Abans de conèixer l'aspirant a actriu Cathy Seldon, l?ídol del cinema mut Don Lockwood pensava que ho tenia tot; fama, fortuna i èxit. Però, després de conèixer-la, s'adona que ella és el que realment faltava a la seva vida. Amb el naixement del cinema sonor, Don vol filmar els musicals amb Kathy, però entre tots dos s'interposa la reina del cinema mut Lina Lamont.

Arguably the most controversial figure to ever step foot in the industry, Eric Bischoff is responsible for some of the most revolutionary moments in sports-entertainment history. From creating the nWo, to battling WWE as the figurehead of WCW during The Monday Night War, to being one of the most hated personalities in both WCW and WWE, Eric Bischoff knew how to get under his rivals' skin while creating his own in-your-face brand of controversy. Relive all of Eric Bischoff's greatest moments, hear stories from the man himself and see why he was appropriately name "The King of Controversy."

Durant la visita a la germana petita de la Vilma, la Madelyn, que estudia a l'acadèmia de màgia d'en Whirlen Merlin, en Shaggy, l'Scooby-Doo i tota la colla s'hauran d'enfrontar a molt més que un conill que surt d'un barret. Un ambiciós magnat dels gelats vol comprar el castell on hi ha l'acadèmia, on es passegen un esperit que fa posar els pèls de punta a tots, i el griu, un ésser mitològic meitat drac meitat lleó, que sembla molt real. En Shaggy, l'Scooby, la Daphne, en Fred i la Vilma aprendran els trucs per descobrir tots els secrets i salvar l'acadèmia.

Two women, black and white, in 1955 Montgomery Alabama, must decide what they are going to do in response to the famous bus boycott led by Martin Luther King.

A New Mexico cattle man and his strong-willed daughter clash over land and love.

Durant les vacances a Austràlia, l'Scooby-Doo i els seus amics assisteixen a un festival de música celebrat en un lloc anomenat La roca del vampir. Però la diversió perilla quan la colla s'assabenta que una llegendària criatura australiana, el Yowie Yahoo, està segrestant els participants del concert i convertint-los en vampirs. Fent-se passar per una banda de rock dur per investigar el misteri, l'Scooby-Doo i la seva banda s'hauran d'enfrontar a un trio de músics vampirs si volen revelar l'estrany misteri que envolta la llegenda del vampir.

Drama basat en la història real de Tom Murtom, el director de presons que va commocionar el món polític d'Arkansas en destapar els escandalosos abusos i assassinats que van tenir lloc a la presó estatal. Abans de presentar-se com el nou alcaide, Brubaker es fa passar per un pres nouvingut, gràcies a això descobreix que la situació a la presó és de corrupció endèmica. Els seus esforços per reformar i sanejar el sistema el col·loquen en una situació molt perillosa, sobretot quan insisteix a investigar una sèrie d'assassinats que es van cometre uns anys abans.

A woman named Emily checks into a hotel and offers the bellboy $2000 to temporarily marry her. We soon find out Emily is the caretaker of a wheelchair-bound mute named Helga, who was the childhood guardian of a pair of siblings: Miriam Webster and her half-brother, Warren, who is about to inherit the estate of their late father. Who is the mysterious Emily and what are her intentions?

El ranxo familiar de Catherine Cat Balou (Jane Fonda) es veu amenaçat per la imminent arribada del ferrocarril. La jove mestra d'escola, entossudida a conservar les arrels, busca l'ajuda de Kid Shelleen (Lee Marvin), però descobreix que és el pistoler més borratxo de tot l'Oest. Quan el seu pare mor assassinat per matons a sou de la companyia del ferrocarril, ella jura venjar-se.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

Ottone, a professional dog sitter who's uncertain about most things in life, asks an analyst if he made the right decision love-wise while recounting the significant relationships he had with four women.

Brad is about to hook up with the girl of his dreams, but runs into a problem, no condom. So Brad sets out into the night to find one, running into many obstacles along the way, while not knowing his best friend, Leah is in love with him.

A la turbulenta frontera entre Mèxic i Texas, un home viu situacions ben diverses segons estigui en un costat o en un altre. Comença a Mèxic traficant armes per un tirà local, després passa a Texas per ser un rànger al servei de la llei, torna a Mèxic a la feina anterior, i retorna a Texas a recollir la dona d'un amic, mort pels indis.

David Charleston, once a world renowned journalist, now lives alone maintaining the Thunder Rock lighthouse in Lake Michigan. He doesn't cash his paychecks and has no contact other than the monthly inspector's visit. When alone, he imagines conversations with those who died when a 19th century packet ship with some 60 passengers sank. He imagines their lives, their problems, their fears and their hopes. In one of these conversations, he recalls his own efforts in the 1930s when he desperately tried to convince first his editors, and later the public, of the dangers of fascism and the inevitability of war. Few would listen. One of the passengers, a spinster, tells her story of seeking independence from a world dominated by men. There's also the case of a doctor who is banished for using unacceptable methods. David has given up on life, but the imaginary passengers give him hope for the future.

Fa dos anys que Jesse va ajudar l'orca Willy a ser lliure. Ara Jesse viu amb els seus pares adoptius, però quan s'assabenta que la seva mare biològica ha mort, farà un viatge durant el qual es retrobarà amb Willy i amb el seu vell amic Randolph.

En un institut catòlic, una de les noies més populars (Mischa Barton) fa equip amb un novell reporter per investigar el cas del robatori d'un examen.

Snow White asks the seven dwarfs for help, because if they don't manage to find out the name of a little boy (Rumpelstiltskin) within two days, her newborn child will be taken away from her. The journey takes the dwarves to a depressive, rhyming Pinocchio and the omniscient wizard Helge, among others, and all the way to the world of humans.

Calvin Wheeler is a scheming 13-year-old boy with everything going for him, except for an original issue of his precious comic book collection. When a prized show-dog chases him down while skateboarding one day, his owner inadvertently convinces him to adopt and train a dog of his own. However the only one available, is an uncouth stray Labrador/St. Bernard-mix named Tyko from a local animal shelter, who proves to be more than anybody can handle.

A 12-year-old orphan who has just inherited a fortune is trapped on an island with his uncle, a former British intelligence commander who intends to kill him. A young girl is the boy's only ally against the sarcastic uncle, who uses hypnotism, a pool of sharks, fire, and poisonous mushrooms as weapons.

The life of a young computer systems analyst is thrown into turmoil after arriving in Istanbul to start a new job. She soon finds her passport missing, her credit cards useless, her bank account empty and her identity stolen. As the story progresses we find people and events may not be what they seem.