
イタリア映画界が生み出した早熟の天才監督として世界中から注目を浴びていた、当時まだ29歳のベルトルッチ監督(「ラストエンペラー」)が、A・モラヴィアの原作を鮮烈なタッチで映画化。忌まわしい過去の悪夢を葬るため、ファシズムに追従して生きる道を選んだ主人公の運命を、光と影、色彩の綾をなす官能的な映像美を通し、全編スタイリッシュに描写。撮影の名手V・ストラーロの絶妙のカメラワーク、主演のJ=L・トランティニャン(「愛、アムール」)の熱演、若きD・サンダのクールビューティーぶりも必見。 13歳の時、友人にいじめられているところを救ってくれた同性愛者の青年に拳銃を発射して逃げ去るという体験をして以来、罪の意識を抱いて大人に成長したマルチェロ。哲学講師となった彼は、けっして異端者になるまいと決め、祖国のファシズム体制に付き従い、プチブルの娘ジュリアと婚約を交わして平穏に過ごすが、ファシスト党から、かつての恩師でパリに亡命したクアドリ教授ら反ファシスト組織の動きを探るよう命じられ……。


Bart Tare is an ex-Army man who has a lifelong fixation with guns, he meets a kindred spirit in sharpshooter Annie Starr and goes to work at a carnival. After upsetting the carnival owner who lusts after Starr, they both get fired. Soon, on Starr's behest, they embark on a crime spree for cash.

室町の京の都、猿楽の一座に生まれた異形の子、犬王。周囲に疎まれ、その顔は瓢箪の面で隠された。 ある日犬王は、平家の呪いで盲目になった琵琶法師の少年・友魚と出会う。名よりも先に、歌と舞を交わす二人。 友魚は琵琶の弦を弾き、犬王は足を踏み鳴らす。一瞬にして拡がる、二人だけの呼吸、二人だけの世界。 「ここから始まるんだ俺たちは!」 壮絶な運命すら楽しみ、力強い舞で自らの人生を切り拓く犬王。呪いの真相を求め、琵琶を掻き鳴らし異界と共振する友魚。乱世を生き抜くためのバディとなった二人は、お互いの才能を開花させ、唯一無二のエンターテイナーとして人々を熱狂させていく。頂点を極めた二人を待ち受けるものとは――? 歴史に隠された実在の能楽師=ポップスター・犬王と友魚から生まれた、時を超えた友情の物語

Monika from Stockholm falls in love with Harry, a young man on holiday. When she becomes pregnant they are forced into a marriage, which begins to fall apart soon after they take up residence in a cramped little flat.

On the eve of his wedding, on holiday on the Lake Annecy shore, a career diplomat visits an old acquaintance, perhaps a former girlfriend. Through her he meets an intense teenager, Laura, and then lusts after her sister, Claire. Whilst Laura attempts to flirt with him, his fantasy becomes focused on wanting to caress Claire's knee.

The owner of a seedy small-town Texas bar discovers that one of his employees is having an affair with his wife. A chaotic chain of misunderstandings, lies and mischief ensues after he devises a plot to have them murdered.

Follows a young cyclo driver on his poverty-driven descent into criminality in modern-day Ho Chi Minh City. The boy's struggles to scratch out a living for his two sisters and grandfather in the mean streets of the city lead to petty crime on behalf of a mysterious Madame from whom he rents his cyclo.

「抵抗(レジスタンス) 死刑囚の手記より」「少女ムシェット」などの名作を残したフランスの名匠ロベール・ブレッソン監督が、ロシアの文豪トルストイの原作をもとに、偶然手にしてしまったニセ札を知らずに使ってしまったことから、一家惨殺事件を引き起こし転落していく人生を歩む青年イボンの姿を描いた。

Claiming that he doesn't know his own past, a rich man enlists an ex-con with an odd bit of detective work. Gregory Arkadin says he can't remember anything before the late 1920s, and convict Guy Van Stratten is happy to take the job of exploring his new acquaintance's life story. Guy's research turns up stunning details about his employer's past, and as his work seems linked to untimely deaths, the mystery surrounding Mr. Arkadin deepens.


The world is a mysterious place when seen through the eyes of an animal. EO, a grey donkey with melancholic eyes, meets good and bad people on his life’s path, experiences joy and pain, endures the wheel of fortune randomly turn his luck into disaster and his despair into unexpected bliss. But not even for a moment does he lose his innocence.

After escaping unscathed from a car accident, photo model Simone decides that having a baby is the only way to give her vacant life some meaning. She asks her best friend Philippe to get her pregnant, and he reluctantly agrees, on the condition that they conceive somewhere in a desert, so they leave Montréal on a 24-hour round-trip to Salt Lake City to find a suitable spot.


Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.

Massimo Sisti is a reputable professional with a nice house, a happy marriage, and two loving daughters, whose life is turned upside down when one day he finds a little girl tied up in his basement.

The Invisible Man's grandson uses his secret formula to spy on Nazi Germany in this comedy-thriller.

When a grandmother falls for a cheeky suitor with dubious intentions, her family devises a secret plan to protect her life — and their inheritance.

またもルガシュ王国から宝石「ピンクの豹」が盗まれた! クルーゾーは“ファントム"ことチャールズ卿の仕業とにらみ勝手にロンドンへ飛ぶが、ドレフュスの指令で今度は中東へ。だが、クルーゾーが乗った飛行機が行方不明になってしまう。国民的英雄を悼むテレビ局は美人レポーターを派遣し、クルーゾーゆかりの人々を取材する。チャールズ卿やその妻におさまった元クルーゾー夫人のシモーヌ、助手のケイトー、部下のエルキュールらが思い出を語る。レポーターはクルーゾーの父が住むワイン畑を訪れるが……。