Record-shattering Korean girl band BLACKPINK tell their story — and detail the hard fought journey of the dreams and trials behind their meteoric rise.

Tough Enough, is a 400 meter climbing route in the Tsaranoro Valley in Madagascar. This film shows the first climb by Arnaud Petit, Stéphanie Bodet, Sylvain Millet and Laurent Triay of this route in 2008.

Revered sushi chef Jiro Ono strives for perfection in his work, while his eldest son, Yoshikazu, has trouble living up to his father's legacy.

To some, the ocean is a fearsome place. But to others, it’s a limitless world of fun, freedom and opportunity where life can be lived to the full. A new documentary presented by Patagonia and directed by Keith Malloy, Fishpeople tells the stories of a unique cast of characters who have dedicated their lives to the sea. From surfers and spearfishers to a long-distance swimmer, a former coal miner and a group of at-risk kids, it’s a film about the transformative effects of time spent in the ocean—and how we can leave our limitations behind to find deeper meaning in the saltwater wilderness that lies just beyond the shore.

After his show That remains my joy! Alexandre Astier returns to the stage ventures where we do not expect it and raises the question of extraterrestrial life.

Espanya, 2003. Un descobriment accidental porta Clarence a viatjar des de les muntanyes nevades d'Osca a Guinea Equatorial, per visitar la terra on el seu pare Jacobo i el seu oncle Kilian van passar la major part de la seva joventut, l'illa de Fernando Poo.

Meru is the electrifying story of three elite American climbers—Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, and Renan Ozturk—bent on achieving the impossible.

Irish Commandant Pat Quinlan leads a stand off with troops against French and Belgian Mercenaries in the Congo during the early 1960s.

L'any 1953, Stan Laurel i Oliver Hardy, els dos comediants que anys enrere havien tingut un gran èxit arreu del món amb les seves pel·lícules, s'embarquen en una gira per teatres de varietats a la Gran Bretanya de postguerra. Ja grans, i havent deixat enrere la seva època daurada com a reis de la comèdia de Hollywood, s'enfronten a un futur incert. Al principi, actuen en teatres mig buits, però van connectant cada vegada més amb el públic i acaben omplint un gran teatre de Londres. La gira acaba convertint-se en un èxit, però arriba un moment que els greuges del passat, enterrats durant molt de temps, juntament amb la mala salut de l'Oliver, comencen a amenaçar la seva col·laboració i la seva amistat.

David Wozniak is a perpetual adolescent who discovers that, as a sperm donor, he has fathered 533 children. He is advised that more than 100 of his offspring are trying to force the fertility clinic to reveal the true identity of "Starbuck," the pseudonym he used when donating his sperm. To make matters worse, his girlfriend Valérie is pregnant with his child, but doesn't feel that he is mature enough to be a father.

Els nens d'un orfenat passen tanta gana que, desesperats, decideixen que un d'ells parli de l'assumpte al director. El triat és Oliver Twist, que serà expulsat del centre i ofert com a aprenent a qui el vulgui contractar. Després de netejar xemeneies i treballar com a ajudant d'un enterrador, l'Oliver s'escapa i arriba a Londres. A les afores de la ciutat, cansat i famolenc, coneix a l'Artful Dodger, que li ofereix allotjament. Des de llavors es veurà obligat a treballar per al malvat Fagin que dirigeix una banda de nois carteristes.

A brother's journey to unravel the truth about the mythic death and little known life of Kitty Genovese, who was reportedly murdered in front of 38 witnesses and has become the face of urban apathy.

This exploration of Japan's fascination with girl bands and their music follows an aspiring pop singer and her fans, delving into the cultural obsession with young female sexuality and the growing disconnect between men and women in hypermodern societies.

The Xbox Originals documentary that chronicles the fall of the Atari Corporation through the lens of one of the biggest mysteries of all time, dubbed “The Great Video Game Burial of 1983.” Rumor claims that millions of returned and unsold E.T. cartridges were buried in the desert, but what really happened there?

A timid and socially alienated 17-year-old high school student's life is turned upside down when she switches places with her sinister mirror image.

Cinc dies abans de Nadal, Isaïes, un nen groenlandès de sis anys, és trobat mort a la neu per Smila, la seva protectora. Davant la indiferència i l'hostilitat de la policia, Smila emprèn pel seu compte la investigació sobre la mort misteriosa del noi.

Oohen Leth és un excèntric geni dels ordinadors que viu en un món corporatiu controlat per una fosca figura anomenada "Direcció". Reclòs a l'interior d'una capella en ruïnes, Oohen treballa en la solució a un teorema estrany, un projecte que podria descobrir la veritat sobre la seva ànima i el significat de l'existència (o la seva manca) d'una vegada per totes.

After one of his class papers is stolen and turned into a movie, a young student and his best friend exact a hilarious, slapstick revenge on the Hollywood hot shot who has taken credit!

During an NBA lockout, a sports agent, Ray Burke, presents his rookie client, Erick Scott, with an intriguing and controversial business opportunity.

Lifelong friends stumble back home after high school when word goes out on Facebook that the most popular among them has died. Old girlfriends, boyfriends, new lovers, parents, your first dead friend - how do people deal? The reunion stirs up sticky feelings of love, longing and regret, and the novelty of forgiveness, mortality and gratitude.