Shaggy and Scooby-Doo quit their Saturday morning TV series in pursuit of Hollywood stardom.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Windstorm again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Windstorm, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Windstorm distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?

Everybody needs some alone time to relax and wash up, but things go quite differently when you’re a Flora Colossi toddler.

Durant les vacances a Austràlia, l'Scooby-Doo i els seus amics assisteixen a un festival de música celebrat en un lloc anomenat La roca del vampir. Però la diversió perilla quan la colla s'assabenta que una llegendària criatura australiana, el Yowie Yahoo, està segrestant els participants del concert i convertint-los en vampirs. Fent-se passar per una banda de rock dur per investigar el misteri, l'Scooby-Doo i la seva banda s'hauran d'enfrontar a un trio de músics vampirs si volen revelar l'estrany misteri que envolta la llegenda del vampir.

Quan el professor Marchand, un cèlebre científic, desapareix misteriosament, el comissari Juve sospita immediatament de Fantomas. Mentrestant, el periodista Fandon es fa passar per Lefèvre, l'ajudant de Marchand, i és capturat per Fantomas. Però també Juve cau al parany que el criminal, disfressat de Lefèvre, li ha estès. Fantomes es proposa posar fi als seus presoners durant un congrés científic que se celebra a Roma.

El Sr. Septime dirigeix ​​el seu luxós restaurant amb una disciplina gairebé militar. La visita d'un Cap d'Estat sud-americà farà que l'hotel es mobilitzi en honor seu, i decideixen preparen un plat especial per a ell: la "Piràmide al Septime". Al moment de l'aparició del plat, el President Novalés desapareix. Septime es troba llavors en una situació delicada: el comissari sospita d'ell, i és assetjat pel secretari del president.

Ron Burgundy és el presentador de notícies més famós de San Diego als anys setanta. Quan s'assabenta que Veronica Corningstone, una reportera feminista i ambiciosa, hi treballarà, Ron està d'acord mentre la nova s'ocupi de les exposicions de gats, cuina i altres especialitats "femenines". Però Veronica no està disposada a ser un gerro: vol asseure's darrere de la taula del presentador. A partir d'aquell moment, ja no és un enfrontament, sinó una guerra oberta entre tots dos.

A little girl named Star lives with a lighthouse keeper who rescued her when her parents drowned. A truant officer decides she should go to boarding school but she's rescued by relatives.

To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend, an influencer attempts to transform an unpopular classmate into prom king.

Dimples Appleby lives with her pick-pocket grandfather in 19th century New York City. She entertains the crowds while he works his racket. A rich lady makes it possible for the girl to go legit.

Gairebé és Nadal i el més important per l'Ashley Harrison és anar a passar el Nadal amb la seva mare a Seattle, però a l'aeroport es troba que no pot agafar el vol que havia previst. Intenta llogar un cotxe però un desconegut li passa davant i lloga l'últim vehicle disponible en tot l'aeroport. Desesperada per arribar a temps a Seattle, accepta l'oferta de compartir cotxe i despeses de viatge amb ell. Durant l'accidentat viatge de dos dies, els passen mil aventures i tenen l'oportunitat de coneixes una mica millor. Mentrestant, l'Ashley no ho sap però uns agents de l'FBI la segueixen de molt a prop perquè l'han pres per una terrorista que podria posar en perill la seguretat nacional.

Katie, a college freshman, has been groomed from birth to continue her mother’s legacy with the Deltas. When Katie decides to pledge another house instead, an all-out sorority war commences.

A four-member teen girl group named the Cheetah Girls go to a Manhattan High School for the Performing Arts and try to become the first freshmen to win the talent show in the school's history. During the talent show auditions, they meet a big-time producer named Jackal Johnson, who tries to make the group into superstars, but the girls run into many problems.

Three young friends, Tita, Mari and Aninha decide to change their situations and travel to a beach place for a weekend. On the road, they meet Estrella, a hippie that wants a hide to try to find her unknown father. Together, they will live hilarious, absurd and moving situations. More than a change the air, they change themselves.

Isobel Gray plans a storybook Christmas with her boyfriend, including a snow-covered cottage in the Northwest, and a carefully composed bucket list of classic holiday traditions. But when the boyfriend goes AWOL, the list proves challenging and a tempting new romance turns her life upside down. Will Isobel have a White Christmas ending under the mistletoe?

El propietari d?un club nocturn adquireix una estranya escultura que conté una caixa que sembla un puzle. Quan aconsegueix resoldre el puzle, l'ataquen uns éssers sobrenaturals, els cenobites.

When a single mother and her two young children are tormented by an increasingly strange and intense presence in their quiet suburban home, she turns to her scientist boyfriend to take on the violent forces that paranormal experts are too frightened to face.

A schoolteacher helps his friend Dora by getting his students to help him to make a radio commercial.

After the Club Med and skiing, what happened to the Bronzés 27 years later? Early response: the same, and worse.