to high society. His friend, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, joins the Imperial Russian Army as aide-de-camp of General Mikhail Kutuzov in the War of the Third Coalition against Napoleon.

Alexei Ivanovich Tyutyurin, a very kind and gentle man by nature, has been working as a hairdresser for twenty years. When the opportunity arises to upgrade to the head of the hall, he is faced with a problem — in the team he has a reputation as a constantly late person and an incorrigible liar. But Alexei doesn't deceive anyone — he really gets into unusual situations on the way to work. No one believes in these fables until amazing visitors begin to come to the hairdresser.

In the middle of a performance of the play "Le Cocu", a bad boulevard comedy at a Parisian theatre, Yannick gets up and interrupts the show to take the evening back in hand.

Oplev Napoleons tilfangetagelse og eksil på Elba. Hans dramatiske flugt, genforeningen med hans loyale tropper og generaler. Hans sidste, desperate stræben efter overherredømmet og æren, en nådesløs kamp, der bliver afgjort på Waterloos blodige marker.

I midten af 1869'erne ankommer den unge enke, Anna Leonowens til Siam, hvor hun skal lære kongens mange børn om den moderne verden i vesten. I starten kolliderer hendes selvstændige og stædige væsen med kongens egenrådige og gammeldags omgangsform, men som tiden går, lærer de to ikke alene at forstå. men også at respektere hinanden.

The hunt for imperial gold continues. A priceless scepter, a treasure that could secure a worry-free life in sunny Rio de Janeiro for Ibrahim Bender and his young apprentice Ostap, has slipped from under their noses and ended up in possession of Nestor Makhno, an anarchist army commander. Makhno is convinced that the scepter is one of many imperial relics hidden in the area. With mafia, partisans, and officers of the Red and White armies all determined to get their hands on the fabled gold cache, Ostap and his mentor Ibrahim must surpass their own brilliance to outmaneuver their rivals and snatch the prize. And with Ostap’s beloved fair maiden losing her trust in him, he must do everything in his power to win her back and stop her from marrying another man.

Captain Fedor Volkonogov works in law enforcement. He is on the good books of the management, and his colleagues respect him. But one day, his life abruptly changes: he is declared a criminal. The Captain manages to run away before he is arrested. Suddenly he turns into an outcast, whom his former colleagues search across the whole city. At night Volkonogov is visited by a messenger from the other world, who warns him that after death he will go hell and be tormented forever. But he has an opportunity to change his fate and get to paradise if he repents, and at least one person forgives him. The Captain embarks on his way to find forgiveness. But he cannot even fathom what tests are awaiting him on this way.

De kristne er pressede af Mauerne i Spanien. Den stolte Rodrigo Diaz, kaldet El Cid, vinder kongens gunst ved at kæmpe frygtløst mod overmagten. Men hvor El Cid har krigslykken med sig, er det straks en anden sag på hjemmefronten. Mange er misundelige over El Cids retskafne væsen og succes. En misforståelse resultere i drabet på hans kones fader, og hun hævner sig ved at forråde ham. Men selv som landflygtig har El Cid sine mænds ubetingede troskab og han fortsætte kampen endnu mere indædt end før.

Through the travelogue format, it depicts the multitude of Soviet peoples in remote areas of USSR and details the entirety of the wealth of the Soviet land. Focusing on cultural and economic diversity, the film is in fact a call for unification in order to build a "complete socialist society".

Kriminalbetjent Sergent Johnson har været ansat hos den britiske politistyrke i 20 år. Gennem årene har de talrige mord, voldtægter og anden alvorlig kriminalitet har sat sine spor på hans sjæl. Hans vrede og aggressioner har været undertrykt i årevis, men under et forhør af den mistænkte Baxter kommer de pludselig op til overfladen. Under forhøret overfalder Johnson Baxter på yderst voldsom vis og afslører derved, at hans egen psykiske tilstand sikkert er i lige så ilde stand, som de forbrydere, han i årevis har bekæmpet.

The united town of sheep and wolves lives a peaceful and quiet life until two unexpected guests turn up - a polar fox and a tiny ewe. No one ever expected them to bring a deadly danger, which can be overcome only if they work together. Only teamwork can solve big problems and deal with serious challenges - as there is strength in unity.

Taking place in real time, elementary school teacher Emily organizes a mixer of like-minded women, but an altercation between a woman from Emily’s past and the group leads to a volatile chain of events.

15 one-minute shorts created by various people from Japan's animation industry. The title of the collection, Ani*Kuri15, is abbreviated from the words "anime" and "creators".

A Russian teen turns the tables on her fashion photographer. Suddenly he doesn't like being the one on camera!