In 1965 Mexico City, Flavia, a wealthy yet lonely schoolgirl, befriends Veronica, a young orphan girl who has a fascination with witchcraft. Veronica convinces Flavia that she is a real witch and forces her to be her assistant. The children's games gradually become more serious and Veronica demands more from Flavia.

Durant la Primera Guerra Mundial, un capità de vaixell amb tendència a la beguda i una estirada missionera remunten un riu en una ruïnosa embarcació, a través de la selva, fugint de les tropes alemanyes. Ambdós són completament diferents, però hauran d'ajudar-se mútuament per salvar les seves vides.

El detectiu Mike Hammer recull a la carretera, en plena nit, una noia que fuig d'un perill mortal. Poc després són interceptats pels assetjadors, uns despietats matons que, després de torturar i matar la noia i enganxar una pallissa al dur detectiu, els llancen per un precipici. Hammer aconsegueix sortir indemne, i es dedicarà a investigar aquest misteriós cas.

A busload of women become stranded in an isolated part of the Canadian countryside. As they await rescue, they reflect on their lives through a mostly ad-libbed script.

Estat de Washington, 1902. Un tafur de fosc passat a qui anomenen McCabe arriba a un llogaret miner de mala mort entremig de les muntanyes. Amb els guanys del joc i la seva traça per als negocis aviat prospera a la petita comunitat. Malgrat tot, quan munta una casa de barrets per pal·liar la manca de dones, necessita el suport i l'experiència d'una professional del ram com la senyora Miller. Entre tots dos aconsegueixen que el nou bordell sigui el més reputat de la regió, un fet que atrau l'atenció d'inversors sense escrúpols.

In 1910, a stage actress re-visits her husband and children she deserted ten years ago.

Res és el que sembla a la mansió anglesa de Godsford Park, i el que comença com una tranquil·la reunió de cap de setmana per a una partida de caça convocada per Sir William McCordle i la seva esposa es transforma en un niu d'escurçons on algú serà assassinat. El grup de sospitosos és tan eclèctic com la reunió, i tant els nobles del pis de dalt com els plebeus de la part de baix semblen tenir alguna cosa a amagar.

Teenagers living in small-town Oregon take a boat trip for a birthday celebration. When they get an idea to play a mean trick on the town bully, it suddenly goes too far. Soon they're forced to deal with the unexpected consequences of their actions.

In 1940 Kenya as their country prepares for war, the local aristocratic social set lives a decadent, self-indulgent lifestyle, that leads to murder. The same events were also dramatised in the feature film White Mischief, which was released seven months after the first transmission of The Happy Valley.

Bill Denny és (George Segal) un escriptor que es pren el joc molt seriosament. Charlie Waters (Elliot Gould) és un personatge despreocupat que anteposa el joc a tota la resta. Guanyin o perdin (i solen perdre), Denny i Waters reaccionen de manera diferent. Quan tots dos arriben a conèixer-se en un garito de Los Angeles, les seves contrastades personalitats encaixen a la perfecció, i de comú acord es constitueixen en equip disposats a anar a totes.

Three criminals escape from prison and embark on a robbery spree across USA. Along the way, one of them falls in love while they plan a final heist before going their separate ways.

Frances Austen, a young, wealthy spinster, invites a mute teenager into her apartment after finding him freezing in the park next to where she lives. Despite her best efforts, their lack of communication only increases her sense of loneliness, as her possessiveness spirals into frightening new realms.

Fleeing from his enemies in the Catholic Church, the free thinking philosopher, poet and scientist Giordano Bruno has found some protection in Venice. But the Roman Inquisition, fearing his influence in Europe, wants to bring him on trial for 'heresy'.

A pair of kidnappings expose the complex power dynamics within the corrupt and unpredictable workings of 1930s Kansas City.

Meet Adrien! He's 35. He's stuck in a mid-life crisis. He's neurotic and hypochondriac. Tonight he's stuck in an endless family dinner and his girlfriend is not answering his texts. On top of that, his dumb brother-in-law asks him to prepare a speech for his wedding. Could it get even worse?

Federal agent Alexandra Barnes believes that Catherine Petersen is a serial killer who marries rich men and then murders them for their money. But since Catherine is seemingly a master of disguise and has multiple identities, Alexandra can't prove anything with conventional detective work. With no other option, she goes undercover, pursuing the same man as Catherine, and hoping that Catherine will slip up and reveal her true identity.

En ocasió de l'inici del rodatge d'una pel·lícula en un castell, s'hi organitza una festa. Una noia de la regió beu una copa de xampany amb el seu ídol, l'actriu Marina Gregg, i mor enverinada. Scotland Yard hi envia un detectiu per investigar el cas i dedueix que la copa anava destinada a l'actriu. Però es produeix un altre assassinat, el de la secretària de producció. Miss Marple, la tia del detectiu, sense moure's de casa, l'ajudarà a resoldre el misteri.

Tommaso and Arturo are on the run in a remote forest. They hunt for food, trying to survive and find their way through the lush nature. It’s quiet, almost peaceful, until the sound of gunshots… Many years later, this forest has a wolf problem. It’s here where Ariane discovers a strange hole in the ground. Could she be the woman referred to in the valley’s legends?

After the Norris family's son goes missing at a run down local amusement park, they take jobs there in an effort to uncover what happened to him and meet a cadre of unsettling characters.

Leah's grief over her toddler's death turns into paranoia when she begins to suspect her neighbours are part of a satanic cult.